VOLTA, Giovanni Serafino.
(1764 – 1842)
Volta was an Abate and respected theologian. He was canon of the Imperial Basilica in Mantova and custodian of the natural history cabinet at the University of Pavia.
Biographical references: Lambrecht & Quenstedt, Catalogus, 1938: 447.
1. Italian, 1787.
Elementi | Di | Mineralogia | Analitica, E Sistematica | Dell' Abate | D. Serafino Volta | [...5 lines of tables and memberships...] | [rule] | [...3 lines of Latin quotation, signed T.O. Bergmann...] | [rule] | [ornate rule] | In Pavia MDCCLXXXVII. | [rule] | Appresso Pietro Galeazzi. | Con Appprovazione.
8°: a4 b8 A-R8 χ1; 149l.; [1]-296, [2] p. Page size: 212 x 148 mm. uncut.
Contents: [1-2], Title page, verso "Contemplationes Naturæ, …"; 3-4, "L'Editore | A Chi Legge."; 5-16, "Prefazione | Dell' Autore."; 17-24, "Tavola Sistematica | Della Materie."; 25-296, Text.; [1 pg], "Errori. Correzioni."; [1 pg], Blank.
Very scarce. In this descriptive mineralogy, the first 20 pages provide an introduction to the science of mineralogy, while the remainder of the text describes the species. References are provided to the works of Kirwan, Bergman, Lehmann, Cronstedt, Wallerius, etc.
Bibliographical references: BL. LKG: XII 119.
2. German, 1792.
G. S. V. ... Chemisch-mineralogischer Versuch über die Bäder und Gebürge von Baaden. Aus dem Italianischen übersetzt von K. Freyherrn v. Meidinger, etc. Wien, 1792.
Very scarce. *Originally appeared in 1791, but was published privately.
Bibliographical references: BL [1171.e.4.]. LKG: XIV 249.
3. German, 1793 [German transl.].
Des Herrn | Johann Seaphin Volta, | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | Anfangsgegründe | der | analytischen und systematischen | Mineralogie. | [rule] | Nebst | zween Briefen | des Herrn Bozza und Volta, | über die allgemeine Revoluzion der Erde, und über die | Versteinerungen des Veronesischen Gebiets, besonders über | die versteinerten Fische des berühmten Berges Volta. | Aus dem Italienischen übersetzt | und mit neuen Zusätzen des Verfassers und Anmerkungen | vermehrt | von | Karl Freyherrn von Meidinger | [...6 lines of titles and memberships...] | [double rule] | Wein und Leipzig, | bey Alops Doll, 1793.
8°: xxxx, 288 p.
Rare. Translation by Karl Freyherrn von Meidinger of Elementi di Mineralogia (Pavia, 1787).
Bibliographical references: BL [726.f.19.]. LKG: XII 120a.
4. Italian, 1796.
Ittiolitologia Veronese del Museo Bozziano ora annesso a quello del Conte Giouambattista Gazola e di altri gabinetti di fossili Veronesi con la versione Latina. Verona, Giullardi, 1796.
2 vols. (Text) 2°: lii, cccxxiii p., engraved map, engraved view.; (Atlas) 2°: 74 engraved plates (14 double-page and 5 folding).
Rare. A monumental work on fossil fish, with finely engraved plates, dipicting 123 species. This is the first work to describe the specimens found at the famous locality of Monte Bolca near Verona, Italy.
Bibliographical references: Nissen (ZBI): no. 4289.