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WEIGEL, Christian Ehrenfried.

(1748 – 1831)

(Born: Staslund, Germany, 24 May 1748; Died: Greifswald, Germany, 8 August 1831) German physician & chemist.

Weigel had his early education at private school in Stralsund. In 1764 he matriculated at the University of Greifswald. From 1775 onwards, Weigel was professor of botany and chemistry at the University of Greifswald. He was the inventor of the counter current cooler (Liebig cooler). Weigel wrote and translated mostly on chemical subjects.

Biographical references: ADB: 41, 464. Anslemino, O., "Nachrichten von früherer Lehrern der Chemie and er Universität Greifswald", Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Neu-Vorpommern und Rugen in Greifswald, 38, (1906), 117-30. DBA: I 1341, 359-377; 1341, 383-389. DBE: 10, 385-6. Drugulin, Sechstausend Portraits, 1863: no. 5821. DSB: 14, 224-5 [by K. Hufbauer]. Neuer Nekrolog der Deutschen: 9 (1831), 699-705 [obituary]. Partington, History of Chemistry, 1961-70: 3, 594-5. Poggendorff: 2, col. 1283. Valentin, J., "Die Entwicklung der pharmazeutischen Chemie an der Ernst Moritz Arndt-Universität in Greifswald", in: Festschrift zur 500-Jahrfeier der Universität Greifswald, 2, (Greifswald, 1956), 472-5. WBI. World Who's Who in Science: 1772.

1. Latin, 1771-3.
Observationes | Chemicae | Et | Mineralogicae | [double rule] | Qvas | Inclyti Ordinis Medici | Consensv | In Academia Georgia Avgvsta | Pro Gradv Doctoris | Legitime Impetrando | Pvblice Defendet | Avctor | Christianvs Ehrenfried Weigel, | Svndensis Pomeranvs. | [rule] | Die XXVII. Martii MDCCLXXI. | [ornate rule] | Goettingae, aere Dieterichiano.

[Title of part two reads:]

Observationes | Chemicae | Et | Mineralogicae. | Pars Secunda. | Auctore | Christian. Ehrenfr. Weigel | Medicinæ Doctore. | [ornament] | [rule] | Cum Tabulis Æneis. | Gryphiæ, | Apud Ant. Ferd. Röse. 1773.

2 parts. [Part 1: 1771] 4°: [6], 78, [4] p., one plate. [Part 2: 1773] 4°: 108 p., 2 plates.

Very rare. Part one was Weigel's dissertation presented to recieve his M.D. Part two had Johann Theodore Pyl as respondent.

Bibliographical references: BL [457.c.32.]. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 285. Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen: 1771, 385 [Part 1] & 1773, 440 [Part 2]. NUC: 653, 544 [NW 0156037].

2. German, 1779 [German transl.].
Chemisch=Mineralogische | Beobachtungen | [ornate rule] | von D. Christian Ehrenfried Weigel | [...5 lines of titles and memberships...] | aus dem Lateinischen übersetzt | und mit vielen Zusätzen | vermehrte | von | D. Johann Theodor Pyl | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | [rule] | Erster und zweyter Theil. | [rule] | Mit Kupfern. | [ornate rule] | Breslau | bey Willhelm Gottlieb Korn, 1779.

2 parts. [Part 1] 8°: *3 A-F8; 50l.; [6], [1]-92 p., frontispiece. [Part 2] 8°: A-L8 M5; 93l.; [2], [1]-182, [2] p., 2 folding plates (apparatus and furnaces).

Contents: [Part 1] [Frontispiece].; [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [4 pgs], "Vorrede | des Uebersetzers."-April 1779.; [1], Sectional title page, "Chemische | und | mineralogische | Beobachtungen | [ornate rule] | Erster Theil."; [2], Blank.; [3]-92, Text.; [2 pgs], "Inhalt | des ersten Theils."

[Part 2] [1], Sectional title page, "Chemische | und | mineralogische | Beobachtungen | [ornate rule] | Zweyter Theil."; [2], Blank.; [3]-176, Text.; 177-182, "Erklärung | der Kupferplatten."; [2 pgs], "Inhalt | des Zweyter Theils."; [At end], 2 plates.

Rare. Translation by Johann Theodor Pyl [see note below] of Observationes Chemicae et Mineralogicae (Göttingen, 1771-3).

Johann Theodor Pyl. (Born: Barth, Vorpommern (German), ??, 16 November 1749; Died: Berlin, Germany, 27 December 1794) German physician. German physician. Pyl studied under Wiegel at the University of Grifswald, receiving his medical degree in 1775. He moved to Berlin where he had a successful medical practice, being named city physican and advising the board of the cities medical college.

Bibliographical references: BL [970.i.5.]. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 285. Gothäische gelehrte Zeitungen: 1780, p. 402. Hoover Collection: no. 887. LKG: VI 52a. NUC: 653, 544 [NW 0156030]. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 2, 564. (Pyl) ADB. Baur, Allgemeines historisches Handwörterbuch, 1803. DBA: I 988, 42-58. Hirsch, Biographisches Lexikon, 1884-8: 4, 643 [by W. Pagel]. Hirsching, Historisch-literarisches Handbuch, 1794-1815. Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, Supplement. Meusel, Verstorbenen Teutschen Schrifsteller, 1802-16. WBI.

Beschreibung eines mineralogischen Taschen-Laboratoriums und insbesondere des Nutzens des Blaserohrs in der Mineralogie. Aus dem Schwedischen Übersetzt von Christian Ehrenfried Weigel. (Greifswald, 1774 and other editions).
See under: Engeström, Gustav Von.
