July - August 1996
July - August 1996, Vol 27 no 4
Title Page number(s)
Famous Mineral Localities: The Higher Pitts Mine, Mendip Hills, Somerset, England
Peter S. Burr
245- 259
The Engineer Mine, Tagish Lake, British Columbia
Mark H.F. Mauthner, Lee A. Groat, Mati Raudsepp
263- 273
Famous Mineral Localities: The Río Tinto Mines, Huelva, Spain
Gonzalo Garcia Garcia
275- 285
Pumpellyite and Clinozoisite from the McKinney Mine, Spruce Pine District, North Carolina
Keith Y. Wood, Richard N. Abbott, Jr.
289- 290
Calcioaravaipaite, a New Mineral, and Associated Lead Fluoride Minerals from the Grand Reef Mine, Graham County, Arizona
Eugene E. Foord, Anthony R. Kampf
293- 300
Notes From the Editor
Mineral cases (II)
Wendell E. Wilson
Died, Robert (Bob) James Sullivan, 77
Wendell E. Wilson
Died, Erberto Tealdi, 61
Renato Pagano
242- 243
Wendell E. Wilson
Abstracts of New Mineral Descriptions (Department)
Joseph A. Mandarino
301- 306
Book Reviews (Department)
Minerals of New Mexico by Stuart A. Northrup, third edition revised and abridged by Florence A. LaBruzza
Wendell E. Wilson
Rocks from Space: Meteorites and Meteorite Hunters by O. Richard Norton
Quintin Wight
309- 310
A Collector's Guide to Rock, Mineral, & Fossil Localities of Utah by James R. Wilson
Wendell E. Wilson
Eine Sammlung Erzählt by Otto Fitz
Wendell E. Wilson
Val Vigezzo: i minerali delle albititi by V. Mattioli, R. Appiani, V. Cini, P. Gentile, D. Preite and P. Vignola
Michael O'Donoghue
Letters (Department)
311- 314