(1870? – ?)
1. Russian, 1906.
{\cyrillic Prof. Padsm\char127 i prof. Ziperm\char127. | [ornate rule] | Mineralogi\char12 | i geologi\char12. | [...5 lines set in two columns...] | Pod\char127 obshcheio redakpieio V.V. Bitnera. | [rule] | S\char127 Risunioami. | [ornament] | S. Petersburg\char127. | Izdan\char12e V\char31stnika Znan\char12\char31 (V.V. Bithera). | 1906.}
8°: [1]-105, [3] p., illus.
Contents: [1-2], Title page, verso "{\scyr Predislovie}."-signed B. Bumner.; [3]-105, Text (mineralogy and geology).; [2 pgs], Tables.; [1 pg], "{\scyr Oglavlenie}." (=table of contents).
Very scarce. A textbook explaining the basics of mineralogy and geology to a popular audience. It is richly illustrated with steel engravings, apparently copied from various Czech mineralogies such as Bořický and Kopecky.
Bibliographical references: NUC.