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TENNE, Conrad Friedrich August.

(1853 – 1901)

(Born: Hildesheim, Germany, 15 October 1853; Died: Bad Nauheim, Germany, 8 July 1901) German mineralogist.

Tenne studied at the University of Göttingen, becoming an assistant at the Mineral Institute in 1877. In 1882 he went to Heidelberg and in 1883, Tenne was appointed Custos at the mineralogical-petrographical Institute and professor of mineralogy at the University of Berlin.

Biographical references: Centralblatt für Mineralogie: 1902, p. 662-3. Poggendorff: 4, 1484.

1. German, 1878.
Krystallographische Untersuchung einiger organischer Verbindungen mit eine Tafeln ... Von C.A. Tenne ... Inaugural-Dissertation. Göttingen, Druck von E.A. Huth, 1878.

8°: 28 p., one folding plate. Crystallographic examination of an organic compound. Rare.

Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed]. BMC: 5, 2083. NUC: 586, 352 [NT 0092742].

2. German, 1902.
Die Mineralfundstätten der Iberischen Halbinsel von Prof. Dr. Tenne, Berlin, und Prof. Dr. Calderón, Madrid. Berlin, A. Asher & Co., 1902.

8°: xii, 348, iii p. "Literatur," p. [vi]-xii.

Rare. Co-authored with Salvador Calderón and edited by Carl Klein. The important 1910 work of Calderón on the mineralogy of the Spanish peninsula was preceded by his efforts to help Professor Tenne in Die Mineralfundstätten der Iberischen Halbinsel (Berlin, 1902), the first major attempt to describe the minerls of Spain and Portugual. Based on the writings of Naumann, the volume classifies and describes the important minerals that are known to occur in the peninsula together with their properties. In compiling the work, Tenne relied heavily on the extensive mineral collection, library and expertise of Calderón, who specialized in the mineralogy of the Iberian peninsula. However, Tenne did not live to see the work completed, and the responsibility for organizing the notes and bringing the work to press was given to his friend and associate, Carl Klein. As an appendix, Klein has added a three page tribute to Tenne and his work.

Bibliographical references: BL [07107.i.18.]. Centralblatt für Mineralogie: 1902, 662-3. Katalog Bergakademie Freiberg, 1879: Suppl. 2, p. 123. NUC: 586, 352 [NT 0092741].
