SPENER, Johann Jacob.
(1660? – 1692)
Spener was professor of physics and mathematics at the University of Halle.
Biographical references: Wilson, History of Mineral Collecting, 1994: 193.
Q.D.B.V. de Gemmis Errores Vulgares Dissertatio. (Leipzig, 1687).See under: Rechenberg, Adam.
1. Latin, 1688 [Dissertation].
Q.D.B.V. | De | Magnete | Errores Variorum, | Qvos | Dissertatione Physica, | In | Academia Lipsiensi, | Notat | Certisqve observationibus additis, refellis | Præses | M. Johannes Jacobus Spener, | Respondente | Joh. Mart. Michaelis, | Erffurt. Thuring. | d. 19. Maij M. DC. LXXXVIII. | H.L.Q.C. | [rule] | Lipsiæ, | Typis, Christophori Fleischeri.
4°: A-C3; 12l.; [24] p. Page size: 185 x 150 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [22 pgs], Text.
Rare. This dissertation on the properties of the magnet was defended by Johann Martin Michaelis [fl. 1688-1693]. The magnet appears to have held a particular fascination for Spener.
Bibliographical references: BL [536.f.10.(6.)]. • Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 2, 242. • VD17: 12:138695H.
2. Latin & German, 1693 [Sale catalog].
Museum | Spenerianum, | Sive | Catalogus Rerum | Tam artificiosarum, quam naturalium, tam antiquarium, quam recentium, tam exoticarum, | quam domesticarum, | Quas | Clarissimus | Johannes Jacobus Spener/ | Phys. & Matthes. P.P. in Academia Hallensi | dum viveret, singulari industria & indefesso | labore paravit atque collegit, | Consignatum opera | Johann Mart. Micahelis, | Phys. & Math. Cult. | [rule] | Das Spenerische Cabinet/ | Oder | Kurtze Beschreibung | Aller | So wol künstlich= als natürlicher/ alter/ | als neuer/ fremder/ als einheimischer curiösen | Sachen/ | Welche | Herr Johann Jacob. Spener Seel. | Phys. & Math. P.P. auf der Academie zu Halle | mit unermüdetem Fleiß colligiret. | [rule] | Leipzig/ druckts Christoph Fleischer/ 1693.
8°: A-N8 O7; 111l.; [1]-222 p.
Contents: [1-2], Title page, verso blank.; [3]-222, Text.
Rare. This catalog was compiled by Johann Martin Michaelis [fl. 1688-1693], a student of Spener's who defended his teacher's dissertation De Magnete in 1688 [see entry above]. Michaelis also appears to be responsible for the dispersion of the collection through a series of sales. The text of the catalog is written in both German and Latin, and lists numerous specimens of mineralogical interest. Based upon the classification of the book, the collection consisted of (1) Mathematical Instruments, (2) Optical Devices, (3) Mirrors and Lenses, (4) Instruments used in the Study of Physics, (5) Magnets, (6) Earths, (7) Stones, (8) Precious and Semi-Precious Gemstones, (9) Ore Specimens, (10) Mussels and Shells, (11) Oriental Items, (12) Old Vases, and (13) Coins.
Bibliographical references: Balsiger, Kunst und Wunderkammern, 1970: p. 653-4. • BL [728.b.30.]. • Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 259. • Klemm, Geschichte der Sammlungen, 1837: pp. 219, 227 & 254. • Murray, Museums, 1904: 1, 146 & 3, 185. • VD17: 14:637473A.