SAUER, Gustav Adolf.
(1852 – 1932)
Sauer wrote a dissertation on the geology of the Canary Islands. Afterwards he was employed in the geological surveys of Saxony, Baden and Württemberg, becoming director of the last.
Biographical references: Bach, I., "Der Geologe Adolf Sauer," Sächs. Heimatbl., 22 (1976), no. 5, 220-1. Bräuhäuser, M., [Obituary of of G.A. Sauer]. Jber. Mitt. Oberrhein. geol. Ver., 21 (1933), p. ix-xv, portrait. Mineralogical Magazine: 23 (1933), no. 141, p. 359. Poggendorff: 6, 2288. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 3, 2042.
1. German, 1876 [Dissertation].
Untersuchungen über phonolithische Gesteine der Canarischen Inseln. Dissertatio inauguralis mineralogica, &c. Halis Saxonum, 1876.
8°: 64 p. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: BMC: 4, 1810.
2. German, 1906.
Mineralkunde | als | Einführung in die Lehre vom Stoff der Erdrinde. | [short rule] | Ein Abriß der reinen und angewandten Mineralogie | von | Dr. A. Sauer | o. Professor an der Kgl. Techn. Hochschule in Stuttgart. | [short rule] | Mit 26 farbigen Tafeln und mehreren hundert Textbildern. | [ornate rule] | Stuttgart. | Kosmos, Gesellschaft der Naturfreunde. | Geschäftsstelle: Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung.
4°: 249, [55] p., 26 chromolithographic plates showing mineral specimens, 281 illus. Page size: 230 x 310 mm.
Very scarce. A large, impressive volume that presented a general picture of mineralogy in elementary language, but which is today best known for its splendid chromolithographic plates which show specimens and gemstones in good representations. These 26 chromolithographic plates were apparently first issued in this book, but were later also used in F. Leteur's Traité Élémentaire de Minéralogie Pratique (Paris, 1907) and Alexander Bernard's Atlas Minerálů (Praze, 1907).
Bibliographical references: BMC: 4, 1810. Centralblatt für Mineralogie: Jhg. 1907, p. 285. International Catalogue of Scientific Literature: 1907, no. 6727 & 1909, no. 9918 [indicates the first two parts were published in 1905 while sections 3-7 appeared in 1906].