For the mineral collector there is no place like Arizona. Mineral Collections in Arizona-II is the second lavishly illustrated description of both public and private mineral collections in the state, with well over 550 specimens pictured. Included are: Notes on how wulfenite became the official state mineral, collections of members of the Mineralogical Society of Arizona and the Flagg Mineral Foundation, the Pima Geology Museum, and biographical notes about the 70 participants including 7 of “Arizona’s Young Mineral Collectors,” all of whom are letting us have a look at their favorite specimens. This publication is a unique and beautiful record of hundreds of fine mineral specimens rarely, if ever, seen by the public.
Mineral Collections in Arizona-II is a supplement to the January-February 2020 issue, “Arizona-VII.” The previous Mineral Collections in Arizona was a supplement to the May-June 2013 issue.