(1783 – 1827)
Robinson graduated from Dartmouth College in 1812. He was a member of the American Geological Society.
Biographical references: The genealogy of George Robinson of Rehoboth. [London], 1945: 11.
1. English, 1825.
A | Catalogue | Of | American Minerals, | With Their | Localities; | Including All Which Are Known To Exist In The | United States And British Provinces, | And Having The | Towns, Counties, And Districts In Each State And Province | Arranged Alphabetically. | With An | Appendix, Containing | Additional Localities And A Tabular View. | [rule] | By Samuel Robinson, M.D. | Member Of The American Geological Society. | [rule] | [tapered rule] | Boston: | Published By Cummings, Hilliard, & Co. | 1825.
8°: π4 1-384 392 404; 162l.; [i]-vi, [2], [1]-316 p. Page size: 218 x 127 mm.
Contents: Title page, verso "District Of Massachusetts, To Wit. | ..."; [iii]-vi, "Preface."; [1 pg], "Index."; [1 pg], "Errata."; [1]-304, Text.; [305]-316, "A | Tabular View | Of The Number Of Localities Of Each Mineral In Every State, And The | Total Number In The United States."
Very scarce. The first comprehensive catalog of American mineral localities and one of the earliest mineralogical treatises published in the United States. It is, the preface declares, "not only calculated for a guide to those who are traveling to make collections; but to the mineralogist who is stationary, it presents a condensed view of the minerals he may wish to obtain." Robinson compiled the localities by thoroughly searching the literature, and in particular he notes his debt to Parker Cleaveland's Treatise (2nd ed., Boston, 1822) and The American Journal of Science. This work, for many years the authoritative source on America's mineral resources, attracted enough attention that Frederick Hall published an article correcting the errors contained in the catalog [See: American Journal of Science: 15 (1829), 197-9].
Bibliographical references: American Journal of Science: 1st Series, 9 (1825), 396-7. BMC: 4, 1714. Boston Journal of the Philosophical Arts: 2 (1825), 505 [by J.W. Webster]. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 79. Hazen & Hazen, American Geological Literature, 1980: no. 8822. North American Review: 21 (1825), 233-4 [by J.W. Webster].
2. English, 1829 [Sale catalog].
Descriptive Catalogue | Of A | Collection Of Rare Minerals, | Proper For The Study Of | Crystallography, | Recently Arranged After Phillips; | With Localities And References For The Figures Of | Crystals To His Third Edition. | [rule] | [ornament] This Collection can be obtained at private sale on application to | who will exhibit specimens. | [rule] | New-York: | G. & C. & H. Carvill, 108 Broadway. | 1829.
8°: [1]-49, [1] p. Page size: 212 x 130 mm.
Contents: [1-2], Title page, verso "Persons conversant with Mineralogy."-dated 1 July 1827.; [3]-49, "Descriptive Catalogue."; [1 pg], Blank.
Very scarce. Possibly the sale catalog of Samuel Robinson's mineral collection. Robinson, author of the important A Catalogue of American Minerals (New York, 1825), spent much of his life involved in mineralogic studies. After his death in early 1827, Robinson's heirs put his collection up for sale. For this purpose a brief notice appeared in The American Journal of Science [See: 13 (1827), 199]. Although the year on the title page of this work indicates publication in 1829, the preface is dated "New-York July 1st, 1827," which implies the catalog existed for at least a year and a half before it was published.
The large size of the collection (1413 specimens) and the inclusion of many European specimens are evidence that this collection was the work of a devoted collector, which is a message that the preface reinforces: "Persons conversant with mineralogy will preceive, after a perusal of the catalogue, that many years of labour have been devoted to the formation of this series of minerals, which is arranged after the best principals of modern science, and enriched by rare crystals. It is the result of private study and of much careful selection ... The rarest minerals of Europe, with choice specimens from India, South America &c., constitute the collection." The arrangement as stated in the title is according to the doctrines of William Phillip's [q.v.] Elementary Introduction to Mineralogy (3rd ed., London, 1823).
Bibliographical references: Wilson, History of Mineral Collecting, 1994: 190 & 222.