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(1836 – 1927)

(Born: Littau [now Litove], near Olomouc, Czechoslovakia, 19 April 1836; Died: Vienna, Austria, 19 April 1927) German mineralogist.

In his youth, Tschermak showed much enterprise and independence by starting a natural history society in his school. In 1856, he went to the University of Vienna, where he became assistant to F.X.M. Zippe. Graduating from Tübingen in 1860, he returned to Vienna as privat-docent in chemistry and mineralogy. In 1862, he was appointed second curator, and in 1868 director of the Hof-Mineralien-Kabinet in Vienna, from which he retired in 1877, when the collection was incorporated into the Royal Natural History Museum. During his tenure as curator, important additions were made to the mineral and meteorite collections. In 1868, he was made extraordinary professor of mineralogy and petrography and from 1873 ordinary professor at the University of Vienna. On the occasion of his retirement from active teaching in 1906 he was raised to rank of nobility with the hereditary title `Edler von Seysenegg.' But after his retirement, he continued to work almost every day in the Mineralogical Institute. Tschermak founded the important journal Mineralogische Mittheilungen in 1872 as a supplement to the Jahrbuch of the Austrian Geological Survey. He was a founder and first president of the Vienna Mineralogical Society.

Biographical references: Almanach der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien: 77 (1927), 187-95. American Journal of Science: 5th Series, 14 (1927), 87. American Mineralogist: 12 (1927), 293, portrait. Atti Accad. Sci. Torino: 68 (1928), 187 p. Cleevely, World Palæontological Collections, 1983: 292. DBA: I 1287,3 87-406; II 1321, 241-251, 276-288. DSB: 13, 475-7 [by H. Baumgärtel]. Földtani Közlöny. Budapest: 58 (1928), 27-8. Freund & Berg, Geschichte der Mikroskopie, 1966: 397-403, portrait [by H. Scholler]. Knoll, Österreichische Naturforscher, 1957. Mineralogical Magazine: 22 (1930), no. 131, 406-8, portrait. Nature: 120 (1927), 195-6. Poggendorff: 3, 1370-1, 4, 1527-8, 5, 1272-3 & 6, ??. Proceedings of the Geological Society, London: 1928, l. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 3, 2294-5. Tschermaks mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen: 25 (1906), Tschermak-Heft & 39 (1927), I-X. WBI. Weyberg, Z., "Jubileusz profesora Gustawa Tschermaka", Wszechsw., no. 25 (1906), 417-9. World Who's Who in Science: 1690. Wurzbach, Biographisches Lexikon Österreich, 1856-91.

1. German, 1863.
Grundriss der Mineralogie für Schulen. Von Dr. Gustav Tschermak ... Wien, W. Braumüller, 1863.

8°: vi, 218 p., illus.

Rare. An introduction to mineralogy for students.

Bibliographical references: BL [7104.c.30.].

Lehrbuch der Mineralogie, 1884

2. German, 1884 [First edition].
Lehrbuch | der | Mineralogie | von | Dr. Gustav Tschermak, | O.Ö. Professor der Mineralogie und Petrographie an der Wiener Universität. | Plurima cum subeant audita aut cognita nobis | Pauca super refero. | Mit 700 Original-Abbildungen Und 2 Farberdrucktafeln. | [rule] | Wien, 1884. | Alfred Hölder | K.K. Hof- Und Universitäts-Buchhändler, | Rothenthurmstasse 15.

8°: ix, 590 p., 2 color plates, 700 text illus.

Very scarce. First appearance of one of the most influential textbooks in mineralogy. It was written with the authority of an author who was for many years an instructor in the field of mineralogy and petrography. The introduction begins by defining the science of mineralogy, then follows a brief history of the science. The introduction concludes with a classified list of references used in the preparation of the book. The generalities of the science are covered in the first part. These include chemistry, crystallographic notation, pseudomorphs, etc. The second part is a descriptive mineralogy. Individual species are described by crystal form, hardness, chemical composition, associations, principal localities. Known varieties are then described with similar information. Throughout the book are numerous illustrations. The first few of these show goniometers, while the remainder render many crystal figures. The text closes with an index to the mineral species mentioned. Two colored plates reproducing optical polarization of several species end the work.

Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed].

3. German, 1885 [2nd edition].
Lehrbuch | der | Mineralogie | von | Dr. Gustav Tschermak, | O.Ö. Professor der Mineralogie und Petrographie an der Wiener Universität. | Plurima cum subeant audita aut cognita nobis | Pauca super refero. | Zweite Verbesserte Auflage. | Mit 756 Original-Abbildungen Und 2 Farberdrucktafeln. | [rule] | Wien, 1885. | Alfred Hölder | K.K. Hof- Und Universitäts-Buchhändler, | Rothenthurmstasse 15.

8°: ix, [1] blank, 597 p., 2 color plates, illus., index, biblio. Scarce.

Bibliographical references: BL [7104.e.9.].

4. German, 1888 [3rd edition].
Lehrbuch | Der | Mineralogie | Von | Dr. Gustav Tschermak, | K.K. Hofrath, O.Ö. Professor Der Mineralogie Und Petrographie An Der Wiener Universität. | [...2 lines of quotation...] | Dritter Verbesserte Und Vermehrte Auflage. | Mit 780 Original-Abbildungen Und 2 Farbendrucktafeln. | [rule] | Wien, 1888. | Alfred Hölder | K.K. Hof- Und Universitäts-Buchhändler | Rothenthurmstrasse 15.

8°: π5 1-378 387; 308l.; [i]-ix, [1], [1]-606 p., 2 color plates, 780 illus., index, biblio.

Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso "Alle rechte, auch das der Übersetzung, vorbehalten."; [iii]-vi, Forwards to the first, second and third editions.; [vii]-ix, "Inhalt."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-10, "Einleitung."; [11]-324, "Allgemeiner Theil."; [325]-578, "Specieller Theil."; [579]-587, "Anhang. | Die Gemengtheile der Meteoriten.; [588], Blank.; [589]-606, "Register."; [At end], 2 plates.

Scarce. A supplement at the end discusses meteroites on which Tschermak was an authority.

Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed]. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 82.

5. German, 1894 [4th edition].
Lehrbuch | Der | Mineralogie | Von | Dr. Gustav Tschermak, | K.K. Hofrath, O.Ö. Professor Der Mineralogie Und Petrographie An Der Wiener Universität. | [...2 lines of quotation...] | Vierte, Verbesserte Und Vermehrte Auflage. | Mit 855 Original-Abbildungen Und 2 Farbendrucktafeln. | [rule] | Wien, 1894. | Alfred Hölder | K. u. K. Hof- Und Universitäts-Buchhändler | Rothenthurmstrasse 15.

8°: [i]-x, [1]-607, [1] p., 855 illus., 2 colored plates. Page size: 238 x 160 mm.

Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso "Alle rechte, auch das der Übersetzung, vorbehalten."; [iii]-vi, Forwards to the first, second, third and fourth editions.; [vii]-x, "Inhalt."; [1]-10, "Einleitung."; [11]-326, "Allgemeiner Theil."; [327]-580, "Specieller Theil."; [581]-588, "Anhang. | Die Gemengtheile der Meteoriten.; [589]-607, "Register."; [1 pg], "Verbesserungen."; [At end], 2 plates.

Scarce. The introduction contains a historical essay of a few pages describing the developmental history of mineralogy. A supplement at the end discusses meteroites on which Tschermak was an authority.

Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed]. USGS Library Catalog.

6. German, 1897 [5th edition].
Lehrbuch | Der | Mineralogie | Von | Dr. Gustav Tschermak, | O.Ö. Professor Der Mineralogie Und Petrographie An Der Wiener Universität. | [...2 lines of quotation...] | Fünfte, Verbesserte Und Vermehrte Auflage. | Mit 836 Original-Abbildungen Und 2 Farbendrucktafeln. | [rule] | Wien, 1897. | Alfred Hölder | K.U.K. Hof- Und Universitäts-Buchhändler | Rothenthurmstrasse 15.

8°: [i]-x, [1]-609, [1] p., 836 illus., 2 colored plates showing optical interference patterns. Page size: 240 x 170 mm. Scarce.

Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso "Alle Rechte..."; [iii]-vi, "Vorwort zur ersten [-fünfte] Auflage."; [vii]-x, "Inhalt."; [1]-582, Text.; [583]-590, "Anhang. Die Gemengtheile der Meteoriten."; [591]-609, "Register."; [1 pg], "Verbesserungen."; [At end], 2 plates.

Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed].

7. German, 1905 [6th edition].
Lehrbuch | Der | Mineralogie | Von | Dr. Gustav Tschermak, | O.Ö. Professor Der Mineralogie Und Petrographie An Der Wiener Universität. | Sechste, Verbesserte Und Vermehrte Auflage. | Mit 944 Original-Abbildungen Und 2 Farbendrucktafeln. | [rule] | Wien, 1905. | Alfred Hölder | K.U.K. Hof- Und Universitäts-Buchhändler | I., Rotenturmstrasze 13.

8°: [i]-xii, [1]-682 p., 2 colored plates showing optical interference patterns. Page size: 240 x 170 mm.

Contents: [i-ii], Title page, "Alle Rechte..."; [iii]-vii, "Vorwort zur ersten [-sechster] Auflage."; [viii], Blank.; [ix]-xii, "Inhalt."; [1]-650, Text.; [651]-658, "Anhang. Die Gemengteile der Meteoriten."; [659]-682, "Register."; [At end], 2 plates.

Scarce. The text is divided into two main sections. In the general portion (pp. 1-378) are discussed basic definitions, morphology, mineral physics, mineral chemistry, ore formation, and mineral classification. In the specialized section (pp. 379-650) the descriptive mineralogy is presented. A short appendix at the end discusses meteorites, a particular interest of Tschermak. The text is heavily illustrated with diagrams, instruments, and many crystal drawings.

Bibliographical references: BL [07107.k.35.].

Becke's Coauthorship

Beginning with the seventh edition of 1915, Friedrich Becke joined Tschermak to author future editions of the Lehrbuch der Mineralogie. This collaboration resulted in one of the best mineralogical textbooks ever written.

8. German, 1915 [7th edition].
Lehrbuch der Mineralogie. 7. verbesserte und vermhrte Auflage bearbeitet von Dr. Friedrich Becke. Wien und Leipzig, A.Hölder 1915.

8°: 738 p., 960 illus., 2 colored plates. Scarce.

Friedrich Johann Karl Becke. (Born: Prague, Czechoslovakia, 31 December 1855; Died: Vienna, Austria, 18 June 1931) Czech/Austrian mineralogist. Becke studied mineralogy at Vienna under Tschermak and Schrauf, graduating in 1880. In 1882, he became professor of mineralogy at the University of Czernowitz [now Cernau{\c t}i, Romania], and in 1890, at the German University at Prague. In 1898, he succeeded A. Schrauf at the University of Vienna, and later, G. Tschermak, retiring in 1927. Becke was an expert and pioneer in optical mineralogy, and from 1899, he acted as editor of Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen. He won the Wollaston Medal of the Geological Society of London in 1929.

Bibliographical references: BL [YA.1993.b.11797]. (Becke) American Mineralogist: 17 (1932), 226-7. C.R. Acad.Sci., Paris: 193 (1931), 553-5. DBA: II 85, 353-377. DSB: 1, 551-2 [by H. Baumgärtel]. Freund & Berg, Geschichte der Mikroskopie, 1966. Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar: 1931, 329-37. La Rocque, History of Geology, 1964: 1, 14-5 [by R.E. Metter]. Mineralogical Magazine: 23 (1932), no. 141, 341-2, portrait. Mitteilungen der Geologische Gesellschaft in Wien: 24 (1931), 137-46. Nachr.Ges.Wiss. Göttingen, Mitt.: 1931-2, 70-3. NDB: 1, 708-9 [by W. Fischer]. Poggendorff: 4, 83-4 & ???. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 2, 517-8, Suppl. 1(1986), 1, 281 & Suppl. 2 (1995), 1, 424. Tertsch, H., "Erinnerungen an Friedrich Becke. Festschrift zur Enthüllung des F. Becke-Denkmales in den Arkaden der Wiener Universität am 18 Juni, 1956," Mitt. öst. miner. Ges. Sonderh., no. 4, 32 p. Tschermaks mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen: 42 (1932), i-viii. WBI. World Who's Who in Science: 139.

9. German, 1921 [8th edition].
Lehrbuch | der | Mineralogie | von | Dr. Gustav Tschermak, | O.Ö. Professor der Mineralogie und Petrographie an der Wiener Universität. | Achte, Verbesserte und Vermehrte Auflage. | Bearbeitet von | Dr. Friedrich Becke, | O.Ö. Professor der Mineralogie and der Wiener Universität. | Mit 977 Originalabbildungen und 2 Farberdrucktafeln. | Wien und Leipzig. | Alfred Hölder, | Universitäts-Buchhändler, | Buchhändler der Akademie der Wissenschaften. | 1921.

8°: xii, 751, [1] p., 2 color plates, illus., index, biblio. Scarce.

Bibliographical references: BL [W31/6615].

10. German, 1923 [9th edition].
Lehrbuch der Mineralogie Bearbeitet von Friedrich Becke. 9. Auflage. Wien, Leipzig:, Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky 1923.

8°. xii, 751 p., 977 illus., 2 colored plates.

Scarce. Allgemeine Mineralogie S. 1 - 421 Spezielle Mineralogie S. 422 - 723 Register S. 725 - 751

Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed].

Russian Edition

11. Russian, 1884 [Russian transl.].
{\cyrillic Uchebnik Mineralogii.} [Uchebnik Mineralogii.] St. Petersburg, 1884.


Very rare. Apparently a Russian translation of Tschermak's Lehrbuch der Mineralogie (1st ed., Wien, 1884).

Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed]. Povarennykh, Definition of Mineral, 1964.

12. Italian, 1883 [Italian transl.].
Trattato di Mineralogia. Firenze, Successori le Monnier, 1883-5.

2 vols. 8°: XXIII, 315 p., 2 plates.; XXIV, 262 p.

Very scarce. Opera tradotta dal tedesco, sulla seconda edizione migliorata col consenso dell'Autore (Consigliere aulico, Professore ordinario di Mineralogia e Petrografia nell'Universita' di Vienna) da Giuseppe Grattarola (Professore ordinario di Mineralogia nel R. Istituto di Studi Superiori, Pratici e di Perfezionamento, in Firenze). Suddivisa in due volumi: Parte generale, illustrata da 300 figure nel testo e 2 cromolitografie. Morfologia, fisica minerale, chimica minerale, giaciture (topica dei minerali) e classificazione. Parte speciale, con 406 incisioni originali nel testo. Elementi, lampriti, spinelloidi, silicoidi, nitroidi, gessoidi, haliti, antracidi e gli elementi delle meteoriti. Lievi mancanze al dorso, ottimo esemplare. Brossura editoriale cartacea illustrata,

Polish Editions

13. Polish, 1900 [First edition].
[One line of text ending in ,,Wszechświata".] | [rule] | Prof. Dr. G. Tschermak. | [rule] | Podręcznik | Mineralogii | dzieło, zawierające 840 drzeqorytów i III tablice kolorowe. | [Two lines of quotation signed J. Kochanowski (1586).] | Z piątego wydania niemieckiego przeło{$\dot z$}ył, uzupełnił i przedmową historyczną | opatrzył | Józef Morozewicz. | [rule] | (Wydanie Kasy pomocy dla osób, pracujących na połu naukowem, imienia | d-ra Józefa Mianowskiego). | [rule] | Warszawa. | Skład Główny W Księgarni E. Wendego i Spółki | Krakowskie - Przedmieście Nr. 9. | [short rule] | 1900. | Druk Rubieszewskiego i Wrotnowskiego, Nowy-Swiał 34.

8°: [4], [i]-xliv, [1]-702 p., 3 chromolithograph plates, 840 illus., biblio., index.

Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso one line in Russian.; [1 pg], "Ku uczczeniu | 500-lecia | Wszechnicy Jagiellońskiej | 1400-1900."; [1 pg], Blank.; [I]-XXXIX, "Przedmowa Tłómacza. | (Przegląd historyczny podręczników mineralogii w Polsce.)"; [XXXX], Blank.; [XXXXI]-XLIV, "Spis rzeczy." [=table of contents].; [1]-649, Text.; [650]-659, "Dodatek. | [rule] | Części składowe meteorytów."; [660]-669, "Dopełnienie Części Szczegółowej."; 670-673, "Skorowidz części ogólnej." [=subject index].; [674]-699, "Skorowidz części szczegółowej." [=index of species].; [700], Blank.; [701]-702, "Sprostowania."; [At end], 3 color plates.

Rare. Polish translation by Józef Morozewicz [see note below] of Lehrbuch der Mineralogie (5th ed., Wien, 1897). On pages i-xxix of the introduction the translator has included an important survey of the history of mineralogy in Poland. Otherwise, the text has been translated from the German edition faithfully, although notes on occurances of species within the Polish borders have been included.

Józef Marian Morozewicz. (Born: Lomza, Poland, 19 March 1865; Died: Warsaw, Poland, 12 December 1941) Polish mineralogist & geologist. Morozewicz was one of the greatest of Polish geologists and mineralogists. He is remembered for his comprehensive studies of the geology of Poland.

Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed]. Fleszarowa, Bibliografia Geologiczna Polski, 1966: 1, pt. 1, p. 469 [no. 8303]. (Morozewicz) Orgelbranda, Encyklopedia Powszechna, 1898-1912. PBA: Polskie Archiwum Biograficzne: 381, 299-323 / Diana, M.J. 1, 247. Poggendorff: 4, 1032, 5, 877-8, 6, 1782-3, & 7b, 3406-7. Polski Słownik Biograficzny: 21, 779-80 [by Z.J. Wójcik]. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980. WBI.

14. Polish, 1931 [2nd edition].
G. Tschermak - F. Becke | [rule] | Podręcznik | Mineralogji | Dzeło, zawierające 970 figur w tekście oraz 3 tablice kolorowe | i 1 tablicę roentgenogramów. | Wydanie Polskie Drugie | Według I-go wydania polskiego oraz IX-go wydania niemieckiego - za zgodą współautora | F. Beckego i wydawców: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, A.G. Wiedeń, 1923 - | uzupełnili: | [2 lines: J. Morozewicz | Dyrekto P. Instytutu Geologicznego] i [2 lines: T.J. Woyno | Profesor Politechniki Warszawskiej.] | [2 lines of quotation, signed Jan Kochanowski (1586)] | Wydawnictwo | Kasa im. Mianowskiego | Instytutu Popierania Nauki | Warszawa - Pałac Staszica | 1931.

4°: [4], [i]-liv, [1]-838, [4] p., 4 plates (3 colored), 970 illus., index. Page size: 246 x 174 mm.

Contents: [2 pgs], Half title page, "Podręcznik | Mineralogji," verso blank.; [2 pgs], Title page, verso "Drukarnia i Litografia | Jan Cotty | w Warszawie, Kapucyńska 7."; [i]-xl, "Przedmowa do wydania I-go."-signed Józef Morozewicz, 1900.; [xli]-xlvi, "Uzupełnienie Przedmowy Do Wydania I."-signed J. Morozewicz, 1930.; [xlvii]-xlix, "Przedmowa do wydania II."-signed T.J. Woyno and J. Morozewicz, 1931.; [l], Blank.; [li]-liv, "Spis rzeczy." [=table of contents].; [1]-816, Text.; [817]-823, Subject index.; [824]-838, Index to mineral species.; [2 pgs], Errata.; [At end], 4 plates (3 colored).; [1 pg], Explanation of plates.; [1 pg], Blank.

Rare. Polish translation by Józef Morozewicz of Tschermak's Lehrbuch der Mineralogie (9th ed., Wien, 1923), updated from the 1900 edition with new material by Tadeusz Jerzy Woyno [1884-19-]. The history of Polish mineralogy has also been revised and contains two additions bringing it current to 1930. The text covers morphology, mineral physics, chemistry, Polish occurances of minerals, and a long systematic mineralogy. At the end, meteorites are covered. The 4 plates show optical patterns, crystal diagrams and X-ray diffraction patterns resulting from the Röngen method.

Tadeusz Jerzy Woyno. (Born: 1884; Died: after 1932) Polish mineralogist.

Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed]. Fleszarowa, Bibliografia Geologiczna Polski, 1966: 1, pt. 1, p. 469 [no. 8304]. USGS Library Catalog. (Woyno) PBA: Polskie Archiwum Biograficzne: 588, 398. WBI.
