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REUSS, Franz Ambros.

(1761 – 1830)

(Born: Prague, Czechoslovakia, 3 October 1761; Died: Bilin, Bohemia, 9 September 1830) Czech physician, mineralogist & geologist.

Father of the physician and paleontologist August Emanuel von Reuss [1811-1873], Reuss was himself the son of a tailor. He attended the University of Prague, where he was educated in philosophy, natural science, and afterwards medicine. In 1783 he received his M.D., and established a practice in Prague. About this time, he became interested in the mineralogy and geology of Bohemia, going to Freiberg attend Werner's lectures at the Bergakademie. In 1784, Reuss became the personal physician to the mineral collector Prince Lobkowitz at Bilin in Bohemia. He established his home in this city and except for field investigations remained in the city for the rest of his life. As part of his duties for the Prince, he supervised the exploitation of the famous mineral springs at Bilin. He conducted many experiments on its waters comparing them to other health waters and published several works on the subject, thus becoming a recognized expert in balneology.

Biographical references: ADB: 28, 307-8. Callisen, Medicinisches Schriftstellar-Lexicon, 1830-45: 16, 3-7 & 31, 421. DBA: I 1026, 9-20; II 1065, 201-205. DSB: 11, 387-8 [by H. Tobien]. Hamberger & Meusel, Gelehrte Teutschland, 1796-1834. Hirsch, Biographisches Lexikon, 1884-8: 4, 716. Kettner, Radim., "Franz Ambros Reuss (1761, +1830)", Casopis pro Mineralogii a Geologii, 6, (1961), pt. 1, 124-6, portrait. Krutsky, N., "Obnovení pomníku F.A. Reusse a A.E. Reusse v Biline", Casopis pro Mineralogii a Geologii, 11, (1966), no. 2, 217-8, illus. Lambrecht & Quenstedt, Catalogus, 1938: 358. Pemsel, F., Dr. Franz Ambros Reuss (1761-1830). Zu seinem 100. Todestage am 9. Sept. 1930. Eine Skizze seines Lebens und Schaffens. Berlin, Museumsgesellschaft, 1930. 20 p. [BL: 010705.i.49]. Poggendorff: 2, cols. 613-4. Prantl, F., "Úcast F.A. Reusse na geol. vyzkumv ceskych lázní", Veda Prirodní, Prague, 15, (1934), 282-3. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 3, 1970. Suchy, K., "Franz Ambros Reuss [1761-1830], analytik ceskych minerálních vod", Dejiny Ved a Techniky, 9, (1976), 30-41. [Reuss and his analysis of Czechoslovakian mineral waters.]. WBI. Weitenweber, W.R., "Biographische Skizzen böhmischer Naturforscher, 12. Franz Ambros Reuss", Lotos, Prague, Jahrgang 4, (1854), 135-40. Wrany, Pflege der Mineralogie in Böhmen, 1898: 63. Wurzbach, Biographisches Lexikon Österreich, 1856-91: 25, 354-6.

1. German, 1790.
Orographie des Nordwestlichen Mittelgebirges in Böhmen. Ein Beitrag zur Beautwörtung der Frage: ist der Basalt vulkanisch oder nicht? Von Franz Ambros Reuss. Dresden, Walther, 1790.

8°: [1]-180 p., [2] folded leaves of plates.

Very scarce. Considers the volcanic origin of basalt, and suggests that careful observation will point to its correct aqueous formation.

Bibliographical references: Allgemeine Deutsche Bibliothek: 102, no. 1, 145 & 112, no. 2, 449. Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung: Jan., 1792, p. 89. Beckmann P.Ö.B.: 16, 484. BL [970.c.8. & B.405.(3.)]. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 70. LKG: XIV 78.

2. German, 1791-9 [Periodical].
Sammlung physikalischer Aufsätze besonders die böhmische Naturgeschichte betreffend, von einer Gesellschaft böhmischer Naturforscher; herausgegeben von J. Mayer. (Th. 5, fortgesetzt von F. A. Reuss.) Dresden, 1791-9.


Very scarce. MAYER. Johann. M.D., of Prague Additional headings: REUSS. Franz Ambros

Bibliographical references: BL [P.P.1991. & 958.h.18-22.]. LKG: XIV 83e.

3. German, 1793-7.
Mineralogische | Geographie | Von | Böhmen, | Von | Franz Ambrosius Reuss, | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | Erster Band. | [vignette] | Mit einer petrographischen Charte und Kupfern. | [tapered rule] | Dresden, 1793. | In Der Waltherischen Hofbuchhandlung.

2 vols. [Vol 1: 1793] 8°: [14], 6, xxxiv, 406 p.; [Vol 2: 1797] 8°: [22], 40, 498, [4] p., one engraved plate, 3 engravings in the text, and one folding engraved petrographic map of the region of Bohemia. Each volume has a second titlepage, reading: Band I. Mineralogische Beschreibung des Bunzlauer Kreises in Böhmen and Band II. Mineralogische Beschreibung des Leutmeritzer Kreises in Böhmen.

Rare. All published† Only two volumes of the "Mineralogische Beschriebung von Böhmen" ever appeared. It is an rare work providing in volume two a mineralogical description of the "Bunzlauer" district of Bohemia. This region, located north of Prague, comprising the Jeschkengebirge and Isergebirge, produced with the exception of salt, almost every other useful mineral known. At the end of volume two are additions to the first volume, covering the Leitmeritz district.

Bibliographical references: Beckmann P.Ö.B.: 18 (1793), 399-400. BL [457.c.25-26.]. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 71 ["Sehr vollständig und lehrreich."]. Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen: May, 1797, 705. LKG: XIV 81c. Neue Allgemeine deutsche Bibliothek: 22, no. 1, 255. Petzholdt, Bibliotheca Bibliographica, 1866: p. 567.

4. German, 1794.
Chemisch-medizinische Beschreibung des Kaiser Franzenbades oder des Egerbrunnens, nebst einer Litteraturgeschichte dieser Quelle und historischen, statistischen und geognostischen Bemerkungen des Egerischen Bezirks. (Anhang zu der Beschreibung des Kaiser Franzenbaden enthaltend eine Anleitung zum Gebrauche desselben.) Prag und Dresden, Waltherische Hofbuchhandlung, 1794.

8°: [i]-xvi, [1]-212, [4] p., one engraved titlevignette, 2 engraved textvignettes and one folded engraved map, one folded tab. Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: BL [990.b.22.]. LKG: XIV 79a.

5. German, 1796.
Sammlung | Naturhistorischer | Aufsätze | Mit Vorzuglicher Hinsicht Auf Die Mineral- | Geschichte Böhmens. | Von | Franz Ambros Reuss, | [...6 lines of titles and memberships...] | [vignette] | Prag, | Bey Caspar Widtmann, 1796.

8°: π8 A-Bb8; 208l.; [16], [1]-398, [2] p. Page size: 180 x 104 mm.

Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [10 pgs], Dedication, signed Franz Ambros Reuss.; [4 pgs], "Vorrede"-dated 3 March 1796.; [1], Sectional title page, "I. | Uiber einen | Basalt | von | pyramidenförmig abgesonderten Stücken | aus | Böhmen."; [2], Blank.; [3]-46, Text.; [47], Sectional title page, "II. | Geognostische | Bemerkungen | auf einer | Reise durch einen Theil | des | Pilsner Kreises | im Jahre 1794."; [48], Blank.; [49]-170, Text.; [171], Sectional title page, "III. | Von dem | Uibergange | des | Porphyrschiefers | in den | Hornsteinporphyr, | und einigen neuen Mittelgattungen zwi- | schen dem Basalte und ersterem."; [172], Blank.; [173]-204, Text.; [205], Sectional title page, "IV. | Vermischte mineralogische | Bemerkungen."; [206], Blank.; [207]-254, Text.; [255], Sectional title page, "V. | Beschreibung | des | Lichtenwaldsteiner | Basaltberges | in | böhmischen Erzgebirge."; [256], Blank.; [257]-270, Text.; [271], Sectional title page, "VI. | Geognostisches Vorkommen, | und äussere | Charakteristik des Augites, | ..."; [272], Blank.; [273]-320, Text.; [321], Sectional title page, "VII. | Einige | Bemerkungen | über den | Porphyr, | ..."; [322], Blank.; [323]-398, Text.; [2 pgs], "Inhalt."

Very scarce. Reuss' essays on the mineralogy, petrology and geology of Bohemia, emphasizing basalt formations. He was an ardent supporter of Werner's Neptunian theories concerning the aqueous origin of basalt, and in this work he provides support for the theory. His research is today considered the first comprehensive work on the Tertiary sediments and volcanics of northern Bohemia, together with their pre-Tertiary formations.

Bibliographical references: BL [954.a.31.]. LKG: XIV 80b. NUC [no copy listed].

Wörterbuch, 1798

6. German, 1798.
Neues | mineralogisches | Wörterbuch | oder | Verzeichniss aller Wörter | welche | auf Oryktognosie und Geognosie Bezug haben, mit Anga- | be ihrer wahren Bedeutung nach des Herrn Berg-Com- | missions-Rath Werners neuester Nomenclatur | in | alphabetischer Ordnung | in Deutscher, Lateinischer, Französicher, Italienischer, | Schwedisher, Danischer, Englischer, Russischer | und Ungarischer Sprache. | Nebst | einer tabellarischen Uebersicht | der | mineralogisch einfachen und gemengten Fossilien | von | Dr. Franz Ambros Reuss | [...5 lines of titles and memberships...] | [tapered rule] | Hof, 1798. | bey Gottfried Adoph Grau.

8°: π8 A-Hh8 Ii4; 260l.; [16], [1]-503, [1] p. Added title pages in Latin and French. Page size: 216 x 130 mm. uncut.

Contents: [2 pgs], Blank, verso German title page.; [2 pgs], Latin title page, verso blank.; [2 pgs], French title page, verso blank.; [4 pgs], Dedication to Adalbert Grafen von Czernin, signed Franz Ambrosius Reuss.; [6 pgs], "Vorrede."-dated 10 January 1798.; [1]-14, References.; 15-166, "Tabellarischen Uibersicht | der mineralogisch-enfachen Fossilien.-nach Werner."; 167-503, Text of dictionary.; [1 pg], Blank.

Very scarce. An early comprehensive polyglot mineralogical dictionary providing definitions in German, Latin, French, Italian, Swedish, Danish, English, Russian and Hungarian. The text shows the author's comprehensive knowledge of the mineralogical science of his time.

Bibliographical references: BL [1333.d.30.]. Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 455. LKG: VII 4. NUC.

7. German, 1799.
Mineralogische Beschreibung der Merrschaften Unterbrzezan, Kamenitz und Manderscheid im Kaurzimer Kreise. Nebst einer Geschichte des ehemaligen und itzigen Betriebes des uralten Goldbergwerks zu Eule. Hof, Bey Gottfried Adolph Grau, 1799.

8°: [1]-222 p., frontispiece. Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: BL [B.381.(1.)]. LKG: XIV 82d.

Lehrbuch der Mineralogie, 1801

8. German, 1801-6.
Lehrbuch | Der | Mineralogie | nach des | Herrn O.B.R. Karsten | mineralogischen Tabellen | ausgeführt | von | Franz Ambros Reuss, | [...7 lines of titles and memberships...] | [rule] | Erster Theil, | welcher | den präparativen Theil der Oryktognosie | in sich begreist. | [ornate rule] | Leipzig, | bei Friedrich Gotthold Jacobäer, | 1801 [-1806].

8 vols. [Vol 1: 1801] 8°: *5 A-P8 Q3 R3; 131l.; [10], [1]-252 p. [Vol 2: 1801] 8°: π1 A-Ee8 Ff7 Gg2; 234l.; [2], [1]-466 p. [Vol 3: 1802] 8°: π1 A-Mm8 Nn7 Oo2; 290l.; [2], [1]-578 p. [Vol 4: 1803] 8°: *4 A-Uu8 Xx4 Yy2; 354l.; [i]-viii, [1]-699, [1] p. [Vol 5: 1803] 8°: *8 **2 A-Zz8 Aaa6; 384l.; [i]-xx, [1]-747, [1] p. [Vol 6: 1805] 8°: π3 *2 A-Hh8 Ii5; 259l.; [6], [I]-IV, [1]-506 p. [Vol 7: 1805] 8°: π3 A-Eee8 Fff4 χ1 a-c8 d7; [6], [1]-822, [2], [2], [1]-61, [1] p. [Vol 8: 1806] 8°: π2 A-Qq8 Rr-Ss6 Tt4; 332l.; [4], [1]-659, [1] p. Page size: 200 x 120 mm.

Contents: [Vol 1] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [8 pgs], "Vorrede."; [1]-[14], "Einleitung."; [15], Sectional title page, "I. Theil | oder | Präparativer Theil der Oryktognosie."; [16], Blank.; [17]-252, Text.

[Vol 2] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1], Sectional title page, "Oryktognosie | Erster Theil."; [2], Blank.; [3]-466, Text.

[Vol 3] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1]-578, Text.

[Vol 4] [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; [iii]-viii, "Tabellarische Uebersicht."; [1]-689, Text.; 690-699, "Zusätze und Verbesserungen | zum dritten Bande der Oryktognosie."; [1 pg], Blank.

[Vol 5] [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; [iii]-[viii], Dedication.; [ix]-xii, "Vorrede."; [xiii]-xx, "Tabellarische Uebersicht."; [1]-638, Text.; [639]-738, "Zusätze."; 739-747, "Druckfehler."; [1 pg], Publisher's list.

[Vol 6] [2 pgs], Blank, verso series title page, "Lehrbuch | der | Geognosie | ..."; [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1 pg], Dedication.; [1 pg], Blank.; [I]-IV, "Vorrede."; [1]-506, Text.

[Vol 7] [2 pgs], Blank, verso series title page, "Lehrbuch | der | Geognosie | ..."; [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1 pg], Dedication.; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-822, Text.; [2 pgs], Publisher's list.; [1 pg], Sectional title page, "Anhang | einiger | Zusätze und Verbesserungen zur Geognosie | des 1sten und 2ten Bandes."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-61, Text.; [1 pg], Blank.

[Vol 8] Title page, verso blank.; [2 pgs], "Vorrede"-dated 16 June 1806.; [1]-589, "Zusätze und Abänderungen | zu den ersten Bande der Oryktognosie."; [590]-659, "Register | über das ganz Werk."; [1 pg], "Druckfehler."

Very scarce. Although the title page indicates this voluminous work is based on D.L.G. Karsten's Mineralogische Tabellen (1st ed., Berlin, 1800), it is also in fact one of the greatest articulations of Werner's mineralogical and geological theories. The first volume presents an introduction to mineralogical science, including discussions of mineral nomenclature, the physical and chemical properties, etc. The next four volumes provide a highly detailed descriptive mineralogy, with each species listed having all the known information provided. The next two volumes of the set are concerned with Geognosy, or geology in general, while the final volume contains the corrections and an index to the entire work. A remarkable work, and one of the fullest explanations of Werner's theories ever to appear.

Bibliographical references: BL [741.aa.1. & 953.c.12-14.]. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 79. Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 456. LKG: XII 155. NUC. Zittel, Geschichte der Geologie, 1899: pp. 142-3.

9. German, 1801.
Mineralogische und bergmännische | Bemerkungen | über | Böhmen. | Von | Franz Ambros Reuss, | [...8 lines of titles and memberships...] | [vignette] | [rule] | Mit einer Ansicht des Schlosses Rothenhans im Saatzer Kreise. | [tapered rule] | Berlin, 1801. | Bei Christian Friedrich Himburg.

8°: [i]-xii, [1]-804 p., aquaint frontispiece (showing the castle of Rotenhaus), engraved title vignette. Page size: 202 x 115 mm.

Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; [iii], Dedication to Heinrich von Rottenhan.; [iv], Blank.; [v]-[vi], Text of dedication, signed Franz Ambros Reuss.; [vii]-xii, "Vorbericht."; [1]-804, Text.

Very scarce. Description of the mineralogical wonders and mining of the area around Bilin and Carlsbad, on the Mittelgebirge of Northwest Bohemia, and of the surrounding regions of Leitmeritz, Bunzlau and Kaurzim.

Bibliographical references: BL [987.i.25.]. LKG: XIV 84f. NUC.
