WAD, Gregers.
(1755 – 1832)
Wad began his studies in theology, but switched to natural history and became a student of M.T. Brünnich. After graduation, he made several excursions throughout Europe. In 1803, after his return from Italy, Wad was appointed professor of natural history at the University of Copenhagen. Also In 1803, he took the job as the first professor at the Mineralogical Museum, Copenhagen.
Biographical references: Dansk Biografisk Haandleksikon: 3, 644. Dansk Biografisk Lexikon: 18, 146 [by V. Hintze]. Garboe, Geologiens Historie i Danmark, 1959-61: 1, 172-83, portrait, manuscript. Garboe, Axel., , "Grev Moltkes Universitetet tilhørende Mineralogiske Museum Greverne Moltke's Betydning far dansk geologi. Et 150 ärs minde", Meddelelser fra Dansk Geologisk Forening, 14, (1961), no. 4, 290-96, figs. 1-2. Poggendorff: 2, col. 1238. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 3, 2357. SBA: Scandinavian Biographical Archive: A-343, 16-22. Wad, G., Breve fra og til Gregers Wad, 1790-1812; udgivne af Adolphe Clément. København: H.H. Thieles Bogtrykkeri, 1928. [8], 108, [2], frontispiece, portraits. WBI.
1. Latin, 1794 [Collection catalog].
Fossilia Ægyptiaca | Musei Borgiani | Velitris | Descripsit | Gregorius Wad | Danus | Societatis privatae physicae Goettingensis | et Volscorum Veliternensis sodalis. | [double rule] | Velitris | MDCCLXXXXIIII.
4°: viii, 32 p.
Very scarce. This is a catalog of the ancient artifacts, fossils and minerals contained in the immense Egyptian collection of Cardinal Borgia, then housed in Rome and Velletri. The collections were founded in the early part of the 17th century by Cardinal Scipio Borgese [1734-1782], nephew of Pope Pius V. Using the classification methodology of Werner and Emmerling, Wad lists both natural specimens and gives accounts of ancient jewelry and precious and semi-precious stones cut from the material. The most valuable parts of the collection were confiscated by Napoleon, and moved to Paris, for which 15 million francs compensation was promised. However, it was never paid in full. A new collection was formed on the remnants of the original between 1820 and 1850 by the Princes Borghese. These collections are today in the Museo Borgiano, Rome, and in the National Museum, Naples.
Bibliographical references: Bibliotheca Danica: 2, col. 204. BL [B.353.(2.)]. LKG: XIV 885. Murray, Museums, 1904: 2, 128 & 129. NUC: 643, 628 [NW 0004509]. Personal communication [\AndreasMueller].
2. Latin, 1798.
Tabulae Synopticae | Terminorum | Systematis | Oryctognostici | Werneriani | Latine, Danice Et Germanice | Editae | A | Gregorio Wad | Professore Historiae Naturalis In Universitate Hafniensi, Sodali Academiae | Volscorum Velitris | Et Societatis Privatae Physicae Goettingensis. | [ornate rule] | Hafniae. | Apud Frideric Brummer, | 1798.
2°: π2 A-G2; 16l.; [4], [1]-25, [3] p. Page size: 400 x 245 mm. uncut.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso "Il faut se hâter, ..."; [2 pgs], Preface, dated November 1, 1797.; [1], "Characteres Fossilium | Externi Generici Universales."; 2-8, Text.; [9], "Characteres Fossilium | Solidorum | Externi Generici Particulares."; 10-25, Text.; [1 pg], "Characteres Fossilium | Friabilium | Externi Generici Particulares."; [1 pg], "Characteres Fossilium | Fluidorm | Externi Generici Particulares."; [1 pg], Blank.
Rare. An attempt to arrange systematically the mineralogical nomenclature of Wernerian theorists into a series of equivalents tables in the Latin, Danish, and German languages. The text consists of sections providing information about the terminology used for the external characters of minerals, crystal forms, physical and chemical properties.
Bibliographical references: BL [B.348.(5.)]. LKG: VII 5. NUC: 643, 628 [NW 0004511].