Schuh’s Annotated Bio-Bibliography

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ROCHELEAU, William Francis.

(1882? – ?)

1. English, 1922.
Minerals | The First Book of | The | Great American Industries | Series | by | W. F. Rocheleau | 1922 | A. Flanagan Company | Chicago.

8°: [1]-212, [4] p., illus. Page size: 182 x 122 mm.

Contents: [1-2], Title page, verso "Copyright 1902, 1922 ..."; [3], "Preface."; [4], "Great American Industries ..."; [5], "Contents."; [6], Blank.; [7]-212, Text.; [4 pgs], Advertisements.

Very scarce. Describes the use of minerals such as coal, petroleum, iron, marble, granite, slate, gold, silver, copper and zinc.

Bibliographical references: NUC.
