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RICHTER, Georg Gottfried.

(1680? – ?)

1. Latin, 1719 [Collection catalog].
Gazophylacium sive Catalogus Rerum Mineralium et Metallicarum, ut et tam Domesticorum quam Exoticorum, varia Rudera urbium Fructicum, Quopraesentantium ... collegit G.G.R. ... Fribergæ, 1719.

8°: 58 p.

Very rare. Another issue was published in Leipzig in the same year. This appears to be a catalog of metallic minerals in the author's collection. Since it was published in Freiberg, the collection was probably built around minerals found in the many mines of the area.

Bibliographical references: Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 260. LKG: XV 5.
