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SCHRAUF, Albrecht.

(1837 – 1897)

(Born: Vienna, Austria, 14 December 1837; Died: Vienna, Austria, 29 November 1897) Austrian mineralogist & crystallographer.

Schrauf was educated at the University of Vienna by the crystallographer W.J. Grailich. In 1861, Schrauf became the assistant custodian of the Hof-Mineral-Kabinet in Vienna. He moved on to adjunct-custodian, before becoming the custodian in 1867. In 1862, he was appointed professor of physical mineralogy at the University of Vienna. Schrauf authored many papers mostly on mineralogical and crystallographic topics. For the most, they were devoted to three areas of study: (1) the physical and geometrical properties of minerals, (2) the atomic structure of crystals and (3) mineral paragensis. In his younger days he was closely associated with the Austrian Archduke Stephan, whose fine collection of minerals he studied for the preparation of a catalog (never published?), and to whom his Atlas der Krystallformen is dedicated.

Biographical references: Almanach der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien: 48 (1898), 322-6. Barr, Index to Biographical Fragments, 1973: 233. Bulletin de la Société Française de Minéralogie: 21 (1898), no. 7, 256-64. DBA: I 1137, 393-399; II 1183, 98-108. Knoll, Österreichische Naturforscher, 1957: 61-3, portrait [by H. Tertsch]. Leopoldina: 33 (1897), 165-6. Mineralogical Magazine: 12 (1900), 42. Nature: 57 (1897-8), 203-4. Poggendorff: 2, col. 841, 3, 1210-11 & 4, 1351. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 3, 2073. Scharizer, R., Professor Dr. Albrecht Schrauf. Ein biographische Skizze. Czernowitz, Austria, 1898. 22 p. WBI. Wien, Geologische Verhandlungen: 1897, 313-4. Wurzbach, Biographisches Lexikon Österreich, 1856-91.

1. German, 1898 [Biography].
Professor Dr. Albrecht Schrauf. | Eine biographische Skizze | von | Dr. Rudolf Scharizer | o.ö. Universitätsprofessor in Czernowitz. | Czernowitz. | Buchdruckerei Emil Kanarski. | 1898.

8°: [1]-22 p. Page size: 184 x 130 mm.

Contents: [1-2], Title page, verso blank.; [3]-22, Text.

Very rare. A biography issued after Schrauf's death. Included is a chronological listing of his writings.

2. German, 1864 [Bibliography].
Katalog der Bibliothek des K.K. Hof-Mineralien-Kabinets in Wien. Zweite vermehrte und umgeänderte Auflage neu geordnet auf Grundlage der weiland Custos Partsch verfassten ersten Auflage. Von Dr. Albrecht Schrauf ... Wien, C. Gerold's Sohn, 1864.

8°: x, [2], 340 p.

Very scarce. An excellent catalog of one of the finest mineralogical libraries in Europe. Enlarged and with a new arrangement from the first edition compiled by Paul Partsch in 1853. It contains 6617 numbered entries and an author index. For other editions, see Vienna. K.K. Hof-Mineralien-Kabinets. Bibliothek.

Bibliographical references: BL. Margerie, Bibliographies Géologiques, 1896: no. 811. NUC: 636, 552. USGS Library Catalog.

Atlas der Krystall-Formen, 1864

3. German, 1864-78.
Atlas | Der | Krystall-Formen | Des | Mineralreiches. | Von | Dr. Albrecht Schrauf | Custos-Adjunct Am Kais. Königl. Hof-Mineralkabinet, Docent Für Physikalische Mineralogie An Der Wiener Universität, | Mitglied Mehrerer Gelehrten Verreine. | [ornate rule] | I. [-V.] Lieferung. | Construction Und Gravirung Der Figuren Von A. Obsieger. | Wien 1864 [-1878]. | Wilhelm Braumüller | K.K. Hofbuchhändler.

4°: [8], [1]-19, [2] p., 50 plates (numbered I-L). Page size: 362 x 270 mm.

Contents: Lieferung I, 1864: [2 pgs], "Prospectus."-signed Wilhelm Braumüller, August 1864.; [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1 pg], Dedictation to Kaiser Stephan.; [1 pg], Blank.; [1 pg], "Vorwort."-signed Dr A. Schrauf, 1 January 1864.; [1 pg], Blank.; [1], "Einleitung."; [2], Blank.; [3]-6, Text of introduction.; [7]-12, "Literatur."; [13]-19, "Tabellen | Zur | Vergleichung der Systematischen Flächenbezeichnung."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1 pg], "Atlas."; [1 pg], Blank.; Tafel I-X with intersperced decriptive letterpress.

Lieferung II, 1871: [2 pgs], Title page, verso "C. Ueberruter'sche Buchdruckerei."; Tafel XI-XX with intersperced decriptive letterpress.

Lieferung III, 1872: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; Tafel XXI-XXX with intersperced decriptive letterpress.

Lieferung IV, 1873: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; Tafel XXXI-XL with intersperced decriptive letterpress. newpar Lieferung V, 1877: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; Tafel XLI-L with intersperced decriptive letterpress.

Rare. No more published. An ambitious and rare work, commenced by one of the greatest crystallographers of the time. At the suggestion of Wilhelm Joseph Grailich, Schrauf set his goal to depict every crystalline form known for each mineral species. The species are arranged alphabetically with each plate showing 16 well executed figures of crystals. Each plate is accompanied with a leaf of descriptive letterpress. The text contains crystallographic descriptions of the figures, fundamental dimensions and angles, but without tables relating the inclinations between the various crystal faces. These tables were to be published in a companion volume that never appeared. Many of the figures are by Schrauf himself, and in all cases references are given to the original authority. Due to the tremendous labor, expense and time involved in preparing the plates, only 5 Lieferungen of a projected 20 were ever issued. Each of these contain 10 plates and bears its own title page with dates ranging from 1864 to 1878, when Schrauf abandoned the project. It was not until Victor Goldschmidt published his own Atlas der Krystallformen (Heidelberg, 1913-23) that Schrauf's idea was carried through to completion.

Bibliographical references: American Journal of Science: 3rd Series, 1 (1865), 220. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 80. NUC: 530, 59-60.

Lehrbuch der Krystallographie, 1866

4. German, 1866.
Lehrbuch | Der | Krystallographie | Und | Mineral-Morphologie. | [ornate rule] | Handbuch | Zum Studium Der Theoretischen Chemie, Mineralogie | Und Krystallophysik. | Von | Dr. Albrecht Schrauf | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | Mit 100 Dem Texte Eingedruckten Holzschnitten. | [rule] | Wien, 1866. | Wilhelm Braumüller | K.K. Hof. Und Universitätsbuchhändler.

[Volume two title reads:]

Lehrbuch | Der | Angewandten Physik | Der | Krystalle. | Handbuch | Zum Studium Der Theoretischen Chemie, Mineralogie | Und Krystallographie. | Von | Dr. Albrecht Schrauf | [...3 lines of titles and memberships...] | Mit 133 Dem Texte Eingedruckten Holzschnitten. | [rule] | Wien, 1868. | Wilhelm Braumüller | K.K. Hof- Und Universitätsbuchhändler.

[Series title page reads:]

Lehrbuch | Der | Physikalischen Mineralogie | Von | Dr. Albrecht Schrauf, | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | I. Band. | Lehrbuch Der Krystallographie Und Mineral-Morphologie. | [rule] | Wien, 1866. | Wilhelm Braumüller | K.K. Hof- Und Universitätsbuchhändler.

2 vols. [Vol 1: 1866] 8°: [i]-x, [1]-253, [1] p., 100 illus. [Vol 2: 1868] 8°: [i]-vi, [1]-426 p., 133 illus. Page size: 224 x 150 mm.

Contents: [Vol 1] [i-ii], Half title page, "Physikalische Mineralogie," verso series title page.; [iii-iv], Title page, verso blank.; [v], Dedication to Anton Schröter.; [vi], Blank.; [vii-viii], "Vorwort."-signed A. Schrauf, 1 August 1865.; [ix]-x, "Einleitung."; [1], Sectional title page, "I. Abtheilung. | Allgemeine Morphologie."; [2], Blank.; [3]-90, Text.; [91], Sectional title page, "II. Abtheilung. | Theoretische Morphologie."; [92], Blank.; [93]-251, Text.; [252], Blank.; 253, "Inhaltsverzeichniss."; [1 pg], Blank.

[Vol 2] [i-ii], Blank, verso series title page.; [iii-iv], Title page, verso blank.; [v]-vi, "Einleitung."-signed Albrecht Schrauf, 15 September 1867.; [1], "I. Abtheilung. | Die allgemeinen Eigenschaften | der Materie."; [2], Blank.; [3]-70, Text.; [71], "II. Abtheilung. | Die optischen Eigenschaften der | Körper im Allgemeinen."; [72], Blank.; [73]-419, Text.; [420]-422, "Verzeichniss | der im vorliegenden Bande wiederholt gebrauchten Bezeichnungen."; [423]-426, "Inhaltsverszeicnhiss."

Very scarce. Issued in two volumes in 1866 and 1868 respectively, Lehrbuch der physikalischen Mineralogie treats in volume one the descriptive and mathematical crystallography and in volume two the optical, thermal, and other physical properties of minerals or inorganic substances. It was written to supplement the author's Atlas of crystalline forms by providing full descriptions of the minerals. Another volume that was to contain tables of the angles and dimensions of crystals of the various mineral species was planned but never published.

Bibliographical references: American Journal of Science: 3rd series, 1 (1871), 473. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 80. NUC: 530, 59-60 [NS 0276791].

5. German, 1867.
Physikalische Studien; die gesetzmässigen Beziehungen von Materie und Licht, mit specieller Berücksichtigung der Molecular-Constitution organischer Reihen und krystallisirter Körper. Wien, C. Gerold's Sohn, 1867.

8°: iv, 249 p., tables.

Rare. Included? in Lehrbuch der physikalischen Mineralogie (Wien, 1866-8) [which see entry above]. Concerns the relationship of crystallography and organic chemistry.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 530, 59-60.

6. German, 1894.
Über den Einfluß des Bergsgens auf die Entstehung der mineralogischen Wissenschaft im Anfange des 16. Jahrhunderts. Vortrag gehalten in der feierlichen Sitzung der kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften [zu Wien] am 30. Mai 1894. Wien, 1894.

8°: 31 p., plate (portrait of Agricola).

Rare. History of mineralogy in the sixteenth century as viewed from the influence of mining activities.
