STORR, Gottlieb Conrad Christian.
(1749 – 1821)
Storr studied at the University of Tübingen, obtaining his degree in 1768. In 1774 he took a position at the same institution as a professor of chemistry, botany, and natural history. He presented lectures on these subjects until 1801 when he retired. He authored many works of natural history and medicine.
Biographical references: DBA: I 1235, 29-37; II 1274, 158. Hamberger & Meusel, Gelehrte Teutschland, 1796-1834. Poggendorff: 2, cols. 1018-9. WBI.
1. German, 1776.
D. Gottlieb Konrad Christian Storr ... Entwurf einer Folge von Unterhaltungen zur Einleitung in die Naturgeschichte. Erster Band. Frankfurt und Leipzig, Bey August Lebrecht Stettin, 1776.
8°: 632 p., 4 plates.
Rare. No more published. Edited by August Lebrecht Stettin, this is the first volume in a proposed series introducing general natural history concepts and describing various issues and solutions of the study. Covering inorganic nature the book contains many new mineralogical observations, including notices of the external characters of minerals, new names, together with a proposal for a new classification of minerals. In the same volume Storr also presents a classification of mountains that was innovative for its time.
Bibliographical references: Allgemeine Deutsche Bibliothek: 25, p. 1195 and 36, p. 1233. Beckmann P.Ö.B.: 9 (1777), p. 334. BL [954.h.7.]. Boehmer, Bibliotheca Historiæ Naturalis, 1785-9: 1, 1, p. 330-1. Engelhardt, Universität Tübingen Mineralogie, 1977: p. 14-5. Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen: 1778, p. 1186. Katalog Bergakademie Freiberg, 1879: p. 644 [VI. 241.]. LKG: VI 65.
2. German, 1784-6.
Alpenreise vom Jahre 1781. Leipzig, J.G. Müller, 1784-6.
2 vols. [Vol 1: 1784] 8°: 118 p., 3 hand-colored plates engraved by Geyser. [Vol 2: 1786] 8°: 290 p., 4 plates, illus.
Rare. In the year 1781 Storr undertook an extensive journey into the Swiss alps about which he published this two volume work. His scholarly description contains many notes of his mineralogical and geological observations, including in the second volume more than 70 pages of information about the geology and mineralogy of the region. He describes his unsuccessful attempt to visit Jacob Samuel Wyttenbach to see his mineral collection, but does describe the mineral and rock specimens he saw during his visit to the Swiss naturalist Daniel Sprügli [1721-1801]. The work has never been much appreciated due to the author's use of his own unique inventions in terminology and theories of nature, but Storr's knowledge of the literature about Switzerland is evident throughout the work.
The route Storr followed during his trip was: Tübingen, Schaffhausen, Bern, Lauterbrunnen, Grindelwald, Grimselpaß, Gotthard, Pfäfers, (near Bad Ragaz), Prätigau (Fanas, Schiers), Chur, Hinterrheintal, San Bernhardino Paß, Misox, Bellinzona, Lago Maggiore, Varese, Veltlin, Bergeil (Castasegna, Soglio, Bondo), Septimerpaß, Bivio, Chur.
Bibliographical references: Allgemeine Deutsche Bibliothek: 64, part 1, p. 115-8 and 78, part 1, p. 125-131. Beckmann P.Ö.B.: 13 (1782), p. 339 and 15 (1784), p. 276. BL [no copy listed]. Cox, Guide to the Literature of Travel, 1948-50. Engelhardt, Universität Tübingen Mineralogie, 1977: p. 14-5. Engelmann, Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis, 1846: p. 733. Ferchl: p. 519. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, p. 179. Katalog Bergakademie Freiberg, 1879: p. 644 [IX. 929ab.]. LKG: XIV 489. Moore, Thomas P., "Alpine quartz gwindels," Mineralogical Record, 38 (2007), p. 103-121, illus. Schroeter, Joachim., "Frühe Beiträge zur Erforshung der alpinen Kluftmineralien," Schweizerische mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen, 29 (1948), p. 215-21. [A history of research on alpine minerals, found in the Alps of Switzerland.]. Studer, Geschichte Geographie Schweiz, 1863: p. 534. Wilson, History of Mineral Collecting, 1994: p. 193.
3. Latin, 1807.
Idea Methodi Fossilium. [Second titlepage reads:] Museum Physiognosticum, Methodo, cujus per Partes Singulas Ratio Redditur, Digestum Descriptumque. Partis I. Oreognosticæ Liber I. Methodologicus. Stuttgartiæ, Apud J.F. Steinkopf, 1807.
4°: xxvi, 222, [2 errata] p. Page size: 245 x 190 mm. uncut.
Very rare. No more published. This is the first volume of a proposed multipart work that was prepared to describe the minerals and other objects contained in the author's rich natural history cabinet. This part is a catalog of the mineralogical objects in which Storr provides the standard information, including discussions of the properties of the minerals and the terminology of the science. He has organized the specimens according to a system of classification of his own devising that is based largely upon Linnean philosophy. The book contains two title pages and is commonly cataloged under the second longer one that calls the work the "Museum Physiognosticum, Methodo."
Storr's substantial natural history collection including the minerals was used by him to illustrate his lectures. It was also exhibited for many years at the University of Tübingen in the Collegium Illustre where it remained until 1818. At that time the Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät was created and given the same space used by the exhibit. The collection was then relocated to Stuttgart.
Bibliographical references: Adams Library (McGill University). BL [no copy listed]. BMC: 5, p. 2030. Dewalque, Catalogue des Ouvrages de Géologie, 1884: no. 3240. Engelhardt, Universität Tübingen Mineralogie, 1977: p. 15-6. Freiesleben, Uebersicht der Litteratur, 1822: p. 188-9. Leonard's Taschenbuch: 1 (1807), p. 325. LKG: XII 173. NUC [no copy listed]. Partsch, Katalog der Bibliothek, 1851: no. 252.
4. Latin, 1785 [Dissertation].
Investigandæ crystallifodinarum oeconomiæ quaedam pericula ... publice proposita praeside Gottlieb Conrad Christiano Storr medicinæ doctore ... respondente Gulielmo Halliday Petropolitano. Tubingæ a.d. 25. Jun. 1785. Turici, 1785.
4°: 32 p. Gulielmus Halliday was the respondent to this disseration that presents a study of the crystal forms of quartz. Rare.
Bibliographical references: BL [974.b.16.(2.)]. Boehmer, Bibliotheca Historiæ Naturalis, 1785-9: 4, 1, p. 310. Dryander, Catalogus Banks, 1796-1800: 4, p. 244. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 2, p. 45. Katalog Bergakademie Freiberg, 1879: p. 644 [VIII. 318.]. LKG: XVI 376.
5. Latin, 1787 [Dissertation].
Dissertatio inauguralis medica de sale Alpino ... Tubingae, Typis Fuesianis, [1787].
4°: 34 p. This medical dissertation to which Immanuel Gottlob Bahnmayer was the respondent describes the uses to which salt found in the Alps might be used. Rare.
German transl., 1788: "Vom Alpensalze" is contained in Crell's Chemische Annalen, 1788, part 1, p. 99-118.
Bibliographical references: BL [B.397.(2.)]. Dryander, Catalogus Banks, 1796-1800: 4, p. 448. Ferchl: p. 519. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 2, p. 66. LKG: XVI 170. NLM 18th Century Books (Blake).