TILLMAN, Samuel Escue.
(1848 – 1942)
Biographical references: ABA: I 1611, 44-51; II 662, 395-398. Adams, Dictionary of American Authors, 1904. Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography. WBI. Who Was Who in America: 2, ??.
1. English, 1900 [First edition].
A Text-Book of important Minerals and Rocks. With tables for the determination of minerals. New York, J. Wiley & Sons, 1900.
8°: viii. 176 p.
Very scarce. An attempt to present to the student a brief story of the characteristics of the common minerals and rocks. The plan discusses the elements and geometrical crystallography in which only the fundamental forms of the six systems are described. Then the physical and chemical properties of minerals are discussed, followed by descriptions of about 75 of the most common mineral species. This is reinforced by the descriptive characters placed in a tabular form. A final section treats the most common rocks.
Bibliographical references: American Naturalist: 36 (April, 1902), no. 424, p. 344-346. BL [07108.h.30.]. NUC. Science: 13 (1901), no. 320, p. 267-268. USGS Library Catalog.
2. English, 1904 [2nd edition].
A Text-Book | of | Important Minerals | And Rocks. | With | Tables for the Determination | of Minerals. | By | S.E. Tillman, | Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Geology, | U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N.Y. | Second Edition. | First Thousand. | New York: | John Wiley & Sons. | London: Chapman & Hall, Limited. | 1904.
8°: viii. 176 p. Very scarce.
Reissued, 1913.
Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed]. NUC. USGS Library Catalog.