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WARD, Henry Augustus.

(1834 – 1906)

(Born: Rochester, New York, U.S.A., 9 March 1834; Died: Buffalo, New York, U.S.A., 4 July 1906) American naturalist & explorer.

Ward had an excellent mind and an adventurous nature, and his interests in natural science took him to Harvard and the Paris School of Mines. He began to collect geological specimens and soon was traveling from Europe to Africa, to visit many localities. He became especially interested in meteorites. Returning to Rochester In 1860, he taught natural science at the University of Rochester, until he founded in 1862 Ward's Natural Science Establishment, through which he marketed natural history specimens. This firm still exists till today. Ward died as the result of being struck by an automobile.

Biographical references: ABA: I 1682, 1-7, 337-339; II 652, 182. Adams, Dictionary of American Authors, 1904. Appleton Cyclopedia of American Biography. Cleevely, World Palæontological Collections, 1983: p. 302. DAB: 10, 421-2. Fairchild, H. le Roy. "Henry Augustus Ward," Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science, 5 (1919), 241-51, portrait. Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography. Internet search. Mineral Collector: 13 (Aug., 1906), portrait. Mineralogical Magazine: 14 (1907), 273-4. National Cyclopedia of American Biography. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 3, 2376. Science: N.S., 24 (1906), 153-4. Strong, A.H., "Henry A. Ward: Reminiscences and Appreciation, (1922)," Journal of the Society of the Bibliography of Natural History, 9 (1980), no. 4, 647-61. [Detailed account and references.]. Ward, Roswell, Henry A. Ward. Museum Builder to America by Roswell Ward. Rochester & New York, 1948. WBI. Who Was Who in America.

1. English, 1863.
Notice of the Ward cabinets of mineralogy and geology, lately presented to the University of Rochester. Rochester, N.Y., Book Press of Benton & Andrews, 1863.

8°: 44 p., frontispiece, illus. Yellow printed wraps.

Very rare. This interesting guide to a pioneering American museum of fossils, minerals and geological specimens was limited to a press run of 50 copies. It describes the resently donated Ward cabinets that filled fourteen rooms in the University of Rochester. All of the material of which these cabinets was composed, having been collected by Henry Ward. At the time it was considered one of the largest collections of its type in America.

Bibliographical references: BMC: 5, 2263. Meisel, American Natural History, 1924-9: 3, p. 319. NUC.

Catalogs of Minerals

2. English, 1878 [First edition].
Catalogue of minerals; in systematic collections, or as single specimens. Rochester, Ward's Natural History Establishment, 1878.


Very rare. This is the earliest catalog of minerals that has been traced and is therefore assigned as the first published by this old-time mineral dealer.

Bibliographical references: NUC. USGS Library Catalog.

3. English, 1880 [2nd edition].
Catalogue of Minerals, Second edition. Rochester (New York), Ward's National Science Establishment, 1880.

8°: 63 p., illus. Page size: 228 x 152 mm.

Very scarce. Lists all sorts of mineral collections available from this famous scientific supply house, including properties, crystal models, general mineral list, models of famous gems, gold nuggets, meteorites, etc.

Bibliographical references: NUC.

4. English, c1892 [3rd edition].
Catalogue of Minerals, in Systematic Collections, or as Single Specimens ... Rochester, [Printed by R.W. Lace] for Ward's, [c1892].

8°: viii, 159 p. Rare.

Bibliographical references: NUC.

5. English, c1940.
The Frank A. Ward Foundation of Natural Science of the University of Rochester, General Catalogue for Human Anatomy, Comparative Anatomy, Zoology, Entomology, Paleontology, Geology, Mineralogy. Rochester, Ward' Natural Science Establishment, Inc., n.d.

8°: 216 p. Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: NUC.

Catalogs of Rocks

6. English, 1902 [2nd edition].
Catalogue of a Genetic Collection of Rocks and Collection of Rock Forming Minerals. Rochester, Ward's Natural Science Establishment, 1902.

8°: v, [44] p. Rare.

Bibliographical references: NUC.

7. English, 1914.
Genetic Collection of Rocks and Collection of Rock-Forming Materials. Rochester, Ward's Natural Science Establishment, 1914.

8°: 43 p. Rare.

Bibliographical references: NUC.

8. English, 1892 [Collection catalog].
Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue of Meteorites. Rochester, N.Y., 1892.

8°: iv, 75 p., illus. Very rare.

Bibliographical references: BMC: 8, 1393.

Ward-Coonley Meteorite Collection

9. English, 1900.
The Ward-Coonley collection of meteorites. Chicago, 1900.

8°: iv, 100 p., 6 plates.

Rare. Henry Ward had been collecting meteorites for several decades, when in 1897 his wealthy wife Lydia Coonley Ward and the noted mineral collector Clarence Bement purchased a fine collection of meteorites. However, with in a short interval, Avery Coonley, Henry's stepson bought out Bement's interest. Henry was then given the authorization and resources to transform the accumulation into a major meteorite collection. Thus began the genesis of the Ward-Coonley collection, which formation is fully described by Burke (1986). By 1900 the collection numbered 424 specimens, and in April, 1901, Ward signed an agreement with the American Museum of Natural History in New York City for first right of refusal, although Ward had to pay for the transportation costs and arrange for display cabinets. There, the meteorites sat on display for years, but the museum did not exercise its option. After Ward's sudden death, his widow arranged for the collection's sale to the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, Illinois, where it formed the nucleus of their fine meteoritic holdings.

Bibliographical references: BMC: 8, 1393. Brown, Bibliography of Meteorites, 1953: no. ??. Burke, Cosmic Debris, 1986: p. 204-9. NUC. USGS Library Catalog.

10. English, 1901.
The Ward-Coonley collection of meteorites. Chicago, 1901.

8°: iv, 28 p., illus. Rare.

Bibliographical references: BMC: 8, 1393. Brown, Bibliography of Meteorites, 1953: no. ??. NUC. USGS Library Catalog.

11. English, 1904.
Catalogue of the Ward Coonley collection of meteorites. Chicago, [Marsh, Aitken & Curtis Co., Printers], 1904.

8°: xii, 113 p., frontispiece, 9 plates, illus. Rare.

Bibliographical references: BMC: 5, 2263. Brown, Bibliography of Meteorites, 1953: no. ??. NUC. USGS Library Catalog.
