SCHULTES, Joseph August.
(1773 – 1831)
In 1805, Schultes was professor of zoology, botany and mineralogy at the Theresianum in Vienna. He accepted a post as professor of chemistry and botany at the University of Krakow [Poland] in 1806. From 1808 he was instructor of natural history and chemistry at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. Finally, in 1809 he was appointed professor of natural history and botany at the University of Landshut, as well as one of the medical directors.
Biographical references: Poggendorff: 2, col. 859.
1. German, 1804.
Reise auf den Glockner. Von Joseph August Schultes. I. [-IV.] Theil. Wien, J.V. Degen, 1804.
4 Theilen. 4 plates, 1 folding map.
Very scarce. Theil 2 a.u.d.T.: Reise auf den Glockner an Kärnthens, Salzburgs und Tyrols Grenze. Theil 3.4 a.u.d.T.: Reise durch Salzburg und Berchtesgaden, 1.2. Th.
Bibliographical references: BL [979.f.15-18.]. LKG: XIV 293. NUC: 531, 363 [NS 0299501].
2. German, 1809.
Reisen durch Oberösterreich in den Jahren 1794, 1795, 1802, 1803, 1804, und 1808 von Joseph August Schultes. Tübingen: J.G. Cotta, 1809.
2 vols. in one.
Very scarce. Divided into two parts. The first describes the mountains and lakes of Oberösterreich, while the second gives technical statistics of the area.An interesting description of a journey in the region, illustrated with nice vieuws of the cities visited. The second part, which is completely devoted to the technology especially mining, contains some fine illustrations a.o. of the "Steinkohlen-Bergbau zu Wolfseck," and "Der fahrbare Fraunfall bei Roitham nächst Lambach."Theil 1 : [Ohne Titel], Mit 1 Karte und 5 Kupfern. Theil 2 : [Ohne Titel], Mit 15 Kupfern
Bibliographical references: BL [10205.dd.14.]. LKG: XIV 252 & 253. NUC: 531, 363 [NS 0299502].
3. German, 1809.
Mineralogische Tabellen. Nro. I. Werner's Mineralsystem und Schönbauer's Determinationssystem. Nro. II. Uebersicht der äussern Kennzeichen. Innsbruck, 1809.
Extremely rare. No copy located.
Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed]. LKG: XII 179. NUC [no copy listed].