Schuh’s Annotated Bio-Bibliography

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SHTUKENBERG, Aleksandr Antonovich.

(1844 – 1905)

(Born: 1844; Died: 1905) Russian paleontologist.

Biographical references: Ivanovskii, Andrei Borisovich., Rugozy, opisannye A.A. Shtukenbergom, 1888-1905. Moskva, Nauka, 1987. 44 p., [22] p. of plates, illus.

1. Russian, 1901 [History].
Materialy dlya istoni Mineralogicheskogo i Geologicheskogo Kabinetov Kazanskogo Universiteta k 100-letnei godovshchme Universiteta, 1805-1865. [Materials for a History of Mineralogical and Geological Studies in Kazan University for the 100-Year Anniversary of the University, 1805-1865]. Kazan, 1901.

8°: 82 p.

Extremely rare. An historical account of the mineralogical and geological departments of Kazan University, 1805 to 1865.
