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YATES, Lorenzo Gordin.

(1837 – 1909)

(Born: England, 8 January 1837; Died: Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A., 1909) English dentist, naturalist & author.

Emigrated to America in 1853. Yates began practice of medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, and in 1863 he moved to California. There he became head of scientific department of the Froebel Institute of Los Angeles. He also cataloged and prepared a "guide" for Golden Gate Park Museum of San Francisco. President of Santa Barbara Society of Natural History and a member of the Geological Society of America. He formed several collections during his lifetime. The first was sold to Wabash College, Indiana. Another which included 6000 specimens of fossils was used in instruction at Stanford University.

Biographical references: ABA: I 1797, 141-143. Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography. WBI. Who Was Who in America: 1, ??. Who's Who in America, 1899-1909.

1. English, 1886 [Collection catalog].
[Contained within an ornate border:] Catalogue | Of | Minerals | In | Lorenzo G. Yates' Collection, | Santa Barbara, Cal. | [rule] | Santa Barbara, Cal. | 1886.

8°: [2], 71, [1] p.

Rare. Yates built a large collection of natural history objects for which he published separate catalogs of the mineral, fossil and shell collections in 1885-1886. The mineral collection catalog lists 1,674 specimens with localities and occasional descriptive information. He had a wide range of specimens including gold from Colorado and California, lead minerals from Pennsylvania, arsenates from Mexico, and wulfenite from Arizona.

Related work: Catalogue of Fossils in Lorenzo G. Yates' collection, Santa Barbara, Cal. Santa Barbara, Cal., [L.G. Yates?], 1886. (8°: 36 p.; DSI QE716 .Y32 1886).

Bibliographical references: NUC. USGS Library Catalog.
