Schuh’s Annotated Bio-Bibliography

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REYNAUD, Jean Ernest.

(1806 – 1863)

(Born: Lyon, France, 4 February 1806; Died: Paris, France, 28 June 1863) French mining expert & philosopher.

Reynaud graduated from the Polytechnic School in 1827 and entered the School of the Mines. While a student there he made a long trip from May to November 1829, through the Harz Mountains, the Black Forest, Saxony, Hannover, Oldenbourg, Westphalia, Belgium and the Netherlands. He graduated in 1830. He became an engineer in Corsica. During the revolution of 1830 he was for a time imprisoned. Afterwards he became a member of the Saint-Simonian community and in his Terre et Ciel (1854), Reynaud set out a religious system based on the transmigration of souls which he believed was reconcilable both with Christianity and pluralism. Reynaud was also a co-founder of the Encyclopédie Nouvelle.

Biographical references: Internet search. Poggendorff: 2, col. 618.

1. French, 1836 [First edition].
Minéralogie des Gens du Monde; ou, Notions Générales sur les Minéraux les plus Utiles à la Société, par M.R ***. Paris, Moutardier, 1836.

12°: [4], 421, [1] p.

Very rare. Original edition of this small treatise written by the author during his imprisonment at the beginning of the reign of Louis XVIII, when he had been subjected to a forced leisure. Cast in a popular style handbook the text treats the principal economic minerals used by society including stones, earths, fuels, ores and mineral water.

Bibliographical references: Barbier: 3, p. 303. NUC [NR 0214950]. Quérard, France Littéraire, 1964: 6, p. 169.

2. French, 1842 [First edition].
Histoire Élémentaire des Minéraux Usuels, par Jean Reynaud. Paris, Passard, 1842.

12°: [4], 421 p.

Very rare. First appearance of the book under its more utilitarian and well known title. Based on pagination it appears to be a reissue of the Minéralogie des Gens du Monde, ou, Notions Générales sur les Minéraux les plus Utiles à la Société of 1836.

Bibliographical references: NUC.

3. French, 1867 [2nd edition].
Bibliothéque Des Merveilles | [rule] | Histoire Élémentaire | Des | Minéraux | Usuels | Par | Jean Reynaud | [...5 lines of quotation, signed Pline...] | [short rule] | Deuxième Édition | Illustrée De 2 Planches De Minéraux Usuels | [short rule] | Paris | Librairie De L. Hachette Et Cie | Boulevard Saint-Germain, N° 77 | [short rule] | 1867 | Droits de propriété et de traduction réservés.

12°: [4], [i]-iii, [1], [1]-311 p., hand-colored frontispiece, 2 plates (one colored). Frontispiece and plates accompanied by guard sheet with descriptive letterpress. Page size: 178 x 104 mm.

Contents: [2 pgs], Half title page, "... Histoire Élémentaire | Des | Minéraux | Usuels," verso "Paris. - Imp. Simon Baçon Et Comp., Rue D'Erfurth, 1."; [Frontispiece accompanied by a guard sheet with descriptive letterpress.].; [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [i]-iii, "Avant-Propos."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-303, Text.; [304], Blank.; [305]-307, "Table Des Matières."; [308], Blank.; [309]-311, "Table Alphabetique."; [1 pg], Blank.

Scarce. This apparently popular work in France intended to describe the economic minerals and containing two hand-colored plates of minerals specimens and crystals. The text was a reedited from the Minéralogie des Gens du Monde, ou, Notions Générales sur les Minéraux les plus Utiles à la Société (1836 and 1842). Its authority in France is shown by the multiple editions (apparently being only reissues) that appeared over many years. It is written for the beginning student of mineralogy with its text covering stones, earths, fuels, mineral waters, precious stones. The two colored plates are of mediocre quality.

Bibliographical references: NUC [NR 0214946].

4. French, 1869 [4th edition].
Bibliotheque Des Merveilles | [rule] | Histoire Élémentaire | des | Minéraux | Usuels | Par | Jean Reynaud | [...5 lines of quotation signed Pline...] | Quatriéme Édition | Illustrée | De Deux Planches En Couleur Et D'Une Planche En Noir | [rule] | Paris | Librairie De L. Hachette Et Cie | Boulevard Saint-Germain, N° 77 | [rule] | 1869 | Droits de propriétéet de traduction réservés.

8°: [4], [i]-iii, [1], [1]-291, [1] p., hand-colored frontispiece. 2 plates (one colored). Frontispiece and plates accompanied by guard sheet with descriptive letterpress. Page size: 172 x 110 mm.

Contents: [2 pgs], Half title page, "Bibliothèque | Des Merveilles | Publiée Sous La Direction | De M. Édouard Charton | [rule] | Histoire Élémentaire | Des | Minéraux | Usuels," verso "Paris.-Imp. Simon Baçon Et Comp., Rue D'Erfurth, 1."; [Frontispiece].; [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [I]-III, "Avant-Props."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-283, Text.; [284], Blank.; [285]-287, "Table Des Matières."; [288], Blank.; [289]-291, "Table Alphabètique."; [1 pg], Blank.

Scarce. A reprinting of the previous edition with the text reworked to fit onto fewer pages.

Bibliographical references: CBN: 150, col. ??.

5. French, 1873 [5th edition].
Histoire Élémentaire des Minéraux Usuels, par Jean Reynaud. Paris, L. Hachette et Cie, 1873.

12°: [4], iii, [2], 291, [1] p., chromolithographic frontispiece, 2 plates (one colored). Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: CBN: 150, col. ??. NUC [NR 0214948].

6. French, 1881 [6th edition].
Histoire Élémentaire des Minéraux Usuels, par Jean Reynaud. Paris, L. Hachette et Cie, 1881.

12°: [4], iii, 291 p., chromolithographic frontispiece, 2 plates (one colored).

Scarce. Series title also at head of t.p. Frontispiece and plates accompanied by guard sheet with descriptive letterpress.

Bibliographical references: CBN: 150, col. ??.
