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(1807 – 1829)

1. German, 1807-29 [Periodical].
Taschenbuch | für die gesammte | Mineralogie, | mit Hinsicht auf die neuesten | Entdeckungen, | herausgegeben | von | Carl Caesar Leonhard, | [...4 lines of titles and memberships...] | [rule] | Erster Jahrgang. | [rule] | Mit Kupfern und Karten. | [tapered rule] | Frankfurt am Main, 1807. | Bei Johann Christian Hermann.

28 vols. Vol. 1 (1807) to Vol. 28 (1829).

Rare. Popularly known as "Leonhard's Taschenbuch," this periodical devoted to mineralogy and the earth sciences was a rare mix of articles from the professional and amateur alike. It ran from 1807 to 1829, and its volumes included interesting travel reports from corresponding mineral collectors, summaries of recent mineral analyses, reports on mineral localities, reviews and descriptions of important public and private mineral collections, obituaries and death notices of mineral people, and advertisements regarding mineral specimens and collections for sale. It is one of the great mineralogical compendiums of the early nineteenth century, with a great deal of interest to the historian of mineralogy and earth science. In 1830, the periodical was renamed and published in a larger format under the more wide ranging title, Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie und Petrefaktenkunde. Then from 1833 to 1862 it appeared as Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, etc. It remains today one of the foremost German scientific journals devoted to the earth sciences, including mineralogy. For further information please see the entry under Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie.

Bibliographical references: Bolton, Catalogue of Periodicals, 1897. Bolton, Catalogue of Periodicals, 1897: no. 4416. Graesse, Trésor de Livres Rares, 1859-69: 4, 166. NUC. Union List of Serials. USGS Library Catalog.
