Schuh’s Annotated Bio-Bibliography

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POSEWITZ, Tivadar.

(1851 – 1917)

(Born: Szepesigló, Hungary, 2 December 1851; Died: Budapest, Hungary, 12 June 1917) Hungarian geologist & physician.

Posewitz obtained his medical degree in 1874 from the University of Budapest, and then worked several years in the Freiberg mining district. In 1879, he traveled as a surgeon to the Dutch East Indies, where he spent his free time exploring the region. In 1887, he entered the geological survey of Borneo, becoming divisional geologist in 1897, and being named divisional geologist in 1908. He performed considerable geological work on the island, which is still of value.

Biographical references: Földtani Közlöny. Budapest: 48 (1918), p. 83-83, 172-173, portrait. Internet search. Lambrecht & Quenstedt, Catalogus, 1938: p. 343. Magyar Életrajzi Lexikon. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 3, p. 1911.

1. German, 1889 [First edition].
Borneo. Entdeckungsreisen und Untersuchungen. Gegenwärtiger Stand der geologischen Kenntnisse. Verbreitung der nutzbaren Mineralien. Berlin, Friedländer 1889.

8°: xxvii, 385 p., 29 cross-sections, 4 maps, illus. Page size: 270 x 180 mm.

Very scarce. A lengthy and in-depth description of the mines and mineral resources of the island of Borneo, by an author who spent many years exploring the land. The work describes the known mines, mineralized regions, and minerals of this highly mineralized island located in the South China Sea.

Bibliographical references: BL. NUC.

2. English, 1892 [English transl.].
Borneo: Its geology and mineral resources. By Dr. Theodor Posewitz ... Translated from the German by Federick H. Hatch ... London, E. Stanford, 1892.

8°: xxxii, 495 p., illus., 4 folding maps. "Index to the literature," p. [ix]-xxiii.

Very scarce. Translation by Frederick Henry Hatch [1864-1932] of Borneo, Entdeckungsreisen und Untersuchungen (1889).

Bibliographical references: BL. NUC.
