Schuh’s Annotated Bio-Bibliography

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POLLIO, Lucas.

(1605 – 1643)

(Born: 1605; Died: 1643) German theologian.

Biographical references: DBA: I 970, 398-400. Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1750-51. WBI.

1. Latin, 1629 [Dissertation].
Exercitatio Physica | De | Metallis, | Quam | Præside | Deo Ter. Opt. Max.| Et | Permittente | Inclytâ Facultate Philosophicâ, | Vice disputationis pro Loco, in eâdem | consequento, primæ, | Ventilandam publice proponit | M. Lucas Pollio | Uratislaviensis. | Ad II. Calendas Septemb. | [ornate rule] | Lipsiæ | Typis exscribebae Justuæ Jansonius Danus, | [rule] | Anno cc I{\smBackC}c XXIX.

4°: [20] p. A dissertation describing the physical, mythical and medical properties of metals. Rare.

Bibliographical references: LKG: XVI 35. VD17: 12:180304G.
