(1860? – ?)
1. Spanish, 1900 [First edition].
Compendio de Mineralogía Descriptiva aplicada a la farmacia industria y agricultura. Antecedida de unas ligeras nociones de ensayos químicos de los minerales, por Marcelo Rivas Mateos, Catedrático de la Universidad de Barcelona. Barcelona, Establecimiento tipo-litográfico de José Cunill. Cortes, 212 y bajada Viladecols, 3, 1900.
8°: 398 p.
Rare. The first part of the work describes the chemistry and chemical manipulation of minerals, including assaying and analysis in both the wet and dry ways. Properties such as crystallography, hardness, lustre, etc. are also covered. The second part is a descriptive mineralogy organized along the classification of Tschermak, which divided the minerals into nine chemical classes. Through out, emphasis is placed on the industrial uses of the minerals, especially in pharmacy, chemistry and agriculture. Notice is also given to the species that were known to occur in Spain.
Bibliographical references: Calvo Rebollar, Bibliografía Mineralogía Españolas, 1999: p. 199-200. NUC.
2. Spanish, 1906 [2nd edition].
Compendio de Mineralogia Aplicada a la farmacia industria y agricultura, y estudio especial de los minerale de Espana, por Marcelo Rivas Mateos. Madrid, Establecimiento tipo-litográfico de Fortanet, 1906.
8°: 559 p., illus., diagrams. An expanded edition, following the format of the first, and describing the uses of minerals in Spanish industry. Rare.
Bibliographical references: NUC.