RANGO, Konrad Tibertius.
(1639 – 1702)
Rango was rector of the Gymnasium in Berlin in 1667. He became pastor of St. Nicolai in Stettin in 1682 and finally, in 1689, professor of theology at the University of Greifswald and General-Superintendent of Vorpommern and Rügen in northern Germany.
Biographical references: ADB. DBA: I 998, 258-271; II 1042, 23. Eitner, Quellenlexikon, 1959. Ferchl: 432. Gerber, Historisch-biographisches Lexikon, 1812-4. Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1750-51. Poggendorff: 2, col. 568. WBI.
1. Latin, 1667 [Dissertation].
Dissertatio de Adamante. Neukölln, 1667.
4°: 3l.
Very rare. A very short dissertation concerning the diamond.
Bibliographical references: BL. CBN. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 2, 14. GV (1700-1910). LKG: XVI 213. NUC [no copy listed].
2. German, 1697 [Collection catalog].
Conrad. Tiburtius Rango der Rangonischen Naturalienkammer Schönbergisches Cabinet, darin 336 Stück, meist Meißnische auch einige andere Mineralien, Metallen, Flueße, Erden, Steine etc. zu sehen. Von Conrad Tiburtius Rango. Greyphswald, 1697.
2°: 13l.; [26] p.
Extremely rare. In this collection catalog, Rango describes 336 specimens of minerals and stones contained in his own Naturalienkammer Cabinet. These pieces originated mostly from the Meissen area of Saxony. Freiesleben (1828), in his note, mentions that he was unable to locate a copy. There should be a copy at the British Library, which obtained Joseph Bank's library, but no record could be located in the on-line catalog as of 12 July 2003.
Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed]. CBN. Dryander, Catalogus Banks, 1796-1800: 4, p. 24. Freiesleben, Sächsische Mineralien-Verzeichnisse, 1828: p. 133n. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 259. GV (1700-1910). LKG: XV 1. Murray, Museums, 1904: 3, 120. NUC [no copy listed]. Wilson, History of Mineral Collecting, 1994: 189 & 221.