(1681 – )
See under: Grew, Nehemiah.
1. English, et al., 1867-1925.
Catalogue | Of | Scientific Papers | (1800-1863) | [rule] | Compiled By The | Royal Society Of London. | [rule] | Vol. I. | [rule] | (1867) | London: | Printed By George Edward Eyre And William Spottiswoode, | Printers To The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty. | For Her Majesty's Stationary Office. | [short rule] | 1867.
19 vols.
First series. Papers 1800-1863.
[Vol 1: 1867] 4°: [i]-lxxix, [1] blank, [1]-960 p. (authors A-Coa). [Vol 2: 1868] 4°: [i]-iv, [1]-1012 p. (authors Coaklay-Gray). [Vol 3: 1869] 4°: [i]-v, [1], [1]-1002 p. (authors Greatheed-Lézé). [Vol 4: 1870] 4°: [i]-iv, [1]-1006 p. (authors L'Heritier-Portal). [Vol 5: 1871] 4°: [i]-iv, [1]-1000 p. (authors Praag-Tizzani). [Vol 6: 1872] 4°: [i]-xi, [1], [1]-763, [1] p. (authors Tkalec-Zuchold).
Second series. Papers 1864-1873.
[Vol 7: 1877] 4°: [i]-xxxi, [1], [1]-1047, [1] p. (authors A-Hytrl). [Vol 8: 1879] 4°: [2], [1]-1310 p. (authors Ibanez-Zwicky).
Third series. Papers 1874-1883.
[Vol 9: 1891] 4°: [i]-xxxii, [1]-1016 p. (authors A-Girtman). [Vol 10: 1894] 4°: [4], [1]-1048 p. (authors Gissmann-Pettersson). [Vol 11: 1896] 4°: [4], [1]-902 p. (authors Pettigrew-Zeitsch).
Supplement to the previous volumes 1880-1883.
[Vol 12: 1902] 4°: [i]-xxxii, [1]-807, [1] p. (authors A-Zwanziger).
Fourth series. Papers 1884-1900.
[Vol 13: 1914] 4°: [i]-xcviii, [1]-951, [1] p. (authors A-B). [Vol 14: 1915] 4°: [4], [1]-1024 p. (authors C-Fittig). [Vol 15: 1916] 4°: [i]-vi, [1]-1012 p. (authors Fitting-Hyslop). [Vol 16: 1918] 4°: [i]-vi, [1]-1054 p. (authors I-Marbut). [Vol 17: 1921] 4°: [4], [1]-1053 p. (authors Marc-P). [Vol 18: 1923] 4°: [4], [1]-1067, [1] p. (authors Q-S). [Vol 19: 1925] 4°: [4], [1]-877, [1] p. (authors T-Z).
Subject Index Volumes. 1800-1900.
4°: [i]-lviii, [1]-666 p. (Mathematics). 4°: [i]-lxxiii, [1], [1]-355, [1] p. (Mechanics). 4°: [i]-c, [1]-550, i-vii, [1] p. (Physics Part I). 4°: [i]-xv, [1], 551-927, i-vii p. (Physics Part II).
Very scarce. This author bibliography lists hundreds of thousands of articles published in over 1,500 periodicals and transactions of learned societies and institutions in various languages during the nineteenth century. It is world wide in scope, and in the case of Russian items a translation in either French or English is provided. It is an unsurpassed compilation covering all the sciences, including mineralogy and crystallography. In regard to indexing articles that are mineralogical in nature, this work carried on in broader scope the tradition of J.D. Reuss' Repertorium Commentationum a Societatibus Litterariis Editarum (16 vols., Göttingen, 1801-21).
This work is so important for tracing articles published in the ninteeth century that it is in many cases the first choice for building reference lists for authors of the period. Its compilation was first suggested at the Glasgow meeting of the B.A.A.S. in 1855 by Joseph Henry [1797-1878], secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, and the plan was drawn up in 1857. After many years of preparation and considerable expenditure, the first volume appeared in 1867.
To give an idea of the size of this catalogue it will suffce to remark that the. papers catalogued in the fourth series alone, for the period 1884-1900, number 384,478 citations, by 68,577 authors.
The compilation of a subject index, without which the work loses much of its value, was already contemplated in the first plan (1857). It was finally decided to arrange it in accordance with the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature (which see below). This meant that it would include seventeen volumes, one for each of the seventeen sciences recognized in that catalogue. The first volume, Pure Mathematics, appeared in 1908; the second, Mechanics, in 1909, the third, Physics, in two instalments, Generalities, Heat, Light, Sound in 1912, Electricity and Magnetism in 1914. The publication was then finally discontinued, which is a great pity. Whatever the fate of the International Catalogue may be, there is no justification for leaving the Royal Society Catalogue essentially incomplete, and thus nullifying a large part of the past labor and expenditure. However, with the general introduction of computer technology, hopefully the work will appear on-line and searchable.
The Catalogue of Scientific Papers, 1800-1900 was itself superceded by the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature (14 vols., London, 1902-19), also prepared by the Royal Society of London, which is described in the next entry.
Bibliographical references: Collison, Encyclopaedias, 1966: p. 46. Sarton, Guide to the History of Science, 1952: p. 98.
2. English, etc., 1901-14.
International Catalogue | Of | Scientific Literature | First Annual Issue | G | Mineralogy | Including | Petrology And Crystallography | [rule] | Published For The International Council | By The | Royal Society Of London | London: | Harrison and Sons, 45, St. Martin's Lane. | [rule] | Vol. XI: 1903 (January).
14 vols. [Vol 1: 1903] 8°: [i]-xiii, [1], [1]-208 p. [Vol 2: 1904] 8°: [i]-viii, [1]-243, [1] p. [Vol 3: 1905] 8°: [i]-viii, [1]-359, [1] p. [Vol 4: 1906] 8°: [i]-viii, [1]-211, [1] p. [Vol 5: 1907] 8°: [i]-viii, [1]-279, [1] p. [Vol 6: 1908] 8°: [i]-viii, [1]-251, [1] p. [Vol 7: 1909] 8°: [i]-viii, [1]-291, [1] p. [Vol 8: 1910] 8°: [i]-viii, [1]-274 p. [Vol 9: 1911] 8°: [i]-viii, [1]-265, [1] p. [Vol 10: 1912] 8°: [i]-viii, [1]-237, [1] p. [Vol 11: 1914] 8°: [i]-viii, [1]-206 p. [Vol 12: 1915] 8°: [i]-viii, [1]-233, [1] p. [Vol 13: 1916] 8°: [i]-viii, [1]-171, [1] p. [Vol 14: 1917] 8°: [i]-viii, [1]-169, [1] p.
Very scarce. This is an outgrowth of the Royal Society Catalogue, as it was felt that the scientific literature of the 20th century was too extensive to be dealt with by a single scientific society. Its organization was arranged at the initiative of the Royal Society by an international conference which met in London in 1896, then again in 1898, in 1900, etc. It was decided to divide science into seventeen branches:\LIST \item{A.} Mathematics. \item{B.} Mechanics. \item{C.} Physics. \item{D.} Chemistry. \item{E.} Astronomy. \item{F.} Meteorology (including Terrestrial Magnetism). \item{G.} Mineralogy (including Petrology and Crystallography). \item{H.} Geology. \item{J.} Geography (Mathematical and Physical). \item{K.} Paleontology. \item{L.} General Biology. \item{M.} Botany. \item{N.} Zoology. \item{O.} Human Anatomy. \item{P.} Physical Anthropology. \item{Q.} Physiology (including Experimental Psychology, Pharmacology, and Experimental Pathology). \item{R.} Bacteriology. \eA large number of annual volumes were actually published from 1902 to 1916, but the gigantic undertaking was a victim of the first World War and of the national selfishness and loss of idealism which the War induced. The volumes published cover the scientific literature for the period from 1901 to about 1913.
The total publication includes 254 octavo volumes of which 14 were devoted to mineralogy. After World War I, the stock was sold to William Dawson and Sons London, who offered a complete sets for the price of £60 unbound, or £100 bound (November 1935). Unfortunately most of this stock was destroyed, by enemy action during the second World War and complete sets of these original volumes are now almost unobtainable. However, a the complete set was reprinted in a condensed format [see note below].
Section G that was devoted to mineralogy ran a total of 14 volumes. After the preliminaries, the text was divided into two principle sections. The first is an alphabetical author list of the literature while the second is a classified index to the literature. Each entry was provided a reference number and these extend to 22258 in the very last mineralogical entry.
Facsimile reprint, 1968: International Catalogue of Scientific Literature. New York, Johnson Reprint, 1968. By page reduction, four pages of each original volume have been reduced so that the complete 14 volumes are now reprinted in a single rather thick quarto sized volume.
Bibliographical references: Sarton, Guide to the History of Science, 1952: p. 98-9.