(1884 – 1954)
(Born: 1884; Died: 1954) Brazilian anthropologist.
Biographical references: ABE: II 793, 289-292. WBI. Who's who in Latin America: p. ??.
1. Portuguese, 1918 [First edition].
Elementos de Mineralogia (Applicada ao Brasil) por E. Roquetto-Pinto ... Rio de Janeiro, F. Alves & Cia, 1918.
8°: 212, [2] p. illus., diagrams. A textbook of mineralogical science giving the important elements of the study. Written for the Brazilian school system, the author has placed a special emphasis on those mineral species found in Brazil, making this one of the few large works on the mineralogy of that significant locality. Page size: 110 x 170 mm. Rare.
Bibliographical references: NUC.