The following essays were published in the Roaring Tiger Newsletter of the Ko-Sho Shuri-ryu dojo in Tucson, Arizona, between 1994 and 1998.I. PREFACEII. HISTORYThe Nature of StyleStyles of Kung-FuThe Origin of Kara TeBu and BudoDo vs. JutsuBiography - BodhidharmaBiography - Choki MotobuBiography - Tung Gee HsingBiography - Robert A. TriasBiography - Lend McCasterIII. TRAININGDojo EtiquettePractice Like You PlayHeat and ColdThe KamizaTsuneHow to Stay in KarateNo lounging on the matIV. KARATE RANKSThe History of Karate Belts and RanksBlack Belt Ranks and TitlesHow to Tie the Karate BeltV. KIDS IN KARATEParental SupportKids and SparringVII. KIMEKime in KarateVIII. KATAThe FreezeThe Decelerating MoveSnap in Kata PerformanceBoredom and RepetitionKata Performance TipsCommon Problems in Kata PracticeIX. WEAPONSKobudo - The Weapons of KarateZen KobudoYamanni-Ru Bo KatasX. SPARRINGMushin and ZanshinPressure Point FightingInjury EtiquetteKoshiki FightingSparring TipsXI. TOURNAMENTSThe Exciting History of Karate TournamentsWUKO Tournament KatasThe Value of Tournament ExperienceTournament LuckJudging BiasYour Uniform - Whiteness Counts!XII. JAPANESE IN THE DOJOPronouncing JapaneseOss, The Karate Greeting HaiPolite Words in JapaneseWakarimasu, I understandOnegaishimasu, Please teach me FollowFollowFollowFollow