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(1817 – )

(Born: Founded 1817; Died: )

(Imperial Mineralogical Society) Founded in 1817 by V.M. Severgin and D.I. Sokolov [qq.v.], among others.

As stated in its first charter, the Society was begun to investigate mineralogy in the broadest sense of the science. It sought to disseminate knowledge concerning minerals, rocks and ores. It was an important organization in the Russian empire and did a great deal to promote and investigate the mineral and geological wealth of Russia and its dominions. One of its most important publication outside of its journals was Materialy dlia Geologii Rossii (28 vols., St. Petersburg, 1869-1928), which was part of the effort the Society made in conducting a systematic geological survey of Russia from 1864 to 1882.

After the organization of the Geological Committee in 1882, the Society began to devote more attention to theoretical research in geology and mineralogy. E.S. Fydorov [q.v.] and his crystallographic research was particularly important during the period. In 1919, the Society was reorganized as the Vserossiiskoe Mineralogicheskoe Obshchestvo (Russian Mineralogical Society), and in 1947 it was renamed Vseso{\iuznoe Mineralogicheskoe Obshchestvo} (All-Union Mineralogical Society).

A collection of minerals was begun which for a time was placed on exhibit, but eventually it was given to the Mining Institute.

Biographical references: Gerasimov, A.P., "Stoletnii iubilei Mineralogicheskogo obshchestva", Geologicheskii vestnik, 3, (1918), nos. 1-6. Great Soviet Encyclopedia: 16, 337. Koksharov, N.I., "Piatidesiatiletnii iubilei imp. S.-Peterburgskogo mineralogicheskogo obshchestva", Zapiski imp. S.-Peterburgskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva, 1868, part 3.

1. Russian, 1817.
{\cyrillic Postanovlen\char12e | Sanetpeterburgskago | Mineralogiqeskago | Obwestva, | Vysoqa\char26xe uxver\char25dennoe | V\char127 12. den\char126 \char4\char24n\char31 1817. goda. | [rule] | Sosnyskoy\char127 qlredumeley Obwesmea. | [tapered rule] | V\char127 | Sanktpeterburg\char43 | ne\char28amano u M.H. Iversena, | 1817 goda.}

[Transliterated title:]

Postanovlenie | Sanetpeterburgskago | Mineralogicheskago | Obshchestva, | Vysochaishe ushverzhdennoe | V 12. den' I{\iu}nia 1817. goda. | [rule] | Sosnyskoy chlredumeley Obshchesmea. | [tapered rule] | V | Sanktpeterburge | neiamano u M.Kh. Iversena, | 1817 goda.


Very scarce. Resolutions of the St. Petersburg Mineralogical Society is the first publication of the Society. It lists the group's charter and the founding members.

Bibliographical references: Solo'ev, Mineralogicheskoe Obshchestvo, 1967: 12 [reproduces the title page].

2. Russian, 1830-42 [Periodical].
{\cyrillic [Ornately engraved title page:] Trudy | Mineralogiqeskogo | Obwestva | Vysoqa\char26xim\char127 | Ego Imperatorskago | Veliqestva | Soizvoleniem\char127 | uqre\char25dennago v\char127 S. Peterburg\char43 | [vignette] | Sankmpemerburg\char127 v\char127 Ripograf\char12i N. Greqa. | [ornate lines on either side and encircling:] 1830. }

[Transliterated title:]

Trudy | Mineralogicheskogo | Obshchestva | Vysochaishim | Ego Imperatorskago | Velichestva | Soizvoleniem | uchrezhdennago v S. Peterburge | [vignette] | Sankmpemerburg v Ripografii N. Grecha. | 1830.

2 vols. [Vol 1: 1830] 8°: [Vol 2: 1842] 8°: Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: Solo'ev, Mineralogicheskoe Obshchestvo, 1967: 28 [reproduces the title page]. Union List of Serials: 5, 4434.

3. German, 1842 [Periodical].
Schriften | Der | In St. Petersburg Gestifteten | Russisch-Kaiserlichen | Gesellschaft | Fur Die Gesammt Mineralogie. | Ir Band. | Iste Abtheilung. | St. Petersburg, | 1842.

1 volume in 2 parts. [Part 1] 8°: [Part 2] 8°:Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: Solo'ev, Mineralogicheskoe Obshchestvo, 1967: 36 [reproduces the title page]. Union List of Serials: 5, 4434.

4. German, 1843-58 [Periodical].
Verhandlungen | Der | Russisch-Kaiserlichen | Mineralogischen Gesellschaft | zu | St. Petersburg. | [rule] | Jahr 1843. | [rule] | Mit vier lithographirten Tafeln. | [rule] | St. Petersburg, | Gedruckt Bei Carl Kray. | 1843.

15 vols. Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: Solo'ev, Mineralogicheskoe Obshchestvo, 1967: 38 [reproduces the title page]. Union List of Serials: 5, 4434.

5. German, 1862-3 [Periodical].
Verhandlungen der K. Gesellschaft für die gesammte mineralogie zu St. Petersburg.

2 vols.

Very scarce. None published 1858-62.

Bibliographical references: Union List of Serials: 5, 4434.

6. Russian & German, 1866-~ [Periodical].
{\cyrillic Zapiski | Imperatorskgo S. Peterburgskago | Mineralogiqeskago Obwestva. | [rule] | Vtopa\char31 Seri\char31. | Qast\char126 Perva\char31. | [rule] | (S\char127 6 tablicamm.)} | [ornate rule] | Verhandlungen | Der | Russisch-Kaiserlichen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft | zu St. Petersburg. | [rule] | Zweite Serie. | Erste Band. | [rule] | (Mit 6 Tafeln.) | [ornate rule] | {\cyrillic Cankpeterburg\char127, 1866. | V\char127 Tipografi\char31 Imperatorsko\char26 Akadem\char12i Nauk\char127. | (V.O. 9 lik. {\fui{N}}o. 12) }

?? vols. (to today). Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: Solo'ev, Mineralogicheskoe Obshchestvo, 1967: 68 [reproduces the title page]. Union List of Serials: 5, 4434.

{\cyrillic S.P. Solov\char126ev Vseso\char24znoe Mineralogiqeskoe Obwestvo K 150 - Lemy\char24 so bn\char31 Osnobanu\char31 (1817-1967).} (Leningrad, 1967).
See under: Solov'ev, Sergei Pavolich.
