Schuh’s Annotated Bio-Bibliography

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RITTER, Albrecht.

(1684 – 1748)

(Born: Holzhausen (Gotha), Germany, 2 June 1684; Died: Ilefeld, Germany, 1748) German educator.

Ritter was the first "Hofmeister," then in succession Substitut (1717), Subconrector (1721), Conrector (1723) and Prorector (1740) at the royal Stiftscollegiums at Ilefeld. He held membership in the Leopoldinian Academy.

Biographical references: ADB. Börner, Vornehmsten Lebensumständen, 1749-64. DBA: I 1041, 330-359; II 1080, 275. Hirsching, Historisch-literarisches Handbuch, 1794-1815. Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, Supplement. Meusel, Verstorbenen Teutschen Schrifsteller, 1802-16. Poggendorff: 1, col. 651. WBI.

1. Latin, 1731 [Part 1].
A. Ritter ... Lucubratiuncula de Alabastris Hohnsteinensibus Nonnullisque aliis ejusdem loci Rebus Naturalibus, etc. [Helmstadt,] 1731.

4°: 16 p., one plate with VII figures. Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: BL [444.c.25.]. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, p. 111. LKG: XIV 230. Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 1880.

2. Latin, 1732 [Part 2].
A. Ritter ... Lucubratiuncula II. De Alabastris Schwartzburgicis, cui Subnexa est Rerum Quarumdam Naturalium ejusdem Terrae Brevis Delineatio. [Helmstadt,] 1732.

4°: 31 p., one fold-out plate with IV figures. Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: BL [444.c.26.]. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, p. 111. LKG: XIV 231a.

3. Latin, 1733.
Alberti Ritter | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | Epistolica | Oryctographia | Goslariensis | Ad | Excellentissimvm Experientissmvmqve | Virvm | Avgvst. Johannem | Hvgo | [...8 lines of titles and memberships...] | [rule] | Helmstadii, | [rule] | Litteris Bvchholzianis, 1733.

4°: 15 p., one fold-out plate with VII figures. Rare.

Bibliographical references: BL [726.c.3.(3.)]. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, p. 101. LKG: XIV 145.

4. Latin, 1738 [2nd edtion].
A. Ritter ... Epistolica Historicophysica Oryctographia Goslariensis ... Editio altera priore muto auctior et correctior. Sondershusae, 1738.

4°: 32 p., 2 plates. Rare.

Bibliographical references: BL [444.c.39.]. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, p. 101.

5. Latin, 1734 [Part 1].
A. Ritter ... Commentatio Epistolaris I. De Fossilibus et Naturae Mirabilibus Osterodanis, etc. Sondershusae, 1734.

4°: 23 p. Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: BL [444.c.14.(9.)]. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, p. 142. LKG: XIV 160.

6. Latin, 1736 [Part 2].
Commentatio II. de Zoolithodendroidis in genere et in specie de Schwartzburgico-Sonderhusanis ... una cum supplemento rerum naturalium et curiosarum hujus regionis in Lucubratiuncula II. de Alabastris Schwartzburgicis quondam a me delineatarum, &c. Sonderhusae, 1736.

4°: 34, [6] p., 2 fold-out plates with III figures & VI figures, respectively. Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: BL [444.C.-14.(10.)]. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, p. 166. LKG: XIV 232b.

7. Latin, 1740.
Schediasma de nucibus margacis vulgo Mergel-Nussen. Sondershusae, 1740.

8°: 16 p., one plate. Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 2, p. 161. LKG: XVI 318.

8. Latin, 1740.
Alberti Ritter | [ line of titles and memberships...] | Relatio Historico-Cvriosa | De | Iterato Itinere | In | Hercyniae | Montem Famosissimvm | Brvctervm | Ad | Excellentissimvm Doctissimvmque |Virvm | Franciscvm Ernestvm Brvckmann | [...10 lines of titles and memberships...] | [rule] | Cvm Figvris | Aeneis. | [double rule] | Helmstadii A.R.S. MDCCXXXX.

4°: 56 p., 5 folded leaves of plates, illus. Printed in Hannover by Imprimatur B. Mentzer.

Very scarce. Includes bibliographical references.

Bibliographical references: BL [445.b.32.(1.)]. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, p. 66. Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen: 1740, p. 197 ["Gehört zu den guten Beschreibungen dieses Berges, obgleich die Kupfer nicht ganz getren sind."]. LKG: XIV 161a.

9. German, 1744 [German transl.].
Albert Ritters ... Historische Nachricht von einer doppelten Reise nach dem auf dem Harze belegenen so beruhmten Berge gemeiniglich Blocksberg genandt aus dem Lateinischen ins Teutsche ubersetzt. Magdeburg, Gedruckt und zufinden bey Gottfried Vettern, 1744.

8°: 112 p.

Very scarce. Without the knowledge of Ritter, his Relatio historico-curiosa de iterato itinere in Hercyniae was translated into German. Appended are Wendelin Helbach's Latin verses on the Blocksberg with German prose translation, and anonymous Knittelverse on the same. Includes notes on the historical events and on the folklore.

Bibliographical references: Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, p. 66-67. NUC.

10. Latin, 1741-3.
Alberti Ritter, | [...5 lines of titles and memberships...] | Specimen I. | Oryctographiae | Calenbergicae | Sive | Rervm Fossilivm | Qvae sub Adpellatione Rervm Natvralivm | Plervmqve Venivnt | Et In Ducatu Electorali Brvnsvico-Lvne- | bvrgico Calenberg Ervvntvr | Historico-Physicae Delineationis | [rule] | Cvm Figvris Aeri Incisis | Lapidvm Qvorvmdam Figvratorvm | Rariorvm | [double rule] | Sondershvsae A.R.G. MDCCXLI.

2 parts. [Part 1: 1741] 4°: 20 p., one folding plate with VI figures. [Part 2: 1743] 4°: 32 p., one plate. Rare.

Bibliographical references: BL [B.330.(9.)]. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, p. 73. LKG: XIV 146a. Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 1881.

11. German, 1744 [German transl.].
Historisch-Physikalisches | Send=Schreiben | von | dem in der Marck=Brandenburg belegenen | merck= und wundernswurdigen | Arend=See, | An den | Hoch=Chrwürdigen in GOtt andächtigen und | Hochgelahrten Herrn, | Herrn | Otto Joachim Anhalt | [...7 lines of titles and memberships...] | von | Albrecht Ritter | [...3 lines of titles and memberships...] | [rule] Gedruckt Sonderhausen im Jahr 1744.

4°: 24 p. Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: BL [B.330.(11.)]. LKG: XIV 192.

12. Latin, 1748.
Alberti Ritter | [...3 lines of titles and memberships...] | Svb Denominatione Chrysermi II. | Svpplementa | Scriptorvm Svorvm | Historico-Physicorvm | Svccessv Temporis | Particvlatim In Lvcem Editorum | Vna Cvm | Syllabo | Fossilivm Carlshüttensivm, | Cvriosis | Hactenvs Plane Incognitorvm Et A Nemine | Adhvc Descriptorvm. | [rule] | Cvm Figvris Aeri Inscvlptis. | [ornate rule] | Helmstadii | Ex Officina Michaelis Gvntheri Levckart | A.R.G. M DCC XLVIII.

4°: 120 p., one plate. Rare.

Bibliographical references: BL [B.330.(12.)]. LKG: XIV 162b.
