Schuh’s Annotated Bio-Bibliography

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SUCKOW, Georg Adolf.

(1751 – 1813)

(Born: Jena, Germany, 28 January 1751; Died: Heidelberg, Germany, 13 May 1813)

Biographical references: ADB. DBA: I 1248, 171-176; II 1287, 106-107. Hamberger & Meusel, Gelehrte Teutschland, 1796-1834. Lambrecht & Quenstedt, Catalogus, 1938: 421. Poggendorff: 2, cols. 1046-7. WBI.

1. German, 1782.
Mineralogische Beschreibung des naturlichen Turpeths nebst einer chem. Untersuchung dieses Queckesilber Erzes. Mannheim, 1782.


Rare. Mercury.

Bibliographical references: BL [974.b.14.]. LKG: XVI 292.

2. German, 1790.
Anfangsgründe der Mineralogie. Leipzig, in der Weidmannischen Buchhandlung, 1790.

8°: xvi, 447, [1] p., title vignette. Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: BL [726.f.4.]. Lambrecht & Quenstedt, Catalogus, 1938: p. 421. LKG: XII 125.

3. German, 1803-4.
Anfangsründe der Mineralogie nach den neuesten Entdeckungen. Von D. Georg Adolph Suckow ... Erster Theil [Zweite Teil]. Leipzig, in der Weidmannschen Buchhandlung, 1803-04.

2 vols. [Vol 1: 1803] 8°: xiii, 728 p., vignette on title-page. [Vol 2: 1804] 8°: [2], 729, [4] p.

Very scarce. "Second edition, greatly enlarged and revised, of this introduction to mineralogy. In the years between the publication of the two editions, enormous progress had been made by Klaproth, Haüy and Brochant de Villiers (among others) in the knowledge of the chemical composition and crystal structure of minerals. This second edtion contains all the latest knowledge in determining mineral species while still using Werner's system. Volume 2 contains a long section (pp. 511-653) on geognosy."

Bibliographical references: BL [970.h.8.]. Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 516. Lambrecht & Quenstedt, Catalogus, 1938: p. 421. LKG: XII 126.
