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SENFT, (Christian) Karl F.F.

(1810 – 1893)

(Born: Möhra near Salzungen, Germany, 6 May 1810; Died: Eisenach, Germany, 30 March 1893) German mineralogist.

Senft studied theology and natural science at the Universities of Jena and Göttingen. In 1835, he became professor of natural history at the Real-Gymnasium and the Forstschule in Eisenach. He was a member of the Leopoldin Academy and the Erfurt Academy.

Biographical references: DBA: II 1217, 356-357. Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft, Berlin: 11 (1893), 44-5. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition. Geographisches Jahrbuch: 19 (1897), 388-9. Leopoldina: 29 (1893), 108, 130-2. Poggendorff: 2, col. 907 & 3, 1236. Schaedler, Biographisch Handwörterbuch, 1891: 121. Wagenitz, Göttinger Biologen, 1988: 165. WBI.

1. German, 1857.
Classification | Und | Beschreibung | Der | Felsarten. | Von | Dr. Ferdinand Senft, | [...3 lines of titles and memberships...] | Mit XII Tabellen. | [rule] | Breslau, | Verlag Von Wilh. Gottl. Korn | 1857.

8°: [i]-xxxii, [1]-442 p., 12 tables (6 large, one hand-colored).

Contents: [i-ii], Half title page, "Die Felsarten," verso blank.; [iii-iv], Title page, verso blank.; [v], Advertisement.; [vi], Blank.; [vii]-viii, "Vorwort."-signed Dr. Senft, 4 October 1855.; [ix]-xxxii, "Inhaltsvezeichniss."; [1], Sectional title page.; [2], Blank.; [3]-422, Text.; [423-424], Blanks.; [425]-442, "Register."

Very scarce. This classification and description of feldspars was awarded a prize by the Leopoldian -Karolinian Academy in July 1855. This is perhaps more of a petrographical work than a mineralogy, but still displays the author's thorough treatment of the subject.

Bibliographical references: BMC: 4, 1901. NUC. NYPL Catalog.

2. German, 1868.
Die | krystallinischen Felsmengtheile | nach ihren | mineralischen Eigenschaften, | chemischen Bestandtheilen, Abarten, Umwandlungen, | Associationen und Felsbildungsweisen. | Für | Mineralogen, Geognosten und Bergleute | von | Dr. Ferdinand Senft | [...7 lines of titles and memberships...] | [rule] | Mit verschiedenen Tabellen, in den Text gedruckten Holzschnitten | und einer lithographirten Tafel. | [wavy rule] | Berlin 1868. | Verlag von Julius Springer.

8°: [i]-xl, [1]-752 p., one folded lithographed plate and numerous (some folded) tables and illustrations in the text.

Contents: [Frontispiece, folding plate showing crystal drawings.]; [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; [iii]-vi, "Vorrede."-signed Dr. Senft, September 1857.; [vii]-xl, "Inhalt."; [1], Sectional title page.; [2], Blank.; [3]-749, Text.; [750], "Druck von Eduard Weinberg in Berlin."; [751]-752, "Register | der | beschriebenen Mineralarten."

Very scarce. A long and detailed study for mineralogists, geologists, and mining people, describing the crystallization of rocks. It was based upon the characteristics of minerals, their chemical components, and modifications through heat. A truly remarkable petrographical study based upon the study of the minerals that make up the rocks.

Bibliographical references: BMC: 4, 1901. Katalog Bergakademie Freiberg, 1879: p. 620. NUC.

3. German, 1869.
Lehrbuch | der | Mineralien- und Felsartenkunde | von | Dr. Ferdinand Senft, | [...4 lines of titles and memberships...] | [rule] | Mit zwei lithograph. Tafeln der Krystalle. | [rule] | Jena, | Maute's Verlag | (Hermann Dusst). | 1869.

8°: [i]-lii, [1]-656 p., 2 tables (folding, p. 32 & p. 540), 2 plates (folding, crystal drawings). Page size: 210 x 130 mm.

Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; [iii], Dedication.; [iv], Blank.; [v]-xxviii, "Vorrede."; [xxix]-lii, "Inhaltsverzeichniß."; [1], Sectional title page, "Erste Hauptabtheilung. | Allgemeine Mineralogie."; [2], Blank.; [3]-134, Text.; [135]-512, "Zweite Hauptabtheilung. | Die Bescreibung | der | wichtigeren Mineralarten | aus | den einzelnen Classen und Ordnungen."; [513], Sectional title page, "Dritte Hauptabtheilung. | Die Felsarten."; [514], Blank.; [515]-646, Text.; [647], "Anhang. | [rule] | Abbildungen von Krystallen | nebst | Erklärung derselben."; [648], Blank.; 649-656, Text.; [At end], 2 folding plates.

Very scarce. A comprehensive textbook on mineralogy, as well as an introductory text to the developing science of petrology. Divided into three major sections, the first part covers general mineralogy, the second describes the most important mineral species in a descriptive mineralogy, while the third section develops the principles of petrology. Two plates at the end show various crystal diagrams.

Bibliographical references: BL [7104.b.44.]. BMC: 4, 1901.

Analytische Tabellen, 1874

4. German, 1874.
Analytische Tabellen | zur | Bestimmung | der | Classen, Ordnungen, Gruppen, | Sippen und Arten | der Mineralien und Gebirgsarten. | Gearbeitet | von | Professor Dr. Senft. | [rule] | Hannover. | Hahn'sche Hofbuchhandlung. | [short rule] | 1874.

8°: π2 14 2-68 77; 53l.; [4], [1]-102 p. Page size: 220 x 138 mm.

Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [2 pgs], "Vorrede."; [1], "Erste Abtheilung. | [wavy rule] | Bestimmungstafeln für die Mineralien."; [2], Blank.; [3]-88, Text.; [89], "Zweite Abtheilung. | [wavy rule] | Bestimmungstafeln der Gebirgsarten."; [90], Blank.; 91-102, Text.

Very scarce. Text consists of a series of tables giving information about the minerals and rocks properties.

Bibliographical references: BMC: 4, 1901.

Synopsis, 1875

5. German, 1875-8.
Synopsis | der | Mineralogie und Geognosie. | Ein | Handbuch für höhere Lehranstalten | und für Alle, | welche sich wissenschaftlich mit der Naturgeschichte der Mineralien | beschäftigen wollen. | [short rule] | Bearbeitet | von | Hofrath Dr. Ferdinand Senft, | [...6 lines of title and memberships...] | [short rule] | Erste Abtheilung: Mineralogie. [-Zweite Abtheilung: Geognosie.] | Mit 580 Holzschnitten. | [tapered rule] | Hannover. | Hahn'sche Hofbuchhandlung. | [short rule] | 1875 [-1878].

2 vols. [Vol 1: 1875] 8°: [i]-xxxvi, [1]-931, [1] p., 580 illus. [Vol 2, part 1: 1876] 8°: [i]-xix, [1], [1]-708 p., 122 illus. [Vol 2, part 2: 1878] 8°: [i]-xv, [1], [709]-1332 p., illus. 123-452. Page size: 220 x 135 mm.

Contents: [Vol 1] [i-ii], Blank, verso series title page.; [iii-iv], Title page, verso "Hofbuchdruckerei der Gebr. Jäneke in Hannover."; [v]-x, "Vorrede."; xi-xxxvi, "Inhaltsverzeichniß."; [1]-911, Text.; 912-914, "Anhang."; 915-931, "Alphabetisches Register."; [1 pg], "Druckfehler."

[Vol 2, part 1] [i-ii], Blank, verso series title page.; [iii-iv], Title page, verso "Hofbuchdruckerei der Gebr. Jäneke in Hannover."; [v]-vii, "Vorrede."; [viii], Blank.; ix-xix, "Inhaltsverzeichniß."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-708, Text.

[Vol 2, part 2] [i-ii], Blank, verso series title page.; [iii-iv], Title page, verso "Hofbuchdruckerei der Gebr. Jäneke in Hannover."; [v]-ix, "Vorrede."; [x], Blank.; xi-xv, "Inhaltsverzeichniß."; [1 pg], Blank.; [709]-1287, Text.; 1288-1296, "Anhang: | Geognostische Werke, welche bei der Bearbeitung der Synopsis, | namentlich der Atmosphäro=, Hydro= und Petrographie, benutzt | worden sind."; 1297-1332, "Alphabetisches Sachregister | zur | Geognosie.";

Very scarce. Published as part three of the second edition of Johannes Leunis's [1802-1873] series Synopsis der drei Naturreiche ... Mit vorzüglicher Berücksichtigung der nützlichen und schädlichen Naturkörper Deutschlands (1st ed., Hannover, 1844-53). This work by Senft represents the second edition of the mineralogical/geological portion. The first edition was prepared by Friedrich August Roemer in 1853.

The first volume of this large work is a comprehensive textbook on mineralogy, covering terminology, physical and chemical properties, crystallography, as well as a descriptive mineralogy of the most important mineral species. The text is fully illustrated with several hundred cuts showing mostly crystal diagrams. An index at the end provides a list of mineral species described in the text. The second volume covers all aspects of geology and palaeontology. It is also very illustrated with a comprehensive index to the text contained at the conclusion of the second part.

Bibliographical references: Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 80.
