Schuh’s Annotated Bio-Bibliography

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SHCHUROVSKY, Grigor Efimovich.

(1803 – 1884)

(Born: Moscow, Russia, 30 January 1803; Died: Moscow, Russia, 1884) Russian geologist & mineralogist.

Born to poor circumstances, his mother gave the young Shchurovsky up for adoption. In the orphanage he was given schooling and quickly showed his intelligence. He became an associate of Gotthelf Fischer in Moscow, and took up the study of geology and mineralogy, becoming director of the Natural History Museum of Moscow University.

Biographical references: Bessudnova, Geologischeskie Issledovaniia v Muzee, 2006: p. 212-213.

Katalog, 1858

1. Russian, 1858 [Collection catalog].
{\cyrillic Katalog\char127 | Mineralogicheskago Kabineta, | Bol\char126wago i Malago, | prn Imperatorskom\char127 Moskovskom\char127 Universitet\char127, | Sostavlenn??ii | Professorom\char127 G. Wurovskum\char127. | Moskva. | B\char127 Universitetskoi Tipografim | 1858.}

8°: 748 p. Very rare.

Bibliographical references: Bessudnova, Geologischeskie Issledovaniia v Muzee, 2006: p. 64-67. BL. NUC.
