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(0023? – 0079)

(Born: Novum Comum (now Como), Italy, c23 A.D.; Died: Near Pompeii, Italy, 24 August 79 A.D.) Italian naturalist, writer & encyclopedist.

One of the foremost authorities on science in ancient Europe, Pliny was educated in Rome, and for some years he followed a military career. After serving in the army, he studied jurisprudence, but retired c57 A.D. to devote himself to scholarly study and writing. Pliny wrote many historical and scientific works, including De Laculatione Equestri, Studiosus, Dubius Sermo, a 20-book history of the Germanic Wars, and 31 books of Roman history covering 41 to 71 A.D. Pliny's great encyclopedia of nature and art in 37 books, the Historia Naturalis, is the only one of his works that has been preserved. The first ten books were published in 77 A.D. and the remainder after his death, edited probably by his nephew, Pliny the Younger. In 79 A.D., eager to examine more closely the great eruption of Mount Vesuvius that overwhelmed and destroyed Herculaneum and Pompeii, he sailed across the bay of Naples to Stabiae, where he was suffocated by the vapors from the eruption.

Biographical references: Biographical Dictionary of the History of Technology: 562 [by L.R. Day]. Drugulin, Sechstausend Portraits, 1863: nos. 4293-3. DSB: 11, 38-40 [by D.E. Eichholz]. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition: 21, 841-4. Healy, J.F., "Pliny the Elder and ancient mineralogy", Interdisplinary Science Reviews, 6, (1981), no. 2, 166-80, illus. ISIS, 1913-65: 2, 334-5. Lambrecht & Quenstedt, Catalogus, 1938: 341. Poggendorff: 2, col. 473. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 3, 1901-2, Suppl. 1 (1985), 2, 703-4 & Suppl. 2 (1996), 2, 990-1. Sarton, Introduction, 1928-52: 1, 249-51. Schaedler, Biographisch Handwörterbuch, 1891: 95. World Who's Who in Science: 1355.

Latin editions

Naturalis Historia, 1469

1. Latin, 1469 [First edition].
Naturalis Historiae ... Venice, Johannes de Spira (before Sept. 18), 1469.

2°: [110 28 3-910 1012 11-1810 19-208 21-2510 26-2810 2912 30-3210 338 34-3610] (unsigned; 36/10 blank).; 356l.; no pagination, foliation or signiatures. Roman type, capitals and paragraph marks printed in red and blue, headings in red. Signiatures in manuscript are recorded in the British Library copy as follows: *8 a-g10 h12 i-q10 r-s8 t-z10 aa-cc10 dd12 ee-gg10 hh8 ii-ll10. Page size: 410 x 296 mm.

Contents: 1/1r (=1r), "[P2]LINIVS secundus nouocomensis equestribu militiis industrię functus: procu- | rationes quoqz splendidissimas atqz continuas summa integritae adminstrauit..."; 1/1r (=1r), line 12: "[L17]IBROS NATVRALIS HISTORIAE | nouitiū camęnis..."; 3/1r (=19r), "[M]VNDVM ET HOC QVOD NOMINE | alio Cęlum appellari libuit: cuius circūflexu tegun{\ t} | cuncta: numen esse credi par est..."; 36/9v (=355v), Colophon: "Quem modo tam rarum cupiens uix lector haber&: | Quiqz etiam fractus pene legendus eram: | Restituit Venetis me nuper Spira Ioannes: | Exscripsitqz libros ęre notante meos. | Fessa manus quondam moneo: Calamusqz quiescat. | Nanqz labor studio cessit: & ingenio. | .M. CCCC. LXVIIII."; 36/10 (=356), Blank.

Edition princeps. Very rare. Printed by Joannes de Spira [see note below], the whole edition of this book is thought to be limited to one hundred copies. This is the first printed book dealing with natural history, being an encyclopaedia of the ancient world covering many subjects. It was revered for over fifteen centuries and became one of the most influential books ever written.

Gasius Plinius Secundus (commonly called Pliny) was a very learned man of his times, and certainly one of its greatest readers. A most industrious compiler, he states in the preface to his Historia that the work contains over 20,000 facts culled from some 200 books and over 100 selected authors. Actually there are 473 authors mentioned: 146 Roman and 327 Greek. Thus, while he uses Aristotle as his principle authority, he accumulated information from sources as he uncovered them, and but for his diligence, a vast amount of material preserved in the Historia would have been lost to the world.

The Historia Naturalis is the only work of the 132 attributed to Pliny to have survived to modern times. It was held in high esteem throughout its existence as manuscripts and for many centuries after its first appearance in print. It is one of the most precious monuments to have traveled from ancient times, providing proof of astonishing amount of erudition on the part of the old Romans.

Pliny's greatest fault was his uncritical nature as a compiler of facts. Therefore, included in his text is an incredible amount of data, often of improbable character, that if it had been omitted would have made a better text. But a careful reading of the this work will reveal a vast amount of natural history data common to us now and presumed to be of modern discovery in actuality was recorded first by Pliny. Also, respect must be paid to the frequent use of reference citation splattered throughout the tomes.

The first ten books of Pliny's great work were probably shaped about 77 A.D. During the next two years, the remainder of the text was being revised and edited, and was left unfinished at the time of Pliny's tragic death during the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 A.D. It is probable that some material was added when the author's nephew and literary executor, Pliny the Younger [see note below], completed the great work and made it available to the world. Pliny's early death may account to some extent for the somewhat inchoate condition of the Historia.

The Historiae Naturalis is a vast, comprehensive work divided into 37 books (or sections) that may be considered the first encyclopedia of knowledge. Scientific subjects include astronomy, chemistry, geology, mineralogy, botany, husbandry, zoology, geography, anthropology, ethnology, and much on the history and practice of medicine and art. It was a common source from which early writers of science drew examples, and it presents in the final four books the ancient Roman view of minerals and geological processes.

In his preface to the Natural History, Pliny claims rightly that the enterprise is a novel one. There had been other encyclopedias- for example, of the liberal arts-but, as he says (preface, sec. 14), no Greek by himself had compiled an encyclopedia of the whole of nature; and no Roman had done so by himself or with others. The novelty of the task was one of its attractions. Among others were Pliny's inexhaustible curiosity, and his conviction that he must be of service. "It is godlike," he writes (bk. 2, sec. 18), "for man to help man"-his anxiety to save the science of past ages from the forgetful indifference of the present, and his desire to make his reputation secure. The result was aptly described by Pliny the Younger as "a diffuse and learned work, no less rich in variety than nature itself" (III.5.6).

The preface addressed to Titus is followed by a novelty, in that book 1 consists of an index of topics and authorities for each of the succeeding thirty-six books. The general plan of the treatise itself is conventional, proceeding from the world to the earth, and from the earth to its products-animal, vegetable, and mineral. But this simple outline is blurred. Book 2 duly surveys the universe, ending with the earth conceived as its center and with terrestrial phenomena. It is followed by books 3-6 (geography), 7 (man), 8-11 (other animals), 12-19 (botany), and 20-27 (materia medica from botanical sources). These last eight books are complemented by 28-32 (materia medica from animal sources); books 33-37 concern metals and stones, including their uses in medicine, architecture, and especially art.

Yet merely as a compilation of facts the Natural History is unique. Comprehensiveness is all: "Things must be recorded because they have been recorded," remarks Pliny (bk 2, sec. 85); and criticism will not deter him. In book 37 (sees. 30-6), through his own knowledge and observation Pliny gives an almost entirely correct account of the nature and provenance of amber, but not before he has related all the myths and speculations about it that have come to his notice. Still, this uncritical and all-inclusive method" has its advantages. A nonsensical reference to Indian amber may be an indication that shellac was known Pliny would have felt that knowledge preserved even in this way justified the means. Although such diffuseness interfered with the practical aims of the work, Pliny's influence in the succeeding centuries was nevertheless great and abridgments were made, especially of his medical and geographical material.

Pliny the Younger. (Born: Novum Comum (now Como), Italy, 61 or 62 A.D.; Died: Rome, Italy?, 113 A.D.) Italian bureaucrat & writer. Pliny (full Latin name, Gaius Plinius Caecilus Secundus) was was a nephew of Pliny the Elder, by whom he was adopted and whose name he took in 79. His name was originally Publius Caecilius Secundus. He studied in Rome under the famous teacher and rhetorician Quintilian, and he was distinguished both for his literary accomplishments and for his oratorical ability. He held numerous official appointments. As a young man he served as military tribune in Syria, where he frequented the schools of the Stoics. Pliny was quaestor Caesaris at the age of 25, then praetor, and then consul in 100, in which year he wrote the Panegyricus, a eulogy of the emperor Trajan. About 111 he was appointed governor of the province of Bithynia, where he remained about two years. Whether his death occurred in Bithynia or soon after in Rome is not known. He was married three times, but died childless.

Besides completing his uncle's Historia Naturalis, Pliny himself collected and published nine books of Epistulae (Letters), and a tenth book, containing his official correspondence as governor of Bithynia with the emperor Trajan, was published after his death. To these letters Pliny owes his place in literature as one of the masters of the epistolary style. The private letters, most of which were undoubtedly written or revised with a view to publication, give a valuable picture of the life of the writer and of his friends and contemporaries. Pliny himself appears in the letters as a genial philanthropist, devoted to literary pursuits and to improving his estates by architectural adornment. The most interesting letters include two to his friend the historian Publius Cornelius Tacitus on the eruption of Vesuvius; one describing in detail his villa at Laurentum; one relating the story of a haunted house in Athens; and one, to the Roman emperor Trajan, concerning the policy against the Christians.

Joannes de Spira. (Born:      ; Died: Venice, Italy, 1470) German printer. Spira was a native of Speyer (capital of the Bavarian palatinate), which is located on the Rhein. Early in 1460-61 Johann appears in Mainz as a "goldsmith," and it is known that he learned the art of printing in Gutenburg's shop there. The decline of the city after the sack of 1462 probably caused him to take his wife, children and brother Wendelin and relocate to Venice. In 1469, together with his brother, he printed the first book in Venice, Cicero's Epistolae ad Familiares. After successfully publishing several works, on September 18, 1469, Spira was granted by the Signoria a patent to allow him to be the only printer in Venice for a period of five years. His monopoly was cut short in 1470, however, when Spira unexpectedly died. Afterwards, Wendelin assumed control of the business and carried it on successfully until 1477. During the period 1470 to 1477 the firm issued over seventy great works of Italian and Roman classics, as well as religious publications.

Bibliographical references: BL. BMC XV: 5, 153 [IC 19506]. Goff: P-786. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: HC 13087. Healy, J.F., "Pliny the Elder and ancient mineralogy", Interdisplinary Science Reviews, 6, (1981), no. 2, 166-80, illus. Horblit: no. 84. IGI. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 786.1. LKG: III 3. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424130]. Osler, Incunabula Medica, 1923: no. 3. PPM: Printing and the Mind of Man: no. 5. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 4018. Sarton, Introduction, 1928-52: 1, 249-51. Sarton, Scientifc Incunabula, 1938. Stillwell, Awakening Interest in Science, 1970. (Pliny the Younger) Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). (Spira) BMC XV: 3, ix & 152. Brown, Venetian Printing Press, London, 1891. Catholic Encyclopaedia. Denis, M., Michaelis Denisii ... Suffragium pro Johanne de Spira primo Venetiarum typographo ... Viennae, Typis Joan. Thomae nob. de Trattnern, MDCCXCIV, 46 p. [Argues that Spira, rather then Nicolas Jenson, was the first printer in Venice]. Hartwig, et al., Festschrift zum 500 jahr. Geburstage von Johann Gutenberg, Mainz, 1900: 342.

Naturalis Historia, 1470

2. Latin, 1470 [2nd edition].
Historia Naturalis ... Rome, Conradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus Pannartz, [not after 30 August] 1470.

2°: [110 212 3-610 7-118 12-1710 18-208 21-2710 28-298 30-3710 38-398 4010] (unsigned; 1/1 blank and 40/9-10 blank); 378l.; no pagination, foliation or signiatures. Type 115R, 46 lines, capital spaces for 7-line initials and for headings. Signiatures in manuscript are recorded in the British Library copy as follows: *10 2*12 a-d10 e-i8 k-p10 q-s8 t-z10 A-B10 C-D8 E-M10 N-O8 P10. Page size: 393 x 274 mm.

Contents: 1/1, Blank; l/2r (=2r), Editor's dedicatory letter to Pope Paul II with text reading: "Iohannis Andree Episcopi Alerien ad pontificem | summum Paulum .II. Venetum. Epistola.".; 1/2v (=2v), Letters from Pliny the Younger to Marcus and Tacitus (comprising an account of his uncle's life and the circumstances of his death), and citations from Suetonius, Tertullian, and Eusebius of Caesarea with wording at line 40: "... Rome Pontificatus tui felicissimi Anno Sexto. | C. Plynius. Marco suo Salutem."; 1/4v (=4v), Dedication by Pliny the Elder to Domitian with wording: "C. Plynius Secundus Nouocomensis. Domitiano suo salutem. | [L7]Ibros Naturalis Historie nouitium Camenis Quiritiū tuorū opus natū apud | me proxima foetura …"; 1/5v (=5v), Tables and indices, including lists of sources (=Book 1).; 3/1r (=23r), Book 2.; 9/1r, Book 7.; 12/1r, Book 9.; 14/1r, Book 11.; 16/1r, Book 13.; 21/1r, Book 18.; 31/1r, Book 28.; 40/8r (=376r), Colophon: "Hereneus Lugdunensis Epus: Item Iustinus ex philosopho Martyr. Item cū diuo | Hieronymo Eusebius Cesariēsis: serio posteritatem adiurarunt: ut eorum descripturi | opera conferrent diligēter exemplaria. & sollerti studio emendarent. Idem ego tum | in ceteris libris omnibus tum maxime in Plynio ut fiat: uehementer obsecro. obtestor. | atqz adiuro: ne ad priora mēda & tenebras inextricabiles tanti sudoris opus relabat. | Instauratum aliquantulū sub Romano Pōtifice Maximo Paulo .II. Venetio. Atqz | impressum Rome in domoPetri & Francisci de Maximis iuxta campū flore presidē- | tibus Magistris Cōrado Suueynheym & Arnolod Panaratz. Anno dominici natalis. | M. CCCC. LXX. Pontificatus eius felicissimi ac placidissimi Anno .VI."; 40/9-10 (=377-378), Blank.

Rare. Edited by Joannes Andreae de Buxiis (Bussi) [1417-1475], Bishop of Aleria, who records in his prefatory letter that Theodorus Gaza assisted him in editing. This edition was printed by Conrad Sweynheym and Arnold Pannartz [see notes below]. It is the earliest book they printed in 1470 as is shown by its position in a later list of the printer's works and it being the last of their books where the headings were left to the rubricator instead of being printed (BMC).

Although the colophon indicates this edition to have been printed in 300 copies, this edition appears to be rarer than both the preceding and succeeding editions. It appeared a few months after the first edition printed by Johannes de Spira in Venice in 1469 and the preface implies that the editors were unaware of the existence of the earlier edition, which was printed from a different and more corrupt manuscript. The colophon to the 1469 de Spira edition states the press run to be 100 copies. While the well-known 1472 Jenson edition was printed in over 1,000 copies, a large number for the time, but this second edition of 1470 is considerably harder to locate than either of those other books.

Conrad Sweynheim. (Born: Schwanheim, Frankfort, Germany,      ; Died: Rome, Italy, 1477) German printer. and Arnold Pannartz (Born: Cologne, Germany?; Died: Rome, Italy, ca. 1476) German printers who learned the art in Gutenberg's shop in Mainz. However, a religious war between two archbishops led to the expulsion from the city in 1462 of the tradesmen, including printers, who supported the loser. This inadvertently created a diaspora of printers throughout Europe and hastened the spread of the art. Sweynheim and Pannartz were among the expatriates and the first to establish printing in Italy. At the invitation of Cardinal John Turrecremata they set up shop in 1464 in the Abbey of Subiaco; however, they moved to Rome late in 1467 and continued their partnership until 1472. Between 1464 and 1472 they issued over 12,000 copies of thirty-seven works, these being chiefly the classics and religious tomes. Being an engraver, Sweynheim was probably the die-cutter, the type-founder and the typesetter, while Pannartz was in charge of the actual printing and the business connected with it.

After their partnership was dissolved, Sweynheim worked until his death as an engraver of the maps of the Cosmography of Ptolemy. He was the first to apply copper engraving techniques to the production of maps, and twenty-seven of the beautifully executed plates are his work in the 1478 edition of the Cosmography.

Bibliographical references: BMC XV: 4, 9 [IC 19506]. CIBN: P-458. Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 435. Goff: P-787. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: HC *13088. IGI: no. 7879. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 786.2. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424133]. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 3306. (Sweynheim) Catholic Encyclopaedia. Davies, M., "Juan de Carvajal and Early Printing: The 42 Line Bible and the Sweynheym and Pannartz Aquinas," Library 6th series, 18 (September 1996), 193-215. Hall, E., Sweynheym & Pannartz and the origins of printing in Italy: German technology and Italian humanism in Renaissance Rome, McMinnville, OR, Bird & Bull Press for Phillip J. Pirages, 1991. Hartwig, et al., Festschrift zum 500 jahr. Geburstage von Johann Gutenberg, Mainz, 1900. Lowry, M., Nicholas Jenson and the rise of Venetian publishing in Renaissance Europe, Oxford [England]; Cambridge, Mass., B. Blackwell, 1991. Lowry, M., Venetian Printing: Nicolas Jenson and the Rise of the Roman Letterforms, 1989.

Historia Naturalis, 1472 (Leave 1/4r)

3. Latin, 1472 [3rd edition].
Historia Naturalis ... [Venice, Nicolas Jenson, 1472].

2°: [112 28 3-810 912 10-1510 168, 17-2710 286 29-3010 31-358 3610 3712] (unsigned; 1/1 and 37/11-12 blank); 358l.; no pagination, foliation or signiatures. 50 lines, roman letter, capital spaces with guide letters. Signiatures in manuscript are recorded in the British Library copy as follows: *8 a-f10 g12 h-n10 o8, p-bb10 cc6 dd-ee10 ff-kk8 ll10 mm12. Page size: 415 x 277 mm.

Contents: 1/1, Blank.; 1/2r (=2r), "CAIVS PLYNIVS MARCO SVO SALVTEM. | ..."; 1/4r (=4r), "CAII PLYNII SECVNDI NATVRALIS HISTORIAE LIBER .I. | CAIVS PLYNIVS SECVNDVS NOVOCOMENSIS DOMITIANO | SVO SALVTEM. PRAEFATIO. | [L12]IBROS NATVRALIS HISTORIAE NO- | ..."; 37/8r (=355r), Colophon: "CAII PLYNII SECVNDI NATVRALIS HISTORIAE LIBRI TRI- | CESIMISEPTIMI ET VLTIMI FINIS IMPRESSI VENETIIS | PER NICOLAVM IENSON GALLICVM .M.CCCC.LXXII. | NICOLAO TRONO INCLYTO VENETIARVM DVCE. | Iohannisandreæ episcopi aleriensis ad pontificem | summum Paulum secundum uenetum epistola."; 37/9r (=356r), line 7: "... Romæ pōtificatus tui fœlicissimi anno sexto. | Hereneus Iugdunensis episcopus ..."; 37/9r (=356r), line 13, End: "...Instauratū aliquātulū sub romano pōtifice maximo Paulo secūdo ueneto."

Very scarce. Printed by Nicolas Jenson [see note below] and edited by Joannes Andreae de Buxiis (Bussi) [1417-1475], Bishop of Aleria.

Nicolas Jenson. (Born: c1420; Died: Venice, Italy, 1480) French printer. About 1458 Jenson was sent by King Charles VII of France to Germany to learn the new art of printing. However, after his patron died, instead of returning to France, he moved to Venice. There he established a successful printing business, which is renowned even today for the beautiful typography of the works produced. Jenson's Roman types, based upon the Humanist calligraphy of the time and place, were extremely successful. They mark a departure from the dense calligraphic style then dominant in Europe, and are, in fact, the direct source of the letters now in general use. For his work, Jenson was honored in 1475 by Pope Sixtus IV with a Court Palatine.

Bibliographical references: BL. BMC XV: 5, 172 [IC 19661]. Essling, Livres à Figures Vénitiens, 1907-14: 3. Goff: P-788. Gutenberg-Jahrbuch: 1962, p. 389. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: HC 13089. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 786.3. LKG: III 3. Oates, Cambridge 15th Century Books, 1954: no. 1632. Osler, Incunabula Medica, 1923: no. 18. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 4087. (Jenson) Catholic Encyclopaedia. Lowry, M., Nicholas Jenson and the rise of Venetian publishing in Renaissance Europe, Oxford [England]; Cambridge, Mass., B. Blackwell, 1991. Lowry, M., Venetian Printing: Nicolas Jenson and the Rise of the Roman Letterforms, 1989.

4. Latin, 1473 [4th edition].
Historia Naturalis ... Rome, Conradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus Pannartz, 7 May 1473.

2°: [1-710 8-98 10-3910 40-418] (unsigned; 1/1 and 41/8 blank); 402l.; no pagination, foliation or signiatures. Two columns in book 1, type 115R, 46 lines, capital spaces. Signiatures in manuscript are recorded in the British Library copy as follows: a-g10 h-i8 k-z10 A-Q10 R-S8. Page size: 386 x 263 mm.

Contents: 1/1, Blank.; 1/2r (=2r), "C. PLYNII SECVNDI NATVRALIS HISTORIAE LIBER | PRIMVS DE HIS QVAE SINGVLIS LIBRIS CONTI | NENTVR INCIPIT FOELICITER. | C. Plynius Secundus Nouocomensis Vespasiano suo salutem."; 1/3v (=3v), "CAPITVLA SECVNDI LI | BRI DE MVNDO ELEME | NTIS ET SYDERIBVS."; 41/7v (=401v), Colophon: "Aspicis illustris lector quicunqz libellos | Si cupis artificum nomina nosse: lege. | ... | Cōradus suueynheym: Arnoldos pānartzqz magistri Rome impresserunt talia multa simul. | M. CCCC. LXXIII. | die Veneris .vii. Maii."

Rare. This appears to be a different recension from that of the 1470 edition (BMC).

Bibliographical references: BL. BMC XV: 4, 17 [IC 17212]. Goff: P-789. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: 13090. IGI. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 786.4. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424142]. Osler, Incunabula Medica, 1923: no. 31. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 3335.

5. Latin, 1476.
Historia Naturalis ... Parma, Stephanus Corallus, 1476.

2°: [112 28 3-810 912 10-1510 168 17-2310 24-2710 286 29-3010 31-358 3610 378 384] (unsigned; 1/1 and 38/4 blank); 358l.; no pagination, foliation or signiatures. Type 111Rb, 50 lines, capital spaces, catchwords. Signiatures in manuscript are recorded in the British Library copy as follows: a12 b8 c-h10 i12 k-p10 q8 r-z10 A-D10 E6 F-G10 H-M8 N10 O8 P4. Page size: 419 x 277 mm.

Contents: 1/1, Blank.; 1/2r, "CAIVS PLYNIVS MARCO SVO SALVTEM."; 37/8v (=354v), Colophon: "CAII PLYNII SECVNDI NATVRALIS HISTORIAE LIBRI TRICESI- | MISEPTIMI ET VLTIMI FINIS IMPRESSI PARMAE DVCTV ET | IMPENSIS | MEI STEPHANI CORALLI LVGDVNENSIS. M.CCCC. | LXXVI REGNANTE INVICTISSIMO PRINCIPE GALEACEO MA- | RIA MEDIOLANI DVCE QVINTO. | Ad uenerabilē & ornatissimū uirū Nicolaū Rauacaldū | canonicū Pmensē. Philippi Broaldi Bononiēsis epistola."; 38/3r (=357r), End: "... Vale Amantissime mi Nicolae: & Philippū tuū dilige."

Rare. Edited by Filippo Beroaldo (The Elder) [see note below] and printed by Stepanus Corallus. Reprinted from the edition of Jenson (Venice, 1472), with the same contents to 350v. After that the remainder is compressed so far as to allow more room for the letter of Beroaldus, which takes the place of that of Joannes Andreae found in the Jenson edition. (BMC).

Filippo Beroaldo, called the Elder. (Born: Bologna, Italy, 1453; Died: Bologna, Italy, 1505) Italian scholar. A writer of high reputation, Beroaldo was for many years professor of belle-arts at the University of Bologna. He published many commentaries on the Greek and Latin classics, and several short works.

Bibliographical references: BMC XV: 7, 939 [IC 30223]. Goff: P-790. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: HC 13091. IGI. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 786.5. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424143]. Osler, Incunabula Medica, 1923: no. 115. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 6842. (Beroaldo, called the Elder) ABI: I 146, 396-430; II 56, 25-36. Benvenuti, Dizionario degli Italiani all'Estero, 1890. Eckstein, Nomenclator philologorum, 1871. Eitner, Quellenlexikon, 1959: ??, ??. Frati, Dizionario Bio-bibliografico Italiani, 1933. Imperatori, Dizionario di Italiani all'Estero, 1956. Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1750-51. Mazzetti, Repertorio di Tutti i Professori, 1848. Mazzuchelli, Gli Scrittori d'Italia, 1753-63. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). Parenti, Aggiunte al Dizionario, 1952-60. Pini, G., Vita P. Beroaldi Senioris, 1505. Thomas, Dictionary of Biography, 1884: 340. WBI.

6. Latin, 1479.
Historia Naturalis ... Treviso, Michael Manzolus, 25 August 1479 [but not before 13 October 1479].

2°: a14 b8 c-h10 i12 k-p10 q8 r-y10 z10 &10 [Con]10 Rx10 A10 B6 C-D10 E-I8 K10 L8 M4 (a1 and M4 blank); 360l.; no pagination or foliation. Type 83R, 50 lines and headline, capital spaces with guide-letters and head-lines. Page size: 292 x 209 mm.


Very scarce. Edited by Filippo Beroaldo (The Elder). "Reprinted with the same page contents and quiring, but with two additional leaves of matter by Bononius, from the edition of Corallus, Parma, 1476." (BMC)

Bibliographical references: BMC XV: 6, 888 [IB 28354]. Goff: P-791. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: HC 13092*. IGI. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 786.6. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424145]. Osler, Incunabula Medica, 1923: no. 179. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 6472.

7. Latin, 1480.
Historia Naturalis ... Parma, Andreas Portilla, 13 February 1480.

2°: a10 b6 c-u8 x-y6 z8 &4 [Con]4 A-L8 M6 N4 (a1 and N4 blank); 286l.; no pagination or foliation. Type 99R, 58 lines, capital spaces with guide-letters, catchwords. Page size: 418 x 285 mm.

Contents: a1, Blank.; a2r (=2r), "CAIVS PLYNIVS MARCO SVO SALVTEM."; a4r (=4r), "CAII PLYNII SECVNDI NATVRALIS HYSTORIAE LIBER PRIMVS. | CAIVS PLYNIVS SECVNDVS NOVOCOMENSIS. T. VESPASIANO | SVO SALVTEM. PRAEFATIO | [L]IBROS NATVRALIS HYSTORIAE NO | uitium ..."; N2r (=284r), Colophon: "Caii Plynii Secundi Naturalis Hystoriæ Liber Tricesimus Septimus & Vltimus. Finit. | Parmæ Impressus Opera Et Impensa Andreæ Portiliæ Anno Natiuitatis Domini. M. | .CCCC.LXXX. idibus februarii. Regnatne Illustrissimo Prīcipe Ioanne Galeazeo Maria | Duce Mediolāi | Andreas prodesse uolens portillia multis | Gratum opus impresit plinion ære suo. | ..."; N2v (=284v), "CORECTIONES."; N3v (=285v), End: "... ut ista priuatim uolumen non epistolam requirant."; N4 (=286), Blank.

Rare. Edited by Filippo Beroaldo and printed by Andreas Portilia [see note below]. Portilia appears to have printed this book by subscription, at any rate in part, since on the 5 November, 1479, he signed at Reggio documents binding him to supply during the following February copies of the Pliny at one ducat apiece to more that a dozen persons in the city (V. Ferrari, Lo stampatore Andrea Portilia a Reggio nel 1479 (1924)) (BMC).

The corrections on N2v-N3v are those of Beroaldus contained in his letter to Ravacaldus (first printed in Corallus' 1476 edition), the personal matter at the beginning and end of the letter being here omitted (BMC).

Andreas Portilia. (Born:      ; Died:      ) German printer. Italian printer. Portilia's first book is dated from Parma on the 23 September 1472. By March, 1473 he had a setup a press in Bologna. He does not reappear in Parma until the spring of 1478, but then continued to print there until April 1482.

Bibliographical references: BMC XV: 7, 936 [IC 30262]. Goff: P-792. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: no. 13093. IGI. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 786.7. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424146]. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 6849. (Portilia) ABI: I 807, 159. BMC XV. Janelli, Dizionario Biografico dei Parmigiani, 1877. WBI.

8. Latin, 1481.
Historia Naturalis ... Parma, Andreas Portilla, 8 July 1481.

2°: a8 b6 c-e8 f6 g-h8 i6 K6 l6 m-y8 z6 &4 A-F8 G6 aa-dd8 ee6 (a1 and ee6 blank); 268l.; no pagination or foliation. Type 99R, 58 lines, capital spaces with a few guide-letters. Page size: 402 x 279 mm.

Contents: a1, Blank.; a2r (=2r), "CAIVS PLYNIVS MARCO SVO SALVTEM."; a3, "CAII PLYNII SECVNDI NATVRALIS HYSTORIAE LIBER PRIMVS. | CAIVS PLYNIVS SECVNDVS NOVOVOMENSIS. T. VESPASIANO SVO | SALVTEM. | PRAEFATIO. | [L]IBROS NATVRALIS HISTOIRAE NO | uitium ..."; ee2v (=264v), Colophon: "Caii Plynii Secundi Naturalis hystoriæ Liber tricesimus septimus & ultimus Finit. | Parmæ impressus opera & impēsa Andræ Portiliæ Anno Natiuitatis Domini. M. | CCCC.LXXXI. Octauxo idus iulii. Regnāte Illustrissimo principe Ioannne Galeazo | Maria Duce Mediolani. | Andreas prodesse uolēs portilia multia | ... | Quæ facit uti uiuant omnia scripta: Vale."; ee3r (=265r), "CORRECTIONES."; ee5r (=267r), "C. PLYNII SECVNDI REGISTRVM | ... | (col. 3) corectiones."

Rare. Reprinted from the edition of 1480 (BMC).

Bibliographical references: BMC XV: 7, 937 [IC 30266]. Goff: P-793. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: HC 13094*. IGI. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 786.8. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424147]. Oates, Cambridge 15th Century Books, 1954: no. 2573. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 6851.

9. Latin, 1483 [9th edition].
Historia naturalis ... Venice, Raynaldus de Novimagio, 6 June 1483.

2°: aa8 bb10 a-f10 s-z10 &8 [Con]8 Rx8 A-H8 I10 (aa1 blank); 356l.; no pagination or foliation. Type 90R, 49 lines, capital space, mostly with guide-letters. Page size: 314 x 212 mm. (wide-margined).

Contents: aa2r (=2r), "CAIVS PLINIVS MARCO SVO SALVTEM. | [P]Ergratum est mihi \cp tam dilgenter libros auunculi mei lectitas: ..."; aa3v (=3v), "CAII PLYNII SECVNDI NATVRALIS HYSTORIAE LIBER PRIMVS. | CAIVS PLYNYVS SECVNDVS ..."; aa5r (=5r), "SVMMATIM HAEC INSNT LIBRIS SINGVLIS."; bb3r (=19r), "C. PLINII SECVNDI NATVRALIS HISTORIAE LIBER SECVNDVS INCIpit."; I7v (=353v), Colophon: "Caii Plynii Secundi Naturalis hystoriæ Liber trigesimus septimus & ultimus Finit. | Venetiis impressus oPa & impēsa Rainald [old aux]' Nouimagio Alamani Anno Natiuitatis | Domini. M. CCCC. LXXXIII. Die Sexta Mensis Iunii. Regnante Illustrissimo prin | cipe Ioanni Mocenigo."; I8r (=354r), "CORRECTIONES."; I9r (=355r), "register."; I10 (=356), Blank.

Very scarce. Edited by Filippo Beroaldo and printed by Rainaldus, de Novimagio, [fl. 1476-1496].

Bibliographical references: BMC XV: 5, 257 [IB 20678]. Goff: P-794. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: HC 13095*. IGI: no. 7886. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 786.9. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424148]. Oates, Cambridge 15th Century Books, 1954: no. 1783. Polain, Catalogue, 1932: no. 3200. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 4445.

10. Latin, 1487.
Historia Naturalis ... Venice, Marinus Saracenus, 14 May 1487.

2°: aa8 bb6 a-z8 &8 A-G8 H10 (aa1 and H10, blank); 272l.; no pagination or foliation. Type 1:82R, 57 lines, capital spaces. Page size: 320 x 217 mm.

Contents: aa1, Blank.; aa2r (=2r), "CAIVS PLINIVS MARCO SVO SALVTEM."; aa3r (=3r), "CAII PLINII SECVNDI NATVRALIS HYSTORIAE. LIBER PRIMVS."; H7v (=269v), Colophon: "Venetiis impressuz per Magistrum Marinum Saracenum. Anno. M. CCCCLXXXVII. Die/ xiiii. | Mensis Maii. Regnante Illustrissimo Principe Augustino Barbarico."; H8r (=270r), "CORRECTIONES."; H9v (=271v), "REGISTRVM ... | (col. 4) uanitatem."; H10 (=272), Blank.

Very scarce. Edited by Filippo Beroaldo (The Elder) and printed by Marinus Saracenus [??-??].

Bibliographical references: BL [IB 23224]. BMC XV: 5, 413-4 [IB 23224]. Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 436. Goff: P-795. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: HC 13096*. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 786.10. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424149]. Oates, Cambridge 15th Century Books, 1954: no. 2020. Polain, Catalogue, 1932: no. 3201. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 5157.

11. Latin, 1491.
Naturalis hystoriæ Liber trigesimus septimus impensa Thomæ de blauis de Alexadria. Anno Natiuitatis Domini M.CCCC.LXXXXI. Die. III. Mensis Nouembris. Regnate Augustino Barbadico inclito Venetorum Principe.

2°: aa8 bb8 a-d8 [old aux]8 e6 f-z8 &8 [Con]8 Rx8 A-I8 II6 (aa1, blank); 308l.; no pagination or foliation. Type 90 (84)R., 54 lines, capital spaces with guide letters. Page size: 292 x 205 mm.

Contents: aa1, Blank.; aa2r (=2r), "CAIVS PLINIVS MARCO SVO SALVTEM. | pErgratū ē mihi ???? tā diligēter libros auunculi mei lectitas ..."; aa3r (=3r), "CAII PLINII SECVNDI NATVRALIS HISTORIAE LIBER PRIMVS."; bb1r (=17r), "C. PLINII SEVCNDI NATVRALIS HISTORIAE LIBER SECVNDVS INCI."; II4r (=306r), Colophon "CAII PLINII Secūdi Naturalis hystoræ Liber trigesimus septimus & ultimus Finit. Ve= | netiis impressus opera & impensa Thomæ de blauis de Alexādria. Anno Natiuitatis Do- | mini. M. CCCC. LXXXXI. Die. III. Mensis Nouembris. Regnāte Augustino Barbadico | inclito Venetorum Principe."; II4v (=306v), "CORRECTIONES. | In libro. iii. ubi sermo fit ..."; II6r (=308r), "REGISTRVM ... | (col. 5) manifestissimum | printer's device."

Very scarce. Edited by Filippo Beroaldo (The Elder) and printed by Thomas de Blavis, de Alexandria.

Bibliographical references: BL. BMC XV: 5, 319 [IB 21874]. Goff: P-796. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: HC 13097. IGI. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 786.11. LKG: III 3. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424156]. Oates, Cambridge 15th Century Books, 1954: no. 1880. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 4768.

12. Latin, 1496 [April 20].
C. Plynius Secundus De Natua | li Hystoria diligentissi | me Castigatus.

2°: a8+2 b8 c-e8 f6 g-z8 & A-D8 E-K8 (K8, blank); 272l.; no pagination or foliation. or: 56 lines and headline. Page size: 308 x 187 mm. Very scarce.

Contents: Colophon, K6r (=270r): "Caii Plinii Secundi de natuali hystoria opus feliciter absolutum est: {q} diligentissme castigatum: Impssum Brixiae opera & impensa Angeli & Iacobi de Britannicorum fratrum: Magnifico Equite | Hieronymo Donato Urbis pretore: Regnante Serenissimo principe Venetiarum Augustino Barbadico: Anno Natiuitatis Domini. M.cccc.lxxxxvi. die. xx. Aprilis."

Bibliographical references: BMC XV: 7, 977 [IC 31152]. Goff: P-797. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: HC 13098. IGI. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 786.12. NUC: 461, 672 [NP 0424157]. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 6992.

13. Latin, 1496 [December 12].
C. Plynius Secundus De Natuali | Hystoria diligentissime | Castigatus.

2°: a6 b8 c-z8 &8 [Con]8 Rx8 A-C8 D10 (D10 blank); 240l.; no pagination or foliation. Types 2:80R2 & 3:106R (title), 62 lines and headline, woodcut initials, 3-line capital spaces with guide-letters. Page size: 250 x 156 mm.

Contents: a1r (=1r), Title.; a2r (=2r), Life of Pliny, letter by Joannes Britannicus to Luca Tertius, letter by Alexander Benedictus to Matthaeus Rufus, and letter by Rufus to Nicolaus Perotus, with wording: "CAII PLYNII VITA."; a3v (=3v), "CAIVS PLYNIVS MARCO SVO SALVTEM."; a4r (=4r), Ancient authors (Suetonius, Tacitus and Tertullian) on Pliny.; a4v (=4v), Beginning of book I, with wording: "CAII PLYNII SECVNDI NATVRALIS HYSTORIAE LIBER. PRIMVS."; b3r (=9r), "CAII PLYNII SECVNDI NATVRALIS HYSTORIAE LIBER SECVNDVS."; c1r (=15r), Book 2.; D9v (=239v), Colophon: "Caii Plynii Secundi de natuali hystoria opus fœliciter absolutum est: quā diligentissmæ castigatum: Impssum Venetiis accuratissime p Batrolameū de Zānis de portesio āno nri saluatoris. M.cccclxxxxvi. | di. xii. mensis Decēbris. | REGISTRVM | ... | (col. 3) Aut quæ."; D10 (=240), Blank.

Very scarce. This edition reprints the text of Angelus and Jacobus Britannicus first printed at Brescia in the same year, including the letter by Rufus, in which he attempts to prove that Pliny was born in Verona and not Como. The letters of Britannicus and Benedictus also support this assertion.

Bibliographical references: BMC XV: 5, 433 [IB 23721]. Goff: P-798. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: HC *13100. Thienen, Incunabula in Dutch Libraries, 1983: no. 3733. IGI: no. 7890. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 786.13. LKG: III 3. NUC: 461, 672 [NP 0424159]. Polain, Catalogue, 1932: no. 3202. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 5336. Sander, Livre à Figures Italien, 1941: no. 5759.

Historia Naturalis, 1497/8 (Text leaf)

14. Latin, 1497/8.

2°: a-e8 f6 g-z8 &8 A-I8 K6 (x3 signed x2); 268l.; no pagination or foliation. Types 110 (108)R & 105Gk, 55 lines, capital spaces with guide letters, catchwords. Page size: 405 x 270 mm.

Contents: a1r (=1r), Title.; K6r (=268r), "Registrum huius operis. | ... terni. | (Colophon:) C. Plynii Secundi de naturali historia libri .xxxvii. Ex castigationibus Hermolai Barbari diligentissime | Recogniti. Impressi Venetiis P Bernardinū Benaliū anno a Natali Christiāo. M. CCCCLXXXXVII. | Cum gratia & priuilegio ut in eo."

Rare. Edited by Ermolao Barbaro and revised by Joannes Baptista Palmarius [see notes below]. Printed by Bernardino Benalio. "This appears to be the first edition of Barbarus' recension, the note on the 1496 edition by the same printer being probably due to a confusion" (BMC).

Ermolao Barbaro. (Born: Venice, Italy, 21 May 1454; Died: Rome, Italy, 14 June 1493) Italian translator & humanist scholar. From an early age he studied in Rome and eventually received a degree from the University of Padua. In 1477 he became there a professor of philosophy. He translated and edited many classical Greek works into Latin imitating Cicero' prose during his lifetime. Innovative for his time, he also reviewed as many manuscripts as possible to check the text, avoiding some of the mistakes that occur by manual copying. He made commentaries on the classical texts of the Naturalis Historia by Pliny and the De Materia Medica by Dioscorides. Like his contemporaries, he compared the two works and noticed that they present similar information.

Joannes Baptista Palmarius. (Born:      ; Died:      ) . Need Biography.

Bibliographical references: BMC XV: 5, 377 [IC 22396]. Goff: P-799. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: H 13101. IGI. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 786.14. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424163]. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 4893A. (Barbaro) ABI: I 104, 443-454; 104,456-457; II 37, 150-154. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition: 3, 382. Mazzuchelli, Gli Scrittori d'Italia, 1753-63. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). WBI. (Palmarius)

15. Latin, 1499.
C. plinii secundi naturae histo | riarum libri. XXXvii. e ca | stigationibus hermo | lai barbari quam | emendatissi | me editi.

2°: a-b8 c-e8 f6 g-z8 &8 A-I8 K6; 268l.; no pagination or foliation. Types 180G and 83R, 57 lines, capital spaces with many guide letters. Page size: 290 x 195 mm.

Contents: a1r (=1r), Title.; a1v (=1v), "Nobilissimo Iuueni Conss alo Ruitio Delauega & Mendoza: Laurentii Suaris de Figueroa & | Mendoza Hispaniarum Regis ad Pricipem & Senatum Venetum Legati filio: Io. Baptista palmarius."; a4r (=4r), "CAII PLINII SEVCNDI NATVRALIS HISTORIAE LIBER PRIMVS."; K6r (=268r), Colophon: "C. Plynii Secundi de naturali historia libri. xxxvii. Ex castigatiōibus Hermolai Barbari diligētissime | Recogniti. Impressi Venetiis P Ioannē Aluisium de Varisio Mediolanemsem āno a Natali Cristiāo. | M. CCCCLXXXXIX. die. xviii. Maii: Cum gratia & priuilegio ut in eo."

Very scarce. Edited by Hermolaus Barbarus, revised by Joannes Baptista Palmarius and printed by Joannes Alvisius. A very close reprint, with the same quiring, of Benalius' 1497/8 edition (BL IC 22396).

Bibliographical references: BMC XV: 5, 572 [IB 24690]. Goff: P-800. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: H 13104. IGI. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 786.15. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424164]. Polain, Catalogue, 1932: no. 3203. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 5636.

16. Latin, 1507.
C. Plinii. Secundi. Veronesis Historiae Naturalis Libri XXXVII. ab Alexādro Benedicto Ue. Physico emendatiores redditi ... [Venetiis, Impressum per Ioānem Rubeum & Bernardinum fratresq, Vercellensis, 1507].

8°: aa-bb8, a-z8, &8, A-M8; 304l.; [16], 280, [8]l. Errors in foliation: leaves 209-279 numbered 210-280, leaf 280 unnumbered. Colophon: "Hoc opus ... impressum fuit per Ioānem Rubeum & Bernardinum fratresq; Vercellenses ab incarnatione anno Domini, 1507, die, xvi. Ianuarii." Page size: 315 x 215 mm.

Very scarce. This early post incunabula edition is the first to be edited and contain annotations by Alessandro Benedetti [see note below]. It is an attractive edition edition containing numerous ornamental woodcut initials.

Alessandro Benedetti (Benedict). (Born: c1450; Died: 1512) Italian anatomist. Benedetti opened a medical practice in Venice in 1495. His medical and anatomical works held a high reputation in his time.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424165]. (Benedetti (Benedict)) ABI: I 135, 135; I 135, 127-134. Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, Supplement. Mazzuchelli, Gli Scrittori d'Italia, 1753-63. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). Thomas, Dictionary of Biography, 1884: 323. WBI.

17. Latin, 1508.
In libros naturalis hystorie epistola. Cu Johanis [Rhagius] Aesticapiani. Leipzig, 1508.

[7] f. 8vo Very scarce.

18. Latin, 1508.
Historiae naturalis … [Venice, Aldine, 1508?].

4°: Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: Winship, G.P., "The Aldine Pliny of 1508, " Library, 4th Series, 6, (1926), 358-69.

19. Latin, 1509.
De Plinii, & plurium aliorum medicorum in medicina erroribus, Ejusdem Nicolai Epistola ad Hermolaum Barbarum in primi operis defensionem. Ejusdem Nicolai de Plinii, & plurium aliorum medicorum erroribus novum opus ... Ejusdem Nicolai ad Hieronymum Menochium epistola, in qua eadem materia de multis simplicibus medicamentis pertractatur, & quaedam Plinii, atque aliorum medicorum errata continentur. [Microform] [Ferrariae, Per Joannem Maciochium, 1509]

[4], 95, [3]l. 21 cm.

Very scarce. Errata: last 2 leaves. Master microform held by: GmC.

Leoniceno, Niccolo, 1428-1524. // Naturalis historia.

20. Latin, 1509.
De Plinii, et plurium aliorum medicorum in medicina erroribus ...: Ejusdem Nicolai epistola ad Hermolaum Barbarum in primi operis defensionem. Ejusdem Nicolai de Plinii et plurium aliorum medicorum erroribus novum opus ... Ejusdem Nicolai ad Hieronymum Menochium epistola, in qua eadem materia de multis simplicibus medicamentis pertractatur, et quaedam Plinii, atque aliorum medicorum errata continentur. Ferrara, J. Maciochius, 1509.

4°: [4], 95, [3]l

Very scarce. Leoniceno, Niccolo, 1428-1524. // Barbaro, Ermolao, 1454-1493. // Menochium, Hieronymum.

Niccolo Leoniceno. (Born: 1428; Died: 1524) Italian physician.

Hieronymum Menochium. (Born:      ; Died:      ) . Giovanni Stephanie [1576-1655]??. Need Biography.

Bibliographical references: (Leoniceno) ABI: I 563, 222-261. Eckstein, Nomenclator philologorum, 1871. Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, Supplement. Mazzetti, Repertorio di Tutti i Professori, 1848. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). WBI. (Menochium) Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer).

21. Latin, 1510.
... Historiae naturalis libri decem et octo secundi voluminis ... [Lyons, Balthazard de Gabiano, 1510.]

2 vols. in 4. ff. (17), 680 [380].

Very scarce. A counterfeit Aldine edition, reprint of the 1507 edition.

Alessandro Benedetti, ca. 1450-1512, editor.

Bibliographical references: Baudrier, Bibliographie Lyonnaise, 1895: 7, 24-5. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424168].

22. Latin, 1511.
Naturalis hystoriae libri xxxvii, diligenti labore nuper nec antea in Parrhisiorum Academia emendatiores impressi atque recogniti. [In Lutecę Parrhisiorū Academia īpressa F. Regnault at J. Frellon impendio, 1511.]

2°: ff. (20), cclviii.

Very scarce. Edited by Nicolaus Maillard [see note below].

Nicolas Maillard. (Born:      ; Died:      ) . Need Biography.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424169]. (Maillard)

23. Latin, 1513.
Caii Plinii Secundi Naturalis Historiæ Libri XXXVII. Paris, Ponset le Preux, 1513.

2°: [40] p., 262l. Title page framed in woodcuts, printer's device, and initials. Very scarce.

24. Latin, 1513.
C. Plinij Secundi Veronensis Historiae Naturalis Libri XXXVIJ. aptissimis figuris exculti, ab Alexadro Benedicto Ve., physico emendatiores redditi. [Venetiis, 1513].

2°: aa8 bb6 a-z8 &8 [con]8 Rx10 A10 (A10 blank); 234l.; [14], CCXIX, [1] leaves, illus., 3 maps. Title page printed in red and black. Melchior Sessa's devices on title page and last page. Numerous errors in foliation: leaves CXXXXV-CLX erroneously numbered CLXXXV-CXCVIII, CXIC, CXIC. Illustrations: 38 prints: woodcut; image 21 x 9 cm. (1) and 8 x 9 cm. For detailed description, see Essling. 2 prints: woodcut; 8 x 6 and 4 x 4 cm. Colophon: Impressus Venetiis, summa diligentia, per Melchiorem Sessam, anno reconciliate natiuitatis, M.D.XIII.

Very scarce. Edited by Alessandro Benedetti, [ca. 1450-1512], and probably printed for Sessa by Agostino de Zanni.

Bibliographical references: Essling, Livres à Figures Vénitiens, 1907-14. Kristeller, Italienische Buchdruckerzeichen, 1893: nos. 295 & 297. LKG: III 3. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424172]. Vaccaro, C., Marche dei Tipografi, 19??: p. 376. Zappella, G., Marche dei Tipografi, 19??: figs. 595 & 314.

25. Latin, 1514.
Caii Plynii Secundi Ceronensis Naturalis Hystoriae Libri xxxvij, diligenti admodum labore: peruigiliqz cura Nuper nec antea in alma Parrhisiorum academia emendatiores Impressi atqz recogniti. Qui in edibus francisci regnault eiusdem academiæ bibliopolæ in via Iacobi sub intersignto Beati Claudij commorantis Venales prostant. [Parrhisiis, ab Nicolao de Pratis, 1514.]

2°: [20], CCLXII numberedl Colophon: ... Quæ omnia Parrhisijs ab optimo calcographo Nicolao de Pratis emunctim sui luce, rursus eduntur ... M.D. XIIII. Idibus Iunij.

Very scarce. Edited by Nicolaus Maillard [??-??]. A reprint of the Paris edition of 1511.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424174].

26. Latin, 1515.
Liber septimus naturalis historie ... [Vienne, Ioannes Singrenius ... 1515].

2°: Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424175].

27. Latin, 1516.
Caii Plinii Secundi Veronensis / Naturalis Historiæ Libri .xxxvij. diligenti studio ... impressi & fidelius recogniti. Veneunt Parisiis In edibus Emundi Fabri fidelis bibliophole in via Iacobea sub intersignio Lune Crescentis commorantis. [Impressuz per Nicolaum de Pratis. Anno a partu Deipare Virginis. 1516. Nonis Augusti].

2°: AA-CC6 a-z8 &8 A-G8 H6 I8; ??l.; [18], CCLXII numberedl

Very scarce. Edited by Nicolas Maillard [    -    ].

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424182].

28. Latin, 1516.
Historiae natv[alis] lib. XXXVII. [Venetiis, A Philippo Pincio impressum, Mcccccxvi].

[524] p. illus. 30 cm. (fol.)

Very scarce. Title in red and black; initials; side notes. At head of title: C. plinii secundi.

29. Latin, 1516.
C. Plinii Secundi Historiae Natv. lib. XXXVII. olim ab Alexandro Benedicto castigati. nvnc autem ex collatione multorum exemplariorum diligentius recogniti. [Venetiis, á Philippo Pincio Marguano Impressum. Anno dominini. M. CCCCC.XVI. di ultimo decébris].

2°: [32] p., ccxlv leaves, [2] p. Title in red and black; manuscript notes in the margins; initials. Colophon: Venetiis a Philippo pincio Mantuano impressum. Anno dominini Mcccccxvi.

Very scarce. Edited by Alessandro Benedetti [see note under ??].

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424185].

30. Latin, 1516.
Caii Plynii Secundi Naturalis Historię libri. XXXVII nuper studiose recogniti, atqz impressi adiectis varijs Antonij Sabellici, Raphaelis Volaterrani, Beroaldi, Erasmi, Budei, Longolij adnotationibus, quibus Mundi histoira locis plęrisz vel restituitur vel illustratur. Cum gratia & priuilegio. Vęneunt Lutecię, in via Iacobęa sub signo ensis, et in ædibus Reginaldi Chalderij sub signo sylvestris hominis. [Paris, (Jean Barbier) for Nicolas Bérauld and Regnauld Chaudière I, 1516].

2°: [18], cclxxiiii [i.e., 275] numberedl. The last three leaves (273-275) numbered alike cclxxiiii. With many initials on criblé ground, and the title with a beautiful printer's device of R. Chaudière. Colophon: Impressa est Lutetiae hec Mundi historia ex diligentissima recognitione. Impensis Beraldi, & Reginaldi Chalderij, in quorum ædibus vænales sunt libri. Anno a partu Christiparę virginis .M.D.XVI. XVI. calendas decemb. [Maltese Cross].

Very scarce. Edited by Nicolas Bérauld [see note below]. This is the only book in which Bérauld's name occurs as publisher, and it is also one of the first books to be printed for the first of the Chaudières, who in 1514 started as a bookseller. The printer Jean Barbier (als called Tonsor, Passet) was originally with Julian Notary and J.Huvin at London (ca. 1496) and in 1498 he printed at Westminster together with Notary a missal for Wynkyn de Worde (Proctor 9742). In 1502 he established his print shop in Paris. He died while at work on the present book, the business being continued by Bérauld who married Barbier's widow. Therefore Barbier's address "sub signo ensis" figures here as Bérauld's press.

Nicolaus Bérauld (Beraldus Aurelius). (Born: Orléans, France, 1473; Died: 1550) French philosopher & scholar. Bérauld was a friend of Erasmus, and numbered among his proteges D'Andelot and Admiral de Coligny. In 1521, he published a Greek/Latin Dictionary, and in 1516 a translation of Pliny.

Bibliographical references: Graesse, Trésor de Livres Rares, 1859-69: 5, 338-9 ["Cette édition a été soignée par Nic. Beraud et corrigée sur d'anciennes Éditions et sur ses conjectures."]. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424177]. Renouard, Imprimeurs Parisiens, 1898. Schweiger: 2, 785. (Bérauld (Beraldus Aurelius)) Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). Thomas, Dictionary of Biography, 1884: 330.

31. Latin, 1516.
Caii Plinii Secundi ... Naturalis Historiæ Lib[r]i XXXVIJ. Diligenti studio ex multorum obseruationibus auctorum in varietate lectionis. Emendatius q[uam] vnq[uam] antea in famigerabili parhisiorum lycęo Impressi & fidelius recogniti. Parisiis [Recognitum & impressum per Nicolaum de Pratis] Veneunt in edibus Francisci regnault [1516].

2°: [36], cclxiil. Printer's device on the title page. Colophon dated 5 August 1516.

Very scarce. Edited by Alexander Benedictus [    -    ].

Bibliographical references: BM/STC French: 356. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424184]. Panzer, Ältern Deutschen Litteratur, 1788-1802: 8, 35, no. 894.

32. Latin, 1518.
C. Plynii Secvndi Natvræ historiarum libri XXXVII, e castigationibus Hermolae Barbari quam emendatissime editi. Additus est ad maiorem studiosorum commoditatem, Index Ioannis Cametis Einoritani, quo Plynius ipse totus breui mora temporis edisci potest ... [Lucae Alantsee, 1518].

2°: cclxxxvi, [96]l. With two woodcut title borders and printer's device. Title printed in red and black. Colophon: Sumptibus ornatissimorum uirorum Ioannis Kobergii, ac Lucæ Alantsee, impressum Magenoæ opera industriaqz Thomæ Anshelmi badensis mense nouembri anno. M.D.XVIII. Index has its own title page and is without foliation.

Rare. Reprint of the Venetian edition of 1497, edited by J.B. Palmarius. Humanist's edition of Pliny's Natural History with Ermalao Barbaro's (1453/4-1493) Castigationes Plinianae (1st ed., Rome, 1492) which was the most authoritative discussion of Pliny's work available. The texts include those edited by Thomas Canner, J. Vadianus, B. Chelidonius and G. Germanius. The Register, which appears here with its own title-page, is by Johann Camers. The dedicatory letter to Emperor Maximilian is by the German humanist, Jacob Spiegel (ca. 1483-1547), and dated July 1518. Spiegel was a friend of Erasmus, Luther, Melanchthon and Hutten (see Contemporaries of Erasmus 3, pp. 270-272).

Curious and indefatigable, Pliny recorded the science of Rome at its zenith. His duties as soldier, lawyer, and governor of provinces afforded much time for travel and observation. His Historia Naturalis in 37 books is written in the form of an encyclopedia. It describes the natural sciences including geography, anthropology, botany, zoology, medicine, mineralogy and the arts. Pliny was a martyr to his curiosity in trying to observe the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 A.D. and found himself a bit too near the volcano. (Dibner)

Barbaro, Ermolao, 1454-1493. // Camers, Joannes, 1447-1546.

Bibliographical references: Benzing, Anshelm: 33. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424187]. Panzer, Ältern Deutschen Litteratur, 1788-1802: 4, 86, 149. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 11695. Ritter: 1887. Zinner, Astronomischen Literatur, 1964: 1096.

33. Latin, 1519.
C. Plinii Secvndi Liber septimvs Natvralis historiae. Seorsum impressus & emedatus perũ diligenter. [Vienna, 1519]

4°: a-f4; 24l.; [47] p. Title within an ornamental border. Colophon: Viennæ Pannoniæ apud Ioannem Singreniũ. Anno salutis. M.D.XIX.

Very scarce. Edited by Philippus Gundelius [see note below].

Philippus Gundelius. (Born: 1493; Died: 1567) . Need Biography.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424189]. (Gundelius) ADB. DBA: I 439, 218-222; II 497, 43. Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1750-51. WBI.

34. Latin, 1519.
Natvrae historiarum libri xxxvii: E castigationibus Hermolai Barbari, quamemendatissime editi. Additus est ad maiorem studiosorum commoditatem index Ioannis Camertis Minoritani, quo Plynius ipse totus brevi mora teporis edisci potest. [Venetiis, Sumptibus L.A. de Giunta; impressum in ædibus G. de Rusconibus, 1519].

2°: 286, [79]l. Imprint from colophon.

Very scarce. Edited by J.R. Palmarius [see note below]. Based on the Hagenau 1518 ed., which first incorporated the 2-part Index Plinianus by Joahnnes Camers. This index, printed at the same Venice press in 1520, has a special title page in read and black, with ornamental woodcut borders, initial letters and colophons.

Barbaro, Ermolao, 1454-1493. // Camers, Joannes, 1447-1546.

Joannes Baptista Palmarius. (Born:      ; Died:      ) . Need Biography.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424190]. (Palmarius)

35. Latin, 1523.
… Historiae Naturale Libri XXXVII. Olim ab Alexandro Bendicto castigati. Nunc autem ex collatione multorum exemplariorum diligentius recogniti. [Venetiis, 1523].

8°: aa-bb8 a-k8 (k8 blank) a-z8 &8 A-F8 G6; ??l.; [96], 245, [1]l Colophon at the end of the first part: Impressum Venetiis per Bernardinum de Vianis de Lexona Vercellensem, 1523. Colophon: at the end of the text: Venetiis a Philippo Pincio Mantuano impressum, 1516.

Very scarce. Edited by Alessandro Benedetti [d. 1525] and containing the index by Joannes Camers [1468-1546].

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424192].

36. Latin, 1524.
... Naturalis histoirae opus, ab innumeris mendis a D. Johanne Caesario ... vindicatum, inventa primum ab eo. & a ulio quidem antea animadversa, concinna ratione quadam id opus in septem pemptadas sive quinarios dispartiendi: adjectisque in singulos argumentis, & breviusculis simul in margine scholis, ab eodem illustratum. Coloniae, In aedibus Eucharii Cervicorni, 1524.

2°: [56], 162l

Very scarce. Edited by Johannes Caesarius [1468?-1550?].

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424193].

37. Latin, 1524.
C Plinii Se | cvndi Natvralis Historia | opus, ab innumeris mendis à D. Iohan. Cæ | sario Iuliacen. uiro infigniter erudito, uindi- | catum: inuenta primum ab eo, & à nullo qui | dem antea animaduerfa, concinna rône qua- | dam id opus in septê pemptadas fiue quina- | rios difpartiendi:adjectisq. in singulos argu | metis, & breuiufculis fimul in margine fcho | liis, ab eodem illuftratum.

2°: Aa-Bb8 a-z8 A-R8 Q7 a-c6 d-g4 h-i6 k-l4 m6; ??l.; [32], 311 numbered l., 60l. Title surrounded by historiated border depicting scenes from legends and myths. Woodcut initials. The index has special title page with an ornamental border. Colophon: Apud sanctam Vbiorum Coloniam Agrippinam, in ædibus Eucharij Ceruicorni, anno à partu uirginis matris M.D.XXIIII. mense augusto. Page size: 325 x 215 mm.

Very scarce. Edited by Johannes Caesarius [see note below].

Johannes Caesarius. (Born: 1468?; Died: 1550?) German humanist. Need Biography.

Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: P-1556. BM/STC German: 704. Ebert, General Bibliographical Dictionary, 1837: no. 17272. Graesse, Trésor de Livres Rares, 1859-69: 5, 339. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424196]. VD16: P-3531. (Caesarius) ADB. BAB: I 121, 221-224. DBA: I 173, 310-313; II 211, 142-143. Eckstein, Nomenclator philologorum, 1871. Hirsch, Biographisches Lexikon, 1884-8. Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1750-51. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). NDB. WBI.

38. Latin, 1524.
C. Plinii Secvndi Natvræ Historiarvm libri XXXVII. E castigationibus Hermolai Barbari, Quam emendatissimi editi. Additus est ad maiorem Studiosorum commoditatem Index Ioannis Camertis Minoritati ... Parisiis: Ex officina honesti viri Petri Gadoul Bibliopolæ adscriptii ad templu diui Hilarij, Sub signo geati Cirici, 1524.

2°: [34], CCCCCXXXVI (i.e. 537), [1], [190] p., title in red and black with woodcut border by Urs Graf. Colophon: Excudebat Petrus Vidoueus … 1524, with his mark on the verso of page CCCCXXXVI. The index as a special title page: Prima pars Pliniani indicis … Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: LKG: III 3. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424198].

39. Latin, 1525.
Ioannes Frobenius lectori S. D. En damus C. Plinii Secundi divinum opus cui titulus, Historia mundi, multo quam antehac unquam prodijt emanulatius: idq[ue] primum ex annotationibus eruditorum hominum, praesortim Hermolai Barbari: deinde ex collatione exemplariorum. quae hactenus opera doctorum nobix quam fieri potuit emendatissime sunt excusa: postremo ex fide uetustissimorum codicum, ex quibus non pauca restituimus, quae alioque nemo, quamlibet eruditus uel deprehendit, uel deprehendere poterat. Absit inuidia dicto. Vicimus superiores omneis. Si quis hanc palmam nobis eripuerit, non illi quide[m] inuidebimus, sed studijs publicis gratulabimur. Bene uale lector, & fruere Agathe tyche. Additus est index, in quo nihil desideres. Basileae: apud Io. Frobenium, Mense Martie, An. M. D. XXV.[1525]

2°: A-C6 a-z8 A-Z8 Aa-Kk6 a8 b6 c8 d-g6 h10 A-C6; ??l.; [36], 671, [143] p. Gg4 misnumbered G4. Includes index. printer's device on the title page; verso of p. 671, title page of the index; verso of the final leaf. Index title: Index in Universum naturalis historiae. C. Plinii apus, summa diligentia collectus. Woodcut initials. Page 179 and 375 misnumbered 189 and 75. Printed marginalia.

Scarce. Edited by Desiderius Erasmus and printed by Johann Froben [see notes below].

Desiderius Erasmus. (Born: Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 28 October 1466; Died: Basel, Switzerland, 12 July 1536) Dutch humanist & theologian. Erasmus, was born the illegitimate son of a physician's daughter by a man who afterwards turned monk. He was called Gerrit Gerritszoon (Dutch for Gerard Gerardson) but later adopted the tautological double name by which he is known. He attended the school of the "Brothers of the Common Life" at Deventer. On his parents' death his guardians insisted on his entering a monastery and in the Augustinian college of Stein near Gouda he spent six years - it was certainly this personal experience of the ways of the monks that made Erasmus their relentless enemy. At length the Bishop of Cambrai made him his private secretary. After taking priest's orders Erasmus went to Paris, where he studied at the Collège Montaigu. He resided in Paris until 1498, gaining a livelihood by teaching. Among his pupils was Lord Mountjoy, on whose invitation probably Erasmus made his first visit to England in 1498. He lived chiefly at Oxford, and through the influence of John Colet his contempt for the Schoolmen was intensified.

In 1500 he was again in France, and for the next six years lived chiefly at Paris. In 1506 he made a short visit to England, carried out a long-desired journey to Italy, and at Padua acted as tutor to Alexander, Archbishop of St. Andrews, natural son of James IV of Scotland. His visit closed with a short stay in Rome, whence he carried away a far more friendly impression than did Luther when he made his visit.

The accession of Henry VIII, and the invitation of Lord Mountjoy, induced Erasmus once more to make England his home. In his satire, Encomium Moriae (1509), we have him in his happiest vein, as the man of letters and the critic of kings and churchmen. Erasmus resided chiefly at Cambridge, where he acted as Margaret professor of Divinity and professor of Greek. After 1514 he lived alternatively in Basel and England, and from 1517 to 1521 at Louvain.

In 1516 was published his annotated New Testament, virtually the first Greek text, and in 1519 his edition on St. Jerome in nine folio volumes. In both of these works the aim of Erasmus was to introduce a more rational conception of Christian doctrine, and to emancipate men's minds from the frivolous and pedantic methods of the Scholastic theologians. But when the Lutheran revolution came he found himself in the most embarrassing position. Those of the old order fell upon him as the author of all the new troubles. The Lutherans assailed him for his cowardice and inconsistency in refusing to follow up his opinions to their legitimate conclusions. In 1519 appeared the first edition of his Colloquia, usually regarded as his masterpiece. The audacity and incisiveness with which it handles the abuses of the Church prepared men's minds for the subsequent work of Martin Luther. In 1521 he left Louvain, where the champions of the old faith had made his stay unendurable and with the exception of six years in Freiburg, he spent the rest of his life at Basel.

He edited a long succession of classical and patristic writers, and was engaged in continual controversies. The most important of these were with Ulrich von Hutten, Luther, and the Sorbonne, Hutten judged Erasmus harshly for not taking his place by the side of Luther; and with Luther himself Erasmus, after long hesitation, crossed swords in his De Libero Arbitrio (1523). Attacked by men like Hutten on the one side, he was as fiercely assailed on the other by the Sorbonne. By his Ciceroniansus he raised against himself new adversaries - those humanists, namely, who set style above matter. Yet during his last years Erasmus enjoyed great fame and consideration.

Johann Froben. (Born: Hammelburg in Franken, Germany, 1460; Died: Basel, Basel-Stadt, Switzerland, 25 October 1527) German printer. Froben had his early education from the grammar school of his home town. By 1486 he was working in the print shop of Anton Koberger in Nuremberg. This business with 24 presses and over 100 employees was one of the largest printing enterprises of its time. By November, 1490 Froben had relocated to Basel, Switzerland and obtained a printing franchise there. He became very successful. About 1513, Froben persuaded the noted Biblical scholar Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam to come to Basel to prepare a Greek New Testament edition. Using manuscripts from the library at Basel University, the two men produced their Greek text in 1516. It became known as the textus receptus (Latin for received text). This was the book that was used as a basic guide for the translators of the King James Version. Erasmus continued to work with Froben, editing many of his publications and contributing to the fame of Froben's press for printing scholarly texts. Froben also employed the then unknown Hans Holbein as book designer.

Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: P-1560. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424201]. (Erasmus) (Froben) ADB: ??, ??. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition. Heilmann, Kräuterbücher, 1966: 389 & 391, portrait. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer).

40. Latin, 1525.
C. Plinii Secondi Naturalis historie libri xxxvii e castigatiõibus Hermolai Barbari ac codicis I Alemania impressi emedatissimi editi. Additio indice copiosissimo figurisq ad singulorum librorum materiam aptissimis. [Venetiis: M. Sessam & P. Serenae, 1525].

8°: aa8 bb6 a-z8 &8 28 [con]10 A10 AA-II8; ??l.; [14], CCXIX, [72]l., illus. Title pages in red and black with ornamental borders consistings of scenes from Roman history and protraits of Greek and Latin writers. Printer's device on the title pages. The index has a separate title page. Colophon: Impressum Venetiis summa diligentia per Melchiorem Sessam & Petru Serenæ, socios, anno reconciliate natiuitatis. M.D.XXV. die. XXIIII. martii.

Very scarce. The index by Joannes Camers (with special title page, 72 leaves at end) is dated 1525.

Barbaro, Ermolao, 1454-1493. // Camers, Joannes, 1447-1546.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424203].

41. Latin, 1526.
Opvs dilvinvm, cvi titulvs Historia Naturalis, multo quã antehac vnquã prodijt in luce castigatius, vna cũ annotationibus Hermolai Barbari, ac sincero exemplari eruditorũ hominũ, ex quo nonnulla etiã marginibus adscripta sunt. Adiectus est ad maiorem bonęindolis vtiliatem index notis arithmeticis illustratus, nunc exactior multo atqz locupletior quam antes, quo Plinius ipse politus citra lassitudinem & intelligi queat & teneri. Parisiis, Vęneunt ab A. Girault, 1526.

4°: a-z8 &8 A-M8 A6 B-H8 I6 K4 a6 b-c8 cccccxxxvi, [188] p. The index as a separate title page. Printer's device on the title pages.

Very scarce. Edited by Angelus from Ermolao Barbaro [1454-1493] text and printed by Iehan Petit.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424205].

Erasmi Stellae Libanothani viri clariss. De ge[m]mis libellus unicus. Plinius Secundus de gemmis. Argentorati: Per Henricum Sybold, [1530?]
See under: Stella, Erasmus.

42. Latin, 1530.
Hieronymvs Frobenivs amico lectori a.d. C. Plinii Secvndi ... Historia mvndi, denvo sic emendata, vt in svperiori æditione, qvæ tamen fuit accuratissima, præ hac dormitatum videri possit. In illa longo interuallo uiceramus cæteros, in hac longiore uicimus nos ipsos, potissimum adiuti tribus optimiæ fidei peruetustis exemplaribus, tum opera cuiusdam eruditi, qui sihi sumpserat hanc prouinciam nonnihil etiam Beati Rhenani doctissimis annotationibus, quæ utinam absoluisset ... Adiunctus est index copiosissimus. Basileæ, in officina Frobeniana, 1530.

Fol. Mit 4 wiederh. Druckerm. 18 Bll., 671 S.; 88 Bll. Ldr. d. 18. Jh. mit Rücken- u. Deckelvergoldung u. goldgepr. Deckelmedaillons mit Inschrift "Iesus Maria"; berieben, Deckel mit Schabstellen, 3 Ecken erneuert, Rücken u. Vorderdeckel mit wenigen Wurmspuren.

Very scarce. Edited by Beatus Rhenanus [see note below]. Zweite Froben-Ausgabe, mit der zur ersten Froben-Ausgabe erschienenen, 1525 datierten Vorrede des Erasmus Roterodamus. "Nach drei Handschriften verbessert von Beatus Rhenanus und Sigm. Gelenius" (C.). - Gering gebräunt, vereinzelt schwach stock- oder braunfleckig, wenige Bll. leicht wasserrandig. Titel etwas fingerfleckig u. mit zwei Einträgen in Tinte.

Based on Erasmus' edition issued by Froben in 1525 (his dedicatory letter dated 8 Feb. 1525 is here reprinted), this edition includes an index based on that of Joannes Camers (i. e. Giovanni Ricucci Vellini) with half title ([176] p.)

Bildius, Beatus, Rhenanus, 1485-1547. // Camers, Joannes, 1447-1546. // Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536.

Beatus Rhenanus. (Born: Schlettstadt, Alsace, Germany, 1485; Died: Strassburg, Germany, 20 July 1547) German humanist. Born the son of a prosperous butcher, Rhenanus received his early education at the Latin school of his birth town. In 1503, he travelled to Paris, where he came under the influence of Jacobus Faber Stapulensis, an emminent Aristotelian. In 1511, he moved to Basel where he befriended Desderius Erasmus and began an active participation in Johann Froben's publishing house. He supervised the printing of Erasmus' more important works from this press. In 1526, he returned to Schlettstadt and retired to a life of learned leisure.

Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: P-1561. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424208]. Van der Haeghen, F.R., Bibliotheca Erasmiana. Bruxelles, 1897-1950: 2, 45. (Rhenanus) ABF: I 888, 266-289; II 549, 280. ADB. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition: 23, 233. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). Niceron, Mémoires, 1729-42. Sitzmann, E., Dictionnaire de biographie des hommes célèbres de l'Alsace depuis les temps les plus reculés. Rixheim, 1909-10. 2 vols. WBI.

43. Latin, 1530.
C. Plinii Secvndi Historiarvm Natvræ Libri XXXVII, post omnes omnium editiones ... plurimie in locis ... restituti ... Parisiis Apud Galeorum à Prato in aula Regii Palatii maiore ad primam colmnam. [Impressum prælo Antonii Augerelli, impensis uero Ioannis Parui & Calecti à Prato, Mense Octobri] 1532.

2°: A-C6 a-z6 A-Kk6 a-m6 A-C6 D4; ??l.; [36], 671 p., 94l

Very scarce. Edited by Petrus Bellocirius [see note below].

Petrus Bellocirius (pseudo) Pierre Danes. (Born: 1497; Died: 1557) Orientialist. Pietro Bellochio?? Need Biography.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424209]. (Bellocirius (pseudo) Pierre Danes) Griechisches Biographisches Archiv: I 341, 360 / 426, 259. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). WBI.

44. Latin, 1535.
C. Plinii Secvndi Historia mvndi, denvo emendata, non pavcie locis ex diligeniti ad pervetvata et optimæ fidei exemplaria collatione nunc primū animaduersis castigatisqi[ue], quemadmodum euidentur in Sigismundi Gelenij annotationibus operi adnoxis apparet. Adiunctus oet index copiosissmus. Apvd inclytam Basileam, anno M. D. XXXV. mense Martio.

4°: A-C6 aaa-ccc6 ddd8 a-z6 A-Z6 Aa-Kk6 a-g6 h8 A-B8 (e3 numbered d3; h3 numbered H3); ??l.; [44]l., 671 p., [66]l. Pages 235, 375 & 400 misnumbered 135, 575 & 408, respectively. Printer's mark on the title page, page [672] and the last leaf. The index has a separate title page. Woodcut initials. Colophon, (p. 671): Apvd inclytam Basilaeam, per Hieronymvm Frobenium, Io. Heruagium, & Nicolaum Episcopium, Mense Februario. Anno. M. D. XXXV.

Very scarce. Contains the preface of Erasmus, reprinted from his edition of 1525.

Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536. // Camers, Joannes, 1447-1546.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 0424215.

45. Latin, 1535-6.
C. Plinii Secvndi Natvralis Historiae prima [-tertia] pars. [Venetiis, in aedibus haeredvm Aldi, et Andreae Asvlani soceri, 1535-] 1536.

[Title of Index volume:]

Index in C. Plinii Nat. hist. libros locupletior, & castigatior, quam qui hactenus impressi sunt. Addidimus loca quaedam exeuterum exemplarium fide emendata: quae a nemine hactenus animaduersa erant. Venetiis, 1538.

3 vols. [Vol 1: 1536] 8°: A-F8 a-z8 A-P8 Q4; ??l.; [48], 314l.; [Vol 2: 1535] 8°: aa-zz8 AA-PP8; ??l.; 303, [1]l.; [Vol 3: 1535] 8°: aaa-zzz8 AAA-OOO8; 295, [1]l.; [Index volume] 8°: A-Z8 AA-GG8 HH12 (HH12 blank); ??l.; no pagination or foliation. Aldine device on each title page and verso of each final leaf. Capital spaces with guide letters.

Very scarce. Edited by Andreas Rabirius and printed by Manuzio, family of printers, Venice.

Andreas Rabirius. (Born:      ; Died:      ) Italian. Need Biography.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424219-26]. (Rabirius)

46. Latin, 1535.
Commentarii in librvm secvndvm Historiae mvndi C. Plinii conscripti a Iacobo Milichio profesore mathematum in schola vuittenbergensi. Annon Domini 1534. Haganoae, ex officina Petri Brubacchij, An. Do. XXXV [i.e. 1535]

4°: B-Z4, AA-QQ4; ??l.; [40], 13-80, 61-128 numberedl., illus. Woodcut printer's device on the title page. First page of the dedication within an ornamental border. Initials; woodcut border, composed of 4 pieces, for first leaf of dedication; headpiece repeated on recto of leaf [1] (2nd group). Includes index. Colophon: Haganoae ex officina Petri Brubachii. Anno Domini M.D.XXXV. Mense Augusto.

Very scarce. Pliny's text with Milich's commentary. Milich's commentary traditionally considered to a large extent the work of Melanchthon. For a discussion of Milich's career and place within the circle of Melanchthon, see A history of magic and experimental science / Lynn Thorndike, v.5, p. 385-389.

Milich, Jakob, 1501-1559. // Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560

Jakob Milich (Milichius). (Born: Freiburg, Breisgau, Germany, 21 January 1501; Died: Wittenberg, Germany, 10 November 1559) German physician & philosopher. Milich was professor of philosophy from 1527 to 1553, than medicine at the University of Wittemberg. His commentary on Pliny contains much on astronomy.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424218]. (Milich (Milichius)) ADB. DBA: I 846, 353-354. Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1750-51. Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1750-51. Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, Supplement. Poggendorff: 2, col. 150. WBI.

47. Latin, 1537.
Liber Secvndvs C. Plinii De mvndi historia, cum commentarija Iacobi Milchij, Professoris Mathematum in Sohola Vitæbergensi, diligenten conscriptis & recognitis. Vitæbergæ, Anno 1537.

4°: 210 num.l., 8l. (last blank), illus., diagrms. Colophon: Avvevorvm in officnina Petri Brubachij, anno XXXVIII, mense septembri.

Very scarce. Commentary by Jakob Milich [1501-1559].

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424228].

48. Latin, 1538.
Index in C. Plinii Nat. hist. libros locupletior, & castigatior, quam qui hactenus, impressi sunt. Addidimus loca quaedam ex veterum exemplarium fide emendata; quae a nemine hactenus animadversa erant. Venetiis, 1538.

16°: 251 unnumberedl Very scarce.

49. Latin, 1538.
Liber secvndvs C. Plinii de mvndi historia, cum commentarija Iacobi Milichij … diligenter conscriptis & recognitis, Vitæbergæ, Anno 1537. Halæ Sueurum, Ex Officina Petri Brubachij, 1538.

4°: 210, [7]l Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424229].

Historiae Mundi, 1539

50. Latin, 1539.
[ornament] C. Plinii Secvndi | Historiae Mvndi Libri XXXVII | Ex Postrema Ad Vetvstos Codices Collatione | Cum Annotationibvs Et Indice. | [Printer's device] | Basileae | In Officina Frobeniana | M. D. XXXIX.

2°: A-C6 a-z6 A-Z6 Aa-Kk6 aaa-ccc6 ddd8 a-l6 (a1v, blank) A-B6 C8; [36], 671, [53] p.; [176] p.

Very scarce. Based on Erasmus' edition issued by Froben in 1525 (his dedicatory letter dated 8 Feb. 1525 is here reprinted), this edition includes the Castigationes of Sigismund Gelen ([52] p., 1st group of paging) and an index based on that of Joannes Camers (i. e. Giovanni Ricucci Vellini). The latter ([176] p., 2d group) has special half title.

Camers, Joannes, 1447-1546. // Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536. // Gelen, Sigismund, 1497-1554.

Sigismund Gelen. (Born: Prague, Bohemia, 1497; Died: Basel, Basel-Stadt, Switzerland, 1554) Bohemian philosopher. Gelen was a friend of Erasmus, who procured him the place of corrector of the press under Froben at Basel. He translated into Latin several works, and published a dictonary of Greek, Latin, German and Slavonian languages Lexicon Symphonum quatuor Linguarum (1537).

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424232-5]. (Gelen) ADB. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). Thomas, Dictionary of Biography, 1884: 1013.

51. Latin, 1539.
Historiae mundi libri xxxvii ex postrema ad vetustos codices collatione cum annotationibus et indice. Basileae, 1539.

[34], [226] p. fol. Very scarce.

52. Latin, 1542.
Historiae naturalis. Praefatio, ad ueterum codicum fidem per Adrianum Turnebum emendata, & annotationibus illustrata. Paris, 1542-1556.

7 pts in 1 v. 8vo Very scarce.

53. Latin, 1543.
Liber II C. Plinii De Mvndi Historia, cvm commentariis Iacobi Milichii, diligenter conscriptis & recognitis. Cum Indice in fine adiecto ... Francoforti, Ex officina P. Brubachij, Anno M.D.XLIII.

4°: 210 numb.l., 6l. diagrs.

Very scarce. Includes at the end Jacobus Milich's Oratio de Dignitate Astrologiæ.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424237].

54. Latin, 1543.
C. Plinii Secvndi Historiae Mundi Libri xxxvij Ex Postrema ad Vetustos Codices Collatione Cvm Annotationibus, Et Indice. Parisiis Apud Andream Bertholin, in via Diui Iacobi è regione Mathurinorum sub signo cornæ, & apud Guilliermum Roland in vico longobardorum, 1543.

2°: A-C6 a-z6 A-Z6 Aa-Kk6 aaa-ccc6 ddd8 a-k6 l8 A-B6 C8; ??l.; [18]l., 671 p., [20]l., [88]l. Large printer's device on title-page, large ornamental woodcut initials. Colophon: Parisiis Excudebat Michaël Fezandat, Monso Augusto, Anno M. XLIII.

Very scarce. Beautiful printed edition of this classic of natural history. This Paris edition is based on that of Basle 1535 with Gelenius' annotations; Erasmus' preface to Stanilaus Thurzo dated 1525 is reproduced. The index in by J. Cramer.

Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: P-1568. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424239-40].

55. Latin, 1545.
Plinii Secvndi Historiæ Mndi Libri XXXVII, denvo ad vetvstos codices collati, et plurimis locis emendati, ut patet ex adjunctis annotationibus. In calce operis copiosus index est additus. Basileæ, In officina Frobeniana, 1545.

2°: A-C6 a-z6 A-Z6 Aa-Kk6; aaa-ccc6; a-k6 l8 A-B6 C8; ??l.; [18]l., 671 p., [30], [86]l. Printer's device on the title page and verso of the last leaf. Colophon: Basileae per Hieronymvm Frobenivm & Nicolaum Episcopium, mense Augusto. Anno M.D.XLV.


Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424245-6].

Historiae Mvndi, 1548

56. Latin, 1548.
C. Plinii | Secvndi Hi- | storiae Mvn- | di Libri Tri- | ginta Se- | ptem. | [ornament] | Post omnes omnium editiones cum uetustißimis alioquot, ijsqz manuscri- | ptis exemplaribus diligentißimè collati. Qua quidem in re ea & fide usi | sumus & religione, ut neqz quippiam, quodère studiosorum fore iudica- | bamus, uisum fuerit prætermittere, neqz ex ueteri receptaqz scriptura | uel apicem immutare. Mediam itaqz rationem, eamqz tutißimam secu- | ti, lectionum uarietates, quæ aut caeteris praestare, aut certé ex æquo | cum illis certare uidebantur, consueta lectione incolumi, ad margi- | nem curauimus adijciendas. | Annexa sunt præterrta in calceoperis Castigationes Sigismundi Gelenis. | Hæsequitur Index longe quàm locupleiæimus. | [ornament] | Lvgdvni, | Ex Officina Godefridi | Et Marcelli Berin- | gorvm Fratrvm, | M. D. XLVIII.

2°: [32], 976 col., 81l. Printer's mark on the title page, title page of index (leaf 18) and verso of leaf 81. Two columns to the page.

Very scarce. Contains the preface of Erasmus, from his 1525 edition.Historiae Mundi Libri Triginta Septem, Post omnes omnium editiones cum vetustissimis aliquot iisque manu scriptis exemplaribus diligentissimè collati...Annexae sunt praeterea in calce operis Castigationes Sigismundi Gelenii. Has sequitur Index longe quàm lucupletissimus . Woodcut printer's device on title. 34 p.l. (the last a blank), 976 cols, [64] leaves. Folio, 18th cent. mottled sheep (some scuff marks & rubbing), flat spine gilt, red morocco lettering piece on spine. Lyon: G. & M. Beringen, 1548.First Beringen edition, and a nice copy, of Pliny's encyclopedia of all the knowledge of the ancient world. "It comprises thirty-seven books dealing with mathematics and physics, geography and astronomy, medicine and zoology, anthropology and physiology, philosophy and history, agriculture and mineralogy, the arts and letters."­Printing & the Mind of Man 5­(1st ed.: Venice, 1469). This edition is based on Erasmus' great edition issued by Froben in 1525. It includes Erasmus' dedicatory preface, the Castigationes of Sigismund Gelen (1497-1554), and an extensive index based on that of Joannes Camers (i.e. Giovanni Ricucci Vellini) who died in 1546.

Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: P-1571. Baudrier, Bibliographie Lyonnaise, 1895: 3, 46. Mortimer French Books: no. 437. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424249]. STC: 357. Van der Haeghen, F.R., Bibliotheca Erasmiana. Bruxelles, 1897-1950 [no copy listed].

57. Latin, 1549.
Plinii Secundi historiæ mundi Libri | XXXVII. Denvo Ad Vetvstos Codices Collati, Et Plv- | rimis locis emendati, ut patet ex adiunctis iteru{m} que auctis | Sigismundi Gelenii Annotationibus. | In calce operis copiosus index est additus. | [Printer's device] | Basilae, Apud Hier. Fro | Et Nic. Episcopiv | An. M D LXIX.

2°: A-C6 a-z6 A-Z6 Aa-Kk6 aaa-eee6 a-i6 k8 A-C6; ??l.; [34], 671, [58], [139] p., printer's device on the title page, many woodcuts throughout. Printer's name from the colophon. Page size: 376 x 244 mm.

Very scarce. Reimpression of the 1545 edition with introductory letter dated 1525 by Erasmus to Turzo.

Bibliographical references: LKG: III 3. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424251-6].

58. Latin, 1551.
C. Plinij Secundi Historiae naturalis liber secundus. Parisiis: Ex officina Prigentii Caluarini ... , 1551.

4°: A-K4; 40l.; no pagination or foliation. Printer's device (Silvestre 137) on title page.

Very scarce. Historiae naturalis book two only.

Des Vosges, Antoine. // Calvarin, Prigent, printer.

59. Latin, 1553.
C. Plinii Secundi Historiae mundi libri XXXVII majore quam hactenus unquam, studio, fide, religione emedati, adjectis ad marginem succinctis, quibus dam castigatiunculis … una cum indice totius operis copiosissimo. Lugduni, Apvd Ioannem Frellowivm. 1553.

3 parts in one vols. 2°: A2-A4 B-C4 a-z5 A-Z5 AA-ZZ4 [Con]2 m4; ??l.; [34], 679, [236] p. Title page vignette.

Very scarce. Part 1 is the Naturalis Historia ([18] p.l., 679 p.). Part 2 are Gelenius' Annotationes (29 unnumb. l.) and the index, with the following title: In C. Plinii Secundi naturalem historiam historiam index copiosissimus. Lugduni, Apud J. Frellonium, 1553.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424260].

60. Latin, 1553.
C. Plinii Liber secundus de Mundi hisotria, cvm commentariis Iacobi Milichii, diligenter consriptis, & postremò ab autore recognitis, & multis in locis auctis. Anno Domini 1552 … Vnà cvm indici utili & necessario. Francoferti, apvd P. Brvbachivm, 1553.

2°: [20], 459 p., illus., folding table, diagms. Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424258].

61. Latin, 1554.
Historiae mundi libri XXXVII. Denuo ad vestustos codices collati, et plurimis locis iam iterum post cunctorum editiones emendati, adjunctis Sigismundi Gelenii annotationibus. In calce operis nouus Index est addit us, non minore diligentia ac labore, quain opus ip sum repurgatus. Basileæ, [Per Hier. Frobenivm, Et Nic. Episcopivm] 1554.

2°: A-C6 a-z6 A-Z6 Aa-Ii6 χ2 aaa-eee6, a-c6, f-n6; ??l.; [36], 663, [216] p. Decorated initials. Printer device on title page and verso of final page. Author's name appears at head of title.

Very scarce. Edited by Sigismundi Gelen [1497-1554]. The "Index" by Johann Herold [1511-1570?]. Herold's prefactory letter and colophon dated 1555. Froben's printer device on the title and verso of last leave. The "Annotations" and "Index" each have separate paging.

Bibliographical references: Brunet: 4, 716. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424262].

62. Latin, 1559.
Sommaire des singulariter de Pline; extrait des seize firemiers livres de sa Naturelle histoire [4e ed.] P., 1559.

ff. 50. Vign.

Very scarce. Printed in cursive characters.

63. Latin, 1559.
Index in C. Plinii Secvndi Natvralem historiam, ad exemplum Ioan. Camertis, mutatis quibusdam quae ad hanc editionem non congruebant, nonnullis etiam adiectis. Venetiis, 1558 [1559]. apud Paulum Manutium, Aldi f.

[131] p. 30 cm. (fol.)

Very scarce. Signatures: A-L6. Aldine anchor on t.-p.

64. Latin, 1559.
C. Plinii Secvndi natvralis historiae libri trigintaseptem, a Paulo Manutio multis in locis emendati. Cratigationes Sigismvndi Gelenii. Index plenissimvs. Venetiis, Apud Paulum Manutium, Aldi f., 1559.

2°: 14 p.l., [26] p., 976 numb. columns, 36 p., 1l., [129] p. Title vignette (printer's device). The index has a special title page: Index in Cl. Plinii Secvndi Natvralem histoiram, ad exemplum Ioan. Camertis, mutatis quibusdam quæ ad hanc editionem non congruebant, nonnullis etiam adiectis. Venetiis, Apud P. Manutium, Aldi f., 1558.

Very scarce. Edited by Paulo Manuzio [1512-1574], with commentary by Sigmund Gelen [1497-1554] and the index by Joannes Camers (I.e., Giovanni Ricuzzi Vellini) [1448-1546].

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424265].

65. Latin, 1560.
Historiae mvndi tomus primus [-tertius] Cum indice hac postrema manuditissimo facto. Lvgdvni, Apud Haeredes Jacobi Iunti, 1560.

3 vols. Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424266].

66. Latin, 1560-2.
Historiae mvndi libri XXXVII. Vetustissimorum codicum collatione maiore quàm ante hac studio, fide, & religione a vitiis quibus multiplici olim impressione contaminati fuerat, vindicati, atq; in quatuor tomos dispertiti, quoru hic primvs octo libros complectitur. Cum indice hac postrema manu ditissimo ac castigatissimo facto. Lugduni, Apud haeredes Iacobi Iuntae, 1560-2.

4 vols. 16°:

Very scarce. At head of title: C. Plinii secvndi. Printer's devices; head- and tailpieces; initials; side notes. Vol. 1 is dated 1561; v. 2 has title: ... Tomus secundus. Quo libri decem, ab octauo ad decimumnonum vsque, continentur. Cum indice hac postrema manu ditissimo facto. Lvgdvni, Apud haeredes Jacobi Iuntae, M.D.LXII; v. 3 has title: ... Tomus terius. Quo libri nouem, a decimooctauo ad vicesimumoctauum vsque, continentur. Cum indice hac postrema manu ditissimo facto. Lvgdvni, Apud haeredes Jacobi Iuntae, M.D.LX.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424268].

67. Latin, 1561.
Historiae mundi libri XXXVIII, vetustissimorum codicum collatione maiore quàm antehac studio fide & religione à vitiis quibus multiplici olim impressione contaminati fuerant vindicati ... Vnà cum indice totius operis copiosissimo, non poenitenda rursus accessione locupletate, locisque propemodum innumeris, quæ cum autoris aensis non satis congruebant, quàm accuratissimè restituto. Lvgdvni. Apud Ioannem Frellonium, M.D. LXI.

[36], 679, [257] p. Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424267].

68. Latin, 1563.
C. Plinij Liber Secundvs, de Mvndi Historia, cvm Commetntariis Iacobi Milichii, diligenter conscriptis, & postremò ab autore, ante discessum suum ex hac uita, recognitis, & multis in locis auctis … Vnà cum Indice utili & copioso. Francoforti, Apud Petrum Brubachium, Anno Domini, 1563.

4°: AAA-BBB4 CCC6 A-Z4 a-z4 Aa-Qq4 Rr2; 264l.; [28], 491 (i.e., 499) p., illus., diagms. Title vignette (printer's device). Pages 457-499 numbered 451-465 and 464-491. Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424270].

69. Latin, 1563.
C. Plinii Sevcndi Historiæ mvndi libri XXXVII. maiore, quàm hactenus vnquam, studio … vindicati … Lvgdvni, Apud Ioannem Frellonium, 1563.

2°: A-C6 a-z8 A-S8 T-V6 X-Z8 AA-BB6 a-l8 m6 (m6 blank); 487l.; [36], 679, [257] p. The Index has a special title page. Page size: 360 x 240 mm.

Very scarce. With Sigmund Gelen's annotations (quires X-BB) and preface by Joannes Nicolaus Victorius.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424272].

Historiae Mvndi, 1563

70. Latin, 1563.
C. Plinii | Secvndi Histo- | riae Mvndi Libri | XXXVII. | Maiore, quàm hactenus vnquam, studio fide, feligione à | vitiss quibus multiplici olim impressione contaminati | suerant, vindicati. | Adiectis ad marginem non minus doctis quàm succinctis Castigatiunculis, partim è ve- | tustißmorum codicum collatione erutis, partim grauissimorum scriptorum autoritate, | doctißimorúmque hominum iudicio aptè appositis: quas ad syncerioris lectionis inda- | gtionem, velut in tenebris accense face, non parum lucis cofidimus allaturas. | Vnà cum Indice totiss operis copiosissimo, non pœnitenda rursus accessione locupletato, | locisque propemodum innumeris, quæ cum autoris sensis non satis | congruebant, quàm accuratisumè restituto. | [Printer's device] | Lvgdvni, | Apud Antonium Vincentium, | M. D. LXIII. | Cum priuilegio Regis.

2°: [34], 679, [128] p. Index has separate title page. Printer's device on title pages; ornamental initials. Colophon: Lugdvni, excudebat Symphorianus Barbier.

Very scarce. Preface by Joannes Nicolaus Victorius and annotations by Sigmund Gelen. Reissue of the 1561 edition.

Bibliographical references: Mortimer French Books: no. 438. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424275].

71. Latin, 1568.
Historiae Mundi Libri Triginta. Lugduni, 1568.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424276].

72. Latin, 1571.
C. Plinii Secvndi Natvralis Historiae Libri Triginta Septem. Nunc demum e.: Aldinis archetypis pristino suo nitori accurate restituti: affixa suis locis Sigismundi Gelenij … castigatione … His accessit traditarum à Plinio rerum index locupletissimus. Venetiis, Apvd Hieronymvm Scotvm, 1571.

[24], 422, [128] p. The index ([128] p.) has a special title page. Printer's device on the title page. Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424278].

73. Latin, 1573.
Liber Secundus, de Mundi Historia, cum erudito Commentario … Iacobi Milichii … aucto & amendis repurgato: opera & studio Barthol, Schonborniii … [Colophon:] Lipsiae, Imprimebat Iohannes Steinman typis Vogelianis, 1573.

636, [12] p., diagms., one folding table.

Very scarce. Edited by Jakob Milich [1501-1559].

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424279].

74. Latin, 1582.
Historia mundi naturalis. Frankfurt, Lechler für Feyerabend, 1582.

2 in 1 Bd. Fol. Mit 2 Druckermarken, Wappen - und 50 Texholzschnitten von J. Amman, H. Weiditz u. a. 18 Bl. (4. und 18. weiß), 528 S., 26, 92 Bl.

Very scarce. VD 16, P 3550. Adams P 1579. Wellcome I, 5122. Amman 7 c. Musper L 216. - Sehr schön illustrierte Ausgabe der klassischen naturwissenschaftlichen Enzyklopädie. - Titel mit kleineren Schäden, angestaubt und fleckig, sonst sauber und gut erhalten.

75. Latin, 1582.
C. Plinii Secvndi Historiæ mvndi libri XXXVII, a Sigismvndo Gelenio, diligenter castigati … Accesservnt ad marginem variæ lectiones ac notæ ex Fer. Pintiani Adr. Tvrnebi, Ioa. Scalgeri, Ivati Lipsi, & aliorum … virorum scriptis … [Lvgdvni] Apud Petrum Santandreanum, 1582.

A-C6 a-z8 A-S8 T-V6 X-Z8 a-l8 m4; ??l.; [36], 679, [231] p. The index by Johann Camers has a special title page.

Very scarce. With a preface by Joannes Nicolaus Victorius. Edited by Sigismund Gelen.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424286].

76. Latin, 1582.
Historia mundi naturalis C. Plinii Secundi: hoc est: amplissimum, lucidissimum, perspicacissimumque, nec non plane mirandum totius universi, rerumque naturalium speculum: ... in libros XXXVII distributa, vivisque imaginibus illustrata, atque vero proprioque naturæ nitori labore impensisque Sigismundi Feyerabenij hoc nouo ... His breves eruditaque in margine doctissimorum virorum castigationes: Sigismundi Gelenij quoqz perspicuæ atqz perutiles animaduersiones accesserunt. Cum indice rerum & verborum locupletissimo. Francoforti ad Moenum, ex Officina Martini Lechleriimpensis Sigismundi Feyerabendi, 1582.

2°: )(4 *4 A-B6 C-Z4 a-z4 Aa-Zz4 Aaa4 Bbb6 A-Z4 ( )(4, Bbb6 and 2Z4 blank); [36], 528, [52], [92] (index copiosissimus) p., red and black title, 50 woodcuts. Printer's device on the title page. Index has a special title page. Colophon: Francoforti ad Moenvm ex officina Martini Lechleri impensis Sigismundi Feyerabendij. M. D. LXXXII.

Very scarce. Edited by Sigmund Gelen [1497-1554]. The fine woodcuts were done by Jost Amman and Hans Burgkmair, among others.Historia mundi naturalis […] in libros XXXVII. Distributa, vivisque imaginibus illustrata […] Cum Indice rerum & verborum locupletissimo.Francoforti ad Moenum [Francfort], (Martin Lechler pour Sigismund Feyerabend), 1582.2 tomes en 1 vol. in-f°: [36]-528-[51], [183] pp. (découpure marginale comblée au titre lég. défraîchi, un bois à la p. 102 décoloré, 2 perforations avec traces de laque rouge, très faible mouill. marginale, annot. mss aux table et garde inf.).Rel. de l'époque: pleine peau de truie sur ais de bois, plats sertis de filets et roulettes à froid et ornés de plaques centrales (la Justice entourée des Quatre Vertus et la Fortune entourée du quadrivium), dos à nerfs, deux fermoirs de laiton, tranches jasp. de rouge (lég. frottée, très faibles us. au coins doublés à l'intérieur, gardes manquantes).Une des plus belles éditions de cette traditionnelle introduction générale à l'histoire naturelle. Dans cet ouvrage encyclopédique, Pline (c. 23-79) donne une description physique du monde en général et traite plus particulièrement de géographie, d'ethnographie, physiologie, zoologie, botanique, minéralogie, etc. Notre édition, ornée de 50 bois pittoresques, grands et petits, gravés d'après Hans Burgkmaier, Josse Amman e.a., est enrichie d'importantes tables et comporte deux titres avec grandes marques typographiques différentes. Adams P-1579; manque à Machiels; Nissen, ZBI, 3191.

Bibliographical references: LKG: III 3. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424281-5].

77. Latin, 1583.
Historia Mundi Naturalis. Frankfurt, 1583.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424287].

78. Latin, 1586.
C. Plinii Secvndi Historiae Mvndi Libri XXXVII. Opvs … nvnc … ex vetustissimorum excusorum & complurium codicum manuscriptorum attentissima collatione, & auctoritate … Accessere ad varias loctiones … castigationes & adnotationes … Vnà cum indice … Omnia quides … nouissimè … laboriosis obseruationibus conquisits, & nolerti iudicio pensitata. Iacobi Delecampii. Lvgdvni, Apud B. Honoratvm, 1586.

2°: *-****6 a-z6 Aa-Zz6 Aaa-Zzz6 AAaa-EEee6 FFff8 α-γ8 a-k8 l5; ??l.; [46], [2], 901, [2], [218] p. The index has a separate title page. The "Annotations" (p. [905-952]) have the caption title: Sigismvndi Gelenii Castigationes ex Vetvstorvm archetyporvm collatione …" Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424289].

Historiae Mvndi, 1587

79. Latin, 1587.
C. Plinii Secvndi Historiae mvndi libri XXXVII. Opvs omni qvidem commendatione maivs, sed nullis ad hunc diem editionibus, nulla cuiusquam singulari vel opera, vel industria, a mendis, quae aut temporum iniquitate, aut superiorum aetatum negligentia, inter latinos primae notae scriptorem hactenus occuparunt, satis vnquam purgatum: nvnc vero, qvanta potvit expectari fide, cvra, diligentia, ex vetustissimorum excusorum & complurium codicum manuscriptorum attentissima collatione, & auctoritate, sic detersum ac emaculatum, vt as pristinam eius integritatem & splendorem attulisse nostra haec editio post alias omnhes adiumenta sanè maxima iudicari ceritò possit ... Omnia quidem multorum antehac doctorum hominum, nouissimè verò laboriosis obserationibus conquisite, & solerti iudicio pensitata, Iacobi Dalecampii, medici, cadomensis. Lvgdvni, apvd Bartholomaevm Honoratvm, svb Vase Avreo. M.D.LXXXVII. Cum priuilegio caesarea maiest. & caristianiss. regis galliarum.

2°: *-****6 a-z6 Aa-Zz6 Aaa-Zzz6 AAaa-EEee6 Ffff8 α-γ8 a-k8 l6 (Qq2 missigned Qq; ****6, FFff8, [2nd]l6, blank); 586l.; [46], 901, [218] p. Printer's device on the title page. Index has a special title page., with printer's device and imprint dated 1586.

Very scarce. Annotations by Sigmund Gelen: leaves [1-24] at end. Index (leaves [25-109] has special t.-p. with publisher's device & imprint dated 1586.

Bibliographical references: Baudrier, Bibliographie Lyonnaise, 1895: 4, p. 156. Mortimer French Books: no. 439. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424292].

80. Latin, 1593.
Historiae mundi libri XXXVII. A Sigismundo Gelenio summa fide castigati, veterumque tum excusorum tum manuscriptorum codicum attentissima collatione restitui . Accessere ad marginem variae lectiones, ex Pintiani, Turnebi, Lipsii, aliorumque doctissimorum ... scriptis fideliter exceptae ... [Genevae] Apud Jacobum Stoer, 1593.

3 vols.

Very scarce. Based on the editon by J. N. Victorius (whose preface is here reprinted) published in Lyons in 1553 and that by J. Dalechamps published in Lyons in 1587. Contents.-t. 1. books 1-11.-t. 2. books 12-27.-t. 3. books 28-37.

Dalechamps, Jacques, 1513-1588. // Gelen, Sigismund, 1497-1554. // Lipsius, Justus, 1547-1606. // Nunez de Guzman, Fernand d. 1552? // Turnebe, Adrien, 1512-1565. // Victorius, Joannes Nicolaus.

Jacques Dalechamps. (Born: Caen, France, 1513; Died: Lyons, France, 1588) French physician & botanist. Dalechamps was a well-learned botanist. In 1552, he settled at Lyons, where he opened a successful medical practice. He formed a project to unite in a single work all previous acquistions in botanical science, and after expending thirty years on it, left the completion of it to Desmoulins. The finished product was a "General History of Plants" (Paris, 1586), a work of great merit containing 2731 figures. He also published several medical treatises.

Justus Lipsius. (Born: Isque, near Brussels, Belgium, 1547; Died: Louvain, France, 1606) Belgian scholar, critic & philologist. Lipsius was educated in Brussels and Louvain. At the age of 19 he wrote Variæ Lectiones (1565), which was favorably received. In 1572, he was appointed professor of history at the University of Jena, and from 1579 to 1592 he occupied a similar chair at Leyden. Around 1590 he converted to the catholic faith, and in 1593 became professor of history at the University of Louvain. He wrote many works on history, criticism, antiquities, etc. which were popular in his time.

Fernand Nunez de Guzman. (Born:      ; Died:      ) . Need Biography.

Adrien Turnèbe. (Born: Les Andelys, Normandy, France, 1512; Died: Paris, France, 12 June 1565) French classical scholar. At the age of 12, Turnebe went to Paris and attracted attention by his great abilities. After holding a post of professor of belles-lettres in the University of Toulouse, he returned to Paris 1547 as professor of Greek at the Collège Royale. In 1552, he was intrusted with the printing of the Greek books at the royal press. His works chiefly consisted of commentaries and translations of Greek and Latin authors.

Joannes Nicolaus Victorius. (Born:      ; Died:      ) . Need Biography.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424294]. (Dalechamps) Feller, Biographie Universelle, 1851. Hirsch, Biographisches Lexikon, 1884-8. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). Thomas, Dictionary of Biography, 1884: 709. (Lipsius) Aa, Biographisch Woordenboek, 1852-78. ADB. BAB: 413, 188-406. DBA: I 771, 82-97. Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1750-51. Kobus, Biographisch Woordenboek, 1886. Miræus, Vita Justi Lipsii, 1606. NDB. Nisard, C., Le Triumvirat littéraire au XVIe Siècle, J. Lipse, Joseph Scaliger et I Casubon, 1852. Scribani, Justi Lipsii Defensio, 18??. Thomas, Dictionary of Biography, 1884: 1437. Van Even, E., J. Lipsius als Vaderlander, 1849. WBI. (Nunez de Guzman) (Turnèbe) Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition: 27, 474. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). (Victorius)

81. Latin, 1599.
C. Plinii Secvndi Historiae mvndi libri XXXVII ... Omnia ... laboriosis obseruationibus conquisita, & solerti iudicio pensitata, Iacobi Dalecampii ... Accessere deniqve annotationes viri cvivsdam nobilis ... qui opus etiam totum diligentia magna & recognouit & castigauit ... Francofortia ad Moen., Impensis Iohan. Feyerabendt, 1599.

2°: ):(6 **6 ***6 A-Eeee6 Ffff8 (:)-(:)(:)(:)(:)8 a-l6 m8 (m8 blank); ??l.; [36], 904, [194] p. diagrms., tables.

Very scarce. Edited either by Janus Gruterus [1560-1627] or Johann Matthäus Wacker von Wackenfels [d. 1619].

Delechamps, Jacques [1513-1588]. // Gelen, Sigmund [1497-1554].

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424297].

82. Latin, 1601.
C. Plinij Secundi Historiae mundi libri xxxvii. Editio altera. [Geneva]: Apud Iacobum Stoer, 1601.

3 vols. [Vol 1] 16°: A-F8, G4, a-z8, aa-rr8 (ff1-8 missigned g1-8), ss4, Tt-Zz8, AAa-CCc8 (CCc8 blank); ??l.; no pagination or foliation. Title page in red and black with vignette.; [Vol 2] 16°: A-Z8, AA-ZZ8, AAa-GGg8, HHh4 (HHh4 blank).; ??l.; no pagination or foliation. Title page vignette.; [Vol 3] 16°: A-Z8, AA-ZZ8, AAa-PPp8 (PPp 7-8 blank).; ??l.; no pagination or foliation. Title page vignette.

Very scarce. Based on the edition by J. N. Victorius (G. N. Vettori), whose preface is here reprinted, published in Lyons in 1553, and that of Dalechamps, Lyons, 1587. First edition, 1593.

Gelen, Sigmund, 1497-1554. // Nunez de Guzman, Fernando, d. 1552? // Turnebe, Adrien, 1512-1565. // Lipsius, Justus, 1547-1606. Victorius, Joannes Nicolaus. // Dalechamps, Jacques, 1513-1588.

83. Latin, 1608.
Historiæ mvndi libri XXXVII. Cvm castigationibvs et adnotationibus doctiss. & variis præterea lectionibus ex mss. compluribus ad oram paginarum accurate indicatis. Ex nouissima & laboriosissima editione Iacobi Dalechampii, medici, Cadomensis. Cum indice duplici, vtroque locupletissimo. Accedunt iam primum Pavli Cigalini comensis prælectiones duæ eruditiss. Vna de vera patriæ nostri Plinii: altera de fide & auctoritate ipsius. Frankfurt, C. Marnius and heirs of J. Aubrius, 1608.

8°: *8 A-5O8 2A-2M8 (M7-8 blank), pag.: [16]-1688-[192]. With a large wood cut printers mark on the title page and final page. Two vols.

Very scarce. Graesse V, 340Unillustrated edition of Pliny the Elder's classic encyclopedia of the knowlegde of the ancient world, of which the edito princeps was published in Venice in 1469: 'It comprises thirty-seven books dealing with mathematics and physics, geography and astronomy, medicine and zoology, anthro­pology and physiology, philosophy and history, agriculture and mineralogy, the arts and letters.' [Printing and the Mind of Man, nr. 5]. Although Pliny gained little interest as a literary author, his Historiae mundis was appreciated highly as the earliest known book on natural history. This edition was edited by Iacob Dalecamp.

84. Latin, 1615.
Historiae mundi libri xxxvii; idque post ultimam defuncti doctissimi J. Dalecampii praestantissimi medici manum ita feliciter repurgatum. Coloniae Allobrogum, 1615.

2°: [36], 32, 746, [168] p.

Very scarce. Pintianus, Ferdinand. Observationes, pp. (8), 114. -Rhenanus, Beatus. Annotationes. Selstadt. 1531. pp. 29.

Historiæ Mvndi Libri XXXVII, 1631

85. Latin, 1631.
C. Plinij | Secvndi Historiæ | Mvndi Libri XXXVII. | Opvs Omni Qvidem Commendatione Maivs, | Sed Nvllis Ad Hvnc Diem Editionibvs, Nvila Cvivs- | quam singulari vel industria, à mendis, quæ aut temporum iniquitate, | aut superiorum ætatum negligentia, inter Latino primæ notæ scriptorem hactenus | occuparunt, satis vnquam emaculatum suesit. | Nvnc Denvo Qvanta Præstari | potuit side, euta & diligentia, tam ex vetustißimorum & aliorum hactenus excusorum, quam | plurium etiam manuscriptorum codicum attentißma collatione; ídque post vltimam defuncts de- | ctißsmi D. Iacobi Dalecampii præstantißimi medici manum, ita sœliciter repurg atum. | Variis Qvoqve Sigism Gelenii Fredenandi | pintiani, & aliorum Lectionibus, Castigationibus & Adnotationibus | eruditissimis ornatum; vt nihil posthac huic operi desi- | derari posse videatur. | Acceßêre itidem Indices vtiles & necessarij. | [ornament] | Genevæ, | Svmptibvs Iacobi Crispini. | [rule] | Anno M. DC. XXXI.

2°: [36], 746, [153], [8], 173 p. Title page vignette. Head and tail pieces and initials. Text in double columns.

Very scarce. Gelen, Sigmund, 1497-1554. // Nunez de Guzman, Fernando, d. 1552? // Dalechamps, Jacques, 1513-1588, ed.

86. Latin, 1635.
[Within a series of ruled boxes:] C. Plinii Secvndi | Natvralis | Historiæ, | Tomus Primus. [-Tertius.] | [ornament] | Lugd. Batavorvm | Ex Officina Elzeviriana, | [rule] | cI{[Backwards c]} I[Backwards c] cxxxv.

3 vols. [Vol 1] 8°: [22], 654, [18] p., engraved title page, woodcut portrait of Pliny. [Vol 2] 8°: 631, [16] p. [Vol 3] 8°: 582 p. + index. Page size: 130 x 80 mm.

Very scarce. Edited by Joannes de Laet [1593-1649]. Published by the legendary House of Elzevir, this edition is considered to be "one of the masterpieces of this printer."The only edition of Pliny's Natural History issued from the Elzevir press, and according to Willems (no. 428), one of their masterpieces.Vol. 1 has engraved t.-p.; v. 2-3 have title ... Natvralis Historiae.Historiae naturalis libri XXXVII. Illustrated t. p., engraved by Duysend, in v. 1. Printer's device on t. p. of v. 2-3. Circular woodcut port. facing p. 1 of v. 1. Intials, headpieces. "Variae lectiones" and index at the end of each volume. Edited by J. de Laet. "Une des plus belles productions des presses d'Elzevier" (Graesse) See also Brunet.

Laet, Joannes de, 1593-1649.

Bibliographical references: NUC.

87. Latin, 1668.
C. Plinii Secundi Naturalis historiae, tomus primus [-tertius] Cum commentariis & adnotationibus Hermolai Barbari, Pintiani, Rhenani, Gelenii, Dalechampii, Scaligeri, Salmasii, Is. Vossii, & variorum. Accedunt praeterea variae lectiones ex mss. compluribus ad oram paginarum accurate indicatae. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, Roterodami, apud Hackios, [1668-] 1669.

3 vols.

Very scarce. Added t.-p., engr. Vols. 2-3 are dated 1668. "De C. Plinii Secundi patria, a Paulo Cigalino." v. 1, p. 1-50. "De C. Plinii Secundi fide et auctoritate ... ab eodem Paulo Cigalino." v. 1, p. 51-80.

Gronovius, Joannes Fredericus, 1611-1671. // Cigalini, Paolo, d. 1598.

Joannes Fredericus Gronovius. (Born: Hamburg, Germany, 8 September 1611; Died: Leiden, The Netherlands, 28 December 1671) German classical scholar & critic. After being educated at several German universities, Gronovius made an extensive tour of England, France and Italy. In 1643 he accepted an appointment as professor of Rhetoric at Deventer. Then in 1658, he accepted the Greek Chair at Leiden. He edited several Greek and Latin works.

Paolo Cigalini. (Born: 1528; Died: 1598) . Need Biography.

Bibliographical references: (Gronovius) ADB. Catalogue of Portraits of Naturalists: 509 [1 portrait listed]. DBA: I 425, 227-250; II 482, 279. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition: 12, 614. Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1750-51. Kobus, Biographisch Woordenboek, 1886: 1, 63-4-5. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). NDB. WBI. (Cigalini) ABI: I 296, 315-317; 296, 319. Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, Supplement. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). WBI.

88. Latin, 1669.
C. Plinii Secundi | Naturalis | Historiæ, | Tomus Primus. | Cum Commentariis & adnotationibus Hermolai | Barbari, Pintiani, Rhenani, Gelenii, | Dalechampii, Scaligeri, Salmasii, | Is. Vossi, & Variorum. | Accedunt præterea variæ Lectiones ex MSS. compluribus | ad oram Paginarum accurate indicatæ. | Item Joh. Fr. Gronovii Notarum Liber Singularis | ad Illustrem Virum Johannem Capelanum. | [vignette] | [Two lines braced on their right-hand side:] Lugd. Batav. | [next line:] Roterodami. | } | Apud Hackios, A°. 1669.

3 vols. 8°: 838 +index, 917 +index, 853 +index, with 3 engraved frontispieces each dated 1669. Page size: 120 x 190 mm.

Very scarce. According to Choulant this is one of the rare editions.An exellent Variorum edition, very finely printed, of this great natural science classic including the corrections of Dalechamp, Hermolaus Barbarus, Beatus Rhenanus, Siegmund Ghelen and other distinguished humanist interpreters who greatly emended the text working from newly found manuscripts. During the Middle Ages Pliny the Elder's Natural History was one of the main sources of available scientific knowledge.

Bibliographical references: LKG: III 3.

89. Latin, 1685.
Caii Plinii Secundi Naturalis historiae libri XXXVII, interpretatione et notis illustravit Joannes Harduinus .... in usum Serenissimi Delphini. Parisiis, apud Franciscum Muguet, 1685.

5 vols.

Very scarce. Edited by Jean Hardouin [see note below].

Jean Hardouin. (Born: Quimper, Brittany, France, 1646; Died: Paris, France, 3 September 1729) French jesuit & classical scholar. Hardouin acquired an early taste for literature from his father's bookshop. On his 16th birthday he was admitted into the Jesuits. He was sent to Paris to study theology. In 1683, he was appointed librarian of the Collège Louis le Grand. On the advice of Jean Garnier [1612-1681] he edited Pliny for the Delphin series, a task that required five years to complete. He wrote extensively on numismatics.

Bibliographical references: (Hardouin) Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition: 12, 943-4. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer).

90. Latin, 1723.
Historiae naturalis libri XXXVII, Editio altera emendatior & auctior. Parisiis, typis A.-U. Coustelier, 1723.

2 v. fold. map, plates. 40 cm.

Very scarce. Hardouin, Jean, 1646-1729, editor.

91. Latin, 1741.
Historiae naturalis libri XXXVII. Quos interpretatione et notis illustravit Joannes Harduinus. Ed. nova emendatior & auctior. Parisiis, Impensis Societatis [Jesu], 1741.

2 vols.

Very scarce. Edited by Jean Hardouin [1646-1729]. A long index occupies vol. 2, p. [835]-1279.

Bibliographical references: NUC.

92. Latin, 1751.
Caii Plinii Caecilii Secundi Opera quae supersunt omnia: ad fidem optimarum editionum diligenter expressa. Foulis ..., 1751.

348, [7] p.; 21 cm.

Very scarce. Includes index.

Corte, Gottlieb, 1698-1731. // Longolius, Paul Daniel, 1704-1779. // Hearne, Thomas, 1678-1735.

93. Latin, 1778-91.
Caii Plinii | Secvndi | Naturalis | Historiae | Cvm Interpretatione Et Notis Integris | Iohannis Hardvini | Itemque | Cvm Commentariis Et Annotationibvs | Hermolai Barbari, Pintiani | Rhenani, Gelenii | Dalechampii, Scaligeri, Salmasii, | Is. Vossii I.F. Gronovii | ... | Ioh. | Georg, Frid. Franzivs | ... | [rule] | Lipsiae | Impensis Gvilielmi Gottlob Sommeri | A.C. MDCCLXXVIII.

10 vols.

Very scarce. Naturalis historiae.

Franz, Johann Georg Friedrich, 1737-1789.

94. Latin, 1779.
Caii Plinii Secundi Historiae naturalis libri XXXVII. Quos recensuit & notis illustravit G. Brotier. Paris, Typis J. Barbou, 1779.

6 vols. 12°:

Very scarce. Title vignettes. Includes index. Advertisements: v. 6, final leaf.

Brotier, Gabriel, 1723-1789.

95. Latin, 1783-4.
Historiæ Naturalis Libri XXXVII, ex recensione Joannis Harduini, præmittitur notitia accedit index Studiis Societatis Bipontinæ. Editio accurata. Biponti, ex Typographia Societatis, 1783-84.

5 vols. 8°: Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: LKG: III 3.

96. Latin, 1783-4.
Caii Plinii | Secundi | Historiae Naturalis | Libri XXXVII | Ex Recensione Joannis Harduini | Praemittitur Notitia Literaria | Accedit Index | Studiis Societatis Bipontinae | [ornament] | Volumen Primum [-Quintum] | [rule] | Biponiti | Ex Typorgraphia Societatis | CI{\smBackC}I{\smBackC}CCLXXXIV.

5 vols.

Very scarce. Illustrated t. p., engraved by Weis, in v. 1.

Hardouin, Jean, 1646-1729, ed.

97. Latin, 1826.
C. Plinii Secundi Naturalis historiae libri XXXVII. Londini: A.J. Valpy, 1826.

14 v. (5869, mxxi p.), xviii leaves of plates: map; 22 cm.

Very scarce. Naturalis historiae libri XXXVII. Includes indexes.

Brotier, Gabriel, 1723-1789, ed.

98. Latin, 1827.
Caii Plinii Secundi Historiae naturalis XXXVII. Parisii: N.E. Lemaire, 1827-1832.

10 v. in 13; 22 cm.

Very scarce. Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

Hardouin, Jean, 1646-1729.

99. Latin, 1830.
Caii Plinii Secundi historiae naturalis libri XXXVII. Editio stereotypa. Lipsiae: ex officina Caroli Tauchnitii, 1830.

5 v.; 14 cm. Very scarce.

100. Latin, 1836.
C. Plinii Secundi Historiae naturalis libri XXXVII, quibus accessere novus index animalium, mineralium, vegetabilium synonymicus, nominumque et rerum quo ad cetera enodatio, habita alphabetici ordinis ratione, et notis gallicae editionis Ajasson de Grandsagne. Quarum auctores exstitere ad zoosophiam ut plurimum, G. Cuvier passim vero et in iis quae zoosophiae non erant, Doe, E. Dolo, ... etc. ... Lipsiae, apud Joh. Ambr. Barth, 1836-38.

9 v. in 4. 23 cm.

Very scarce. "De Plinii vita et operibus", v. 1, p. [i]-xxxiii.

Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832, ed.

101. Latin, 1841.
Historiae naturalis libri xxxvii. Ed. stereotypa. Lipsiae, sumtibus et typis C. Tauchnitii, 1841.


Very scarce. Weise, Karl Hermann, 1787-1840, ed.

102. Latin, 1851.
Excerptorum ex C. Plinii Secundi Naturalis historiae libro xxxv particula I[-III] Helmstedt, gedruckt bei J.C. Schmidt, [1851-53]

3 pt. 4to

Very scarce. Elster, Johann Christian, ed. and tr.

103. Latin, 1851.
C. Plini Secundi Naturalis historiae libri XXXVII. -1858.

8 v. in 4; 21 cm.

Very scarce. Sillig, Karl Julius, 1801-1855, ed.

104. Latin, 1854.
C. Plini Secundi Naturalis historiae libri XXXVII. Lipsiae, Teubner, 1854-65.

6 v. 18 cm.

Very scarce. Naturalis historia. Libb. XXIII-XXXII.- v. 5. Libb. XXXIII-XXXVII.- v. 6. Indices.

Jan, Ludwig von, 1807-1869, ed.

105. Latin, 1866.
C. Plinii Secundi Naturalis historia. Berolini, Weidmannos, 1866-1882.

6 v. 21 cm.

Very scarce. Detlefsen, D. (Detlef), 1833-1911.

106. Latin, 1866.
Naturalis historia. D. Detlefsen recensuit. Berolini, Weidmann, 1866-82.

6 v. in 3. 20 cm.

Very scarce. Detlefsen, D. (Detlef), 1833-1911.

107. Latin, 1875.
C. Plini Secundi Naturalis historiae libri XXXVII; post Ludovici Iani obitum recognovit et scripturae discrepantia adiecta iterum edidit Carolus Mayhoff ... Lipsiae, In aedibus B. G. Teubneri, 1875-1906 [v.1, 1906]

6 v. 17 cm.

Very scarce. Jan, Ludwig von, 1807-1869, ed. // Mayhoff, Carolus, 1841-1914, ed.

108. Latin, 1875.
Naturalis historiae libri XXXVI. Lipsiae, Teubner, [1875-1905; v.1, 1905]

6 v.

Very scarce. Imprint date taken from Prefaces. Vol. 6 (Indices) is 1898 "editio stereotypa" with preface dated 1865.

Mayhoff, Carolus, 1841-1914. // Jan, Ludwig von, 1807-1869.

109. Latin, 1892.
C. Plini Secundi Naturalis historiae libri XXXVII: post Ludovici Iani obitum recognovit et scripturae discrepantia adiecta. Lipsiae [Leipzig]: In aedibus B. G. Teubneri, 1892-1909.

6 v.; 18 cm.

Very scarce. Naturalis historiae libri XXXVII. Published out of chronological sequence. Libri XXIII-XXX.-v. 5. Libri XXXI-XXXVII.-v. 6. Indices.

Mayhoff, Carolus, 1841-1914, ed.

110. Latin, 1906-9.
C. Plini Secundi Naturalis historiae libri XXXVII. Lipsiae, Teubner, 1906-9.

2 vols.

Very scarce. Vol. 2: "...iterum edidit Carolus Mayhoff.". The 3d ed. of the Naturalis historia in the Bibliotheca Teubneriana ceased with the publication of v. 2; for the remaining v. see the older eds. of the Bibliotheca: 1st ed. by L. Jan, in 6 v., 1854-65; 2d ed. by Jan (v. 1, 1870) and Mayhoff (v. 2, 1875, v. 3 -5, 1892-97, and reissue of v. 6 (Index, 1865) 1898)

Jan, Ludwig von, 1807-1869. // Mayhoff, Carolus, 1841-1914.

Italian editions

Historia Naturale, 1476

111. Italian, 1476 [Italian transl.].
Historia Naturale ... Venice, Nicolaus Jenson, 1476.

2°: [a-x10 y- z8 A-C8 D-N10 O10-1 P10 Q8 R-S10 T8 V10] (unsigned; a1 and V10, blanks); 415l.; no pagination, foliation or signiatures. Types, 115 (111)R and 115Gk, capital spaces with guide letters. Page size: 408 x 265 mm.


Rare. First appearance of the translation by Christoforo Landino [see note below] from Historia Naturalis (3rd ed., Venice, 1472). Landino exectued this translation on the order of Ferdinand I of Aragon.During the decade that the Frenchman Nicolaus Jenson (c1420-after 1482) was printing in Venice he produced what are commonly regarded as the most beautiful books of the incunable (pre-1500) period. Jenson has been described as the first non-German printer we know. His "antiqua" roman type was modelled on the hand favored by the Renaissance humanists who emphasized the study of ancient Latin texts. Jenson's version of antiqua roman type, however, shows some development beyond the sheer i mitation of handwriting evident in the versions used by other printers. Jenson's own work continues to inspire imitation: the Oxford Lectern Bible on display in the rear gallery uses a 20th century adaptation of Jenson's type by Bruce Rogers, as do the texts (like this one) which describe this exhibit. This Italian translation of Pliny was published in a rather large edition of 1025 copies.

Christoforo Landino. (Born: Florence, Italy, 1424; Died: Florence, Italy, 1504) Italian humanist philosopher and Latin poet. Landino professor of rhetoric and poetry at the Academy founded in Florence by his sovereign and is best known for his commentaries on Horace and Dante. He was a protégé of Cosimo de' Medici, educating his sons, and enjoyed a well-deserved fame in Renaissance Italy.

Bibliographical references: BL. BMC XV: 5, 176 [IC 19694]. Goff: no. P-801. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: 13105*. IGI. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 787.1. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424500]. Oates, Cambridge 15th Century Books, 1954: no. 1640. Osler, Incunabula Medica, 1923: no. 103. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 4099. (Landino) ABI: I 550, 241-261; II 317, 196-201; II S 45, 265. Cosenza, Italian Humanists, 1962-7: 3, 1909-16. Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, Supplement. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). Thomas, Dictionary of Biography, 1884: 1366. WBI.

112. Italian, 1481 [Italian transl.].
Historia Naturale ... Venice, Filippo di Pietro, 1481.

2°: a8 b6 a-h8 i-o6 p8 q10 r-z8 &8 [Con]8 \OldAux8 A-I8 K8+1 (a1 and b6, blank); 293l.; no pagination or foliation. Two columns, type 80G, 59 lines, capital spaces with guide letters.

Contents: Signs., 1 (=a1), Blank.; 2r (=a2r), "Libro primo della naturale historia di. C. Pli- | nio secondo tradocta ī lingua Fiorentina per Chri | stophoro landino Fiorentino al Serenissimo Ferdi | nando Re di Napoli."; 15r (=a1r), "Libro secondo della historia naturale di. C: | Plinio Secondo ..."; 292v (=K7v), Colophon: "Opus Magistri Philippi Veneti Impressum an | no Salutis. M. cccclxxxi. Venetiis."; 293r (=K8v), "Registro de Gaio Plinio | a prima vacua | ... (col. 3) uno."

Very scarce. Translation by Christoforo Landino and published by Filippo di Pietro [see note below].

Filippo di Pietro. (Born:      ; Died:      ) Italian printer. The Venice printer, Filippo di Pietro worked in partnership with his kinsman Gabriel in 1472 and 1473, but apparently struck out on his own, regularly producing new titles until 1482.

Bibliographical references: BL. BMC XV: 5, 223 [IB 20198]. Goff: P-802. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: HC 13106. IGI. Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: no. 787.2. NUC [no copy listed]. (Pietro)

113. Italian, 1489 [Italian transl.].
Historia Naturale ... Venice, Bartholomaeus de Zanis, 12 September 1489.

2°: a12 b-q8 r-s6 A-N8 O-P6 (a1 blank); 260l.; no pagination or foliation. Two columns, type 80R1, 60 lines, capital spaces with guide letters. Page size: 320 x 215 mm.

Contents: Signs., 1 (=a1), Blank.; 2r (=a2r), "HISTORIA NATVRALE DI. C. PLINIO SE- | CONDO TRADOCTA DI LINGVA LATINA | IN FIORENTINA PER CHRISTOPHORO | LANDINO FIORENTION AL SERENISSI- | MO FERDINANDO RE DI NAPOLI. | PROHEMIO."; 4r, "LIBRO PROMO DELLA NATVRALE HI- | STORIA ..."; 5r (=a5r), "CHOSE LEQVALI IN SOM | ma sono in ciascheduno libro."; 12v (=a12v), "REGISTRVM. | ... FINIS."; 13r (=b1r), "LIBRO SECONDO DELLA HISTORIA ..."; 260r (=P6r), Colophon: "Finisse il Libro chiamato Plinio. Vulagare Impres- | so in Venesia per Bartolamio de Zani de Portesio nel | lanno della Natiuita del nostro Signore Iesu Christo | Mcccclxxxix. adi. xii. di Septembre. Finis."

Very scarce. Translation by Christoforo Landino and published by Bartholomaeus de Zanis [see note below].

Bartholomaeus de Zanis. (Born:      ; Died:      ) German printer. De Zanis' first authenticated book was completed 31 January 1486/7. He continued to work in Venice and Portese in 1489 and 1490 well into the 16th century.

Bibliographical references: BMC XV: 5, 431 [IB 23218]. Goff: P-803. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: 13107. Hoover Collection: no. 648. IGI: no. 7895. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424150]. Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 5156. Tiraboschi ???: 6, 1065. (Zanis)

Historia Naturale, 1516

114. Italian, 1516.
Historia naturale di Caio Pli- | nio Secondo di lingua latina in florentina tradocta per | il doctissimo homo misser Christophero Landi | no fiorention nouamēte correcta: & da in= | finiti errori purgada: Aggionte | etiam di nouo le figure a | tutti li libri con= | ueniente. | [Maltese Cross] | [ornament].

2°: aa6 bb8 a-r8 s6 A-O8 P6 (P6 blank); 274l.; 14 p.l., cclix numb.l

Very scarce. Translation by Christoforo Landino.

Bibliographical references: Essling, Livres à Figures Vénitiens, 1907-14: pt. I, vol. 1, no. 5. Mortimer Italian Books: no. 388. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424503].

115. Italian, 1525.
Di naturalis historie, libri xxxvii. Venetiis, 1525.

2°: 82 p.l., ccxix ff. Very scarce.

116. Italian, 1534.
Historia Natvrale Di C. Plinio Secondo Di Latino in volgare tradotta per Christophoro Landino, nouamente in molti luoghi, doue quella mancaua, supplito [!], & da infiniti errori emendata, & con somma diligenza correctta ... [ornament].

4°: +8 ++12 Aa8 B-G8 H-V12 AA-PP12 QQ14 A8 B12; ??l.; [20]l., dcccxi, [41] p. Colophon, (p. dcccxi): "Stampato in Vineggia per Thomaso de Ternengo ditto Balatino, 1534." Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424211].

117. Italian, 1543 [Italian transl.].
Historia naturale ... di latino in volgare tradotta per Christophoro Landino, et nuovamente in molte luoghi, dove quella mancava, supplito, et da infiniti errori emendata, et ... corretta per Antonio Brucioli ... Aggiontovi anchora di nuova la sua vita ... Venetia, Gabriel Jolito di Ferrarii, 1543.

[38], dccccxxxiiii, [2] p. Printer's device on the title page and the last leaves of the text and index.

Very scarce. Translated by Cristoforo Landino [see Italian, 1476 ed.] and edited by Antonio Brucioli [see note below].

Antonio Brucioli. (Born: Florence, Italy, 1500; Died: Florence, Italy, 1556) Italian translator. In 1525, Brucioli produced a Tuscan version of the Bible, and translated some works of Aristotle, 1547-51.

Bibliographical references: LKG: III 3. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424505]. (Brucioli) ABI: I 206, 192-216; II 86, 222-223. Casati, Dizionario degli Scrittori d'Italia, 1925-34. Imperatori, Dizionario di Italiani all'Estero, 1956. Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, Supplement. Mazzuchelli, Gli Scrittori d'Italia, 1753-63. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). Thomas, Dictionary of Biography, 1884: 447. WBI.

Historia Naturale, 1548

118. Italian, 1548.
[ornament] Historia [ornament] | Naturale Di C. Plinio Secondo, | Nvovamente Tradotta | Di Latino In Vvlgare | Toscano. | [ornament] | In Venetia Nel MDXLVIII | Per Aleßandro Brucioli, & ifrategli | Con Gratia Et Privilegio | Dello Illustrißimo Senato Veneto. | Per Anni Dieci.

4° in 8s: [40], mlxviii p. Printer's device on the title page. Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: P-1592. Mortimer Italian Books: no. 389. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424507].

119. Italian, 1561.
Historia Naturale ... Tradotta per K. Lodovico Domenichi ... In Vinegia, Appresso Gabriel Giolito de' Ferrari, 1561.

4°: 68, 1168 p.

Very scarce. Translation by Lodovico Domenici [see note below].

Lodovico Domenichi. (Born: Piacenza, Italy, 1515; Died: Pisa, Italy, 20 or 22 August 1564) Italian writer. Domenichi lived at Venice and Florence, where he was patronized by Duke Cosimo I. He made several important translations including Plutarch's "Lives" (1555) and Pliny's "Natural History" (1561). He also wort several original works.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424508]. (Domenichi) ABI: I 369, 276-298; I 212, 268-174. Casati, Dizionario degli Scrittori d'Italia, 1925-34. Dizionario Biografico Italiani: 40, 595-600 [by A. Piscini]. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). Thomas, Dictionary of Biography, 1884: 777. WBI.

120. Italian, 1562.
Historia Naturale ... Tradotta per K. Lodovico Domenichi ... In Vinegia, Appresso Gabriel Giolito de' Ferrari, 1562.

4°: a-c8 d10 A-4D8 4E10; ??l.; 68, 1188 p.

Very scarce. Translated by E. Lodovico Domenichi [??-??].

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424509].

121. Italian, 1573.
Historia Naturale di G. Plinio Secondo, tradotta per M. Lodouico Domenichi; con le postille in Margine, nelle quali, o vengono segnate le cose notabili o citait altri auttori, che della stessa materia habbiano scritto, o dichiarati i luoghi difficili, o posti i nomi di geografia moderni ... In Vinegia, Appresso Giacomo Vidali, 1573.

4°: 57 [55], 1188 p. Translation by Lodovico Domenichi. Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424510].

122. Italian, 1754.
Lettere di Plinio il giovane tradotte in italiano dal canonico Giovanni Tedeschi. Tomo primo. MDCCLIV.

4°: [8], iij-cxxij, 461 p. illus., fold. plan.

Very scarce. Probably a reissue of the sheets of the 1753 edition of this volume, with cancel t.-p. and preliminary matter; a second volume was published in 1755. Engraved title vignette, illus. and tail-pieces by Giovanni Lapi; plan engraved. "Vi aggiungemmo ... dall'inglese di Milord d'Orrery un saggio sulla vita di Plinio [p. iij-c] ... e le osservazioni dell'istesso sopra ogni lettera": on recto of the 4th prelim. leaf.

123. Italian, 1759.
Lettere di Plinio il giovane tradotte in italiano dal canonico Giovanni Tedeschi. Tomo secondo. MDCCLIX.

4°: [4], [3]-683 p. illus.

Very scarce. Probably a reissue of the sheets of the 1755 edition of this volume, with cancel t.-p. and preliminary matter; the first volume was published in 1753 and reissued in 1754. Engraved title vignette and illus. by Giovanni Lapi.

124. Italian, 1787.
Panegirico di Plinio a Trajano, Parigi, Presso F. D. Pierres, primo stampatore del Re, 1787.

61, [1] p.

Very scarce. Alfieri, Vittorio, 1749-1803, tr.

125. Italian, 1789.
Pangirico a Trajano, nuovamente trovato, e tradotto di Vittorio Alfieri. 2a ed. dell'autore. Parigi, 1789.

126. Italian, 1818.
Vita di Vittorio Alfieri da Asti, Milano, societa tipografica de classici italiani, 1818.

536 p.

Very scarce. Alfieri, Vittorio, 1749-1803. // Panegirico di Plinio a Trajano

127. Italian, 1873.
La giurisprudenza e la vita di Plinio il giovine, Roma, 1873.

12°: Very scarce.

128. German, 1543.
Caij Plinij Secundi ... Natürlicher History fünff Bücher ... Newlich durch Heinrich von Eppendorff verteütscht ... Zů Strassburg, bey Hans Schotten zům Thyergarten. Nach der geburt Christi M.D. xliij.

ccxxxv, [4] p. Printer's device (Woodcut arms of Jean Mentelin, the printer's maternal grandfather) on the title page. Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424480].

German editions

129. German, 1565.
Caij Plinij Secundi ... Bücher vnd Schrifften, von der Natur, Art und Eigentschafft der Creaturen, oder Geschopffe Gottes, als nemlich: Von den Menschen ... den vierfüssigen Thieren ... den Vögeln ... den Schlangen ... auss dem Latein verteutscht. Durch M. Johannem Heyden ... Franckfurt am Mayn, 1565.

2°: )(6 A-Z6 a-r6 s8 t6; ??l.; [12], 494, [13] p., woodcuts. Title in red and black with vignette. Printer's device on recto on leaf following text and at the end of the text. About 400 woodcut illustrations. Colophon: Getruckt zü Franckfurt am Mayn, durch Peter Schmidt, in Verlegung Sigmund Feyrabends, vnd Simon Hütters. Anno M.D.LXV. Page size: 318 x 200 mm.

Very scarce. First appearance of the translation by Joannes Heyden [??-??] of books 7-11 of the Naturalis Historia, which covers the animals. The text woodcuts are the work of J. Amman and V. Solis.

Johann Heyden. (Born:      ; Died:      ) German translator. Need Biography.

Bibliographical references: Nissen (ZBI): no. 3189. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424482]. Sallander, Bibliotheca Walleriana, 1955: no. 10978. (Heyden) Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1750-51.

130. German, 1582.
Historia mundi naturalis. Frankfurt, Lechler für Feyerabend, 1582.

2 vols. in one. 2°: [18]l., 528 p., 26, 92l., (4 and 18 leaves blank), 2 printer's devices and 50 text woodcuts by J. Amman and H. Weiditz.

Very scarce. Very beautiful illustrated edition of classical natural science encyclopedia.

Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: P-1579. Wellcome Catalog (Books): no. 5122.

131. German, 1584.
Caii Plinii Secundi ... Bücher und Schrifften von der Natur, Art vnd Eygenschafft aller Creaturen oder Geschöpffe Gottes, als nemlich von den Menschen, ihrer Geburt, Gestalt ... Jetzundt widerumb mit sonderm fleiß durchsehen ... vnd gemehrt ... Allen Apoteckern, Haußvättern vnd Hausmüttern ... nützlich vnd dienstlich. Frankfurt am Mayn, In Verlegung S. Feyerabend, 1584.

2°: )(\^ A-Ccc4 Ddd6; ??l.; [12], 388, [16] p., 256 text woodcuts by J. Amman.

Very scarce. Translated by Johann Heyden von Dhaun. Third German translation of books 7 to 11. Enthält die vier Teile : Vom Menschen, Von vierfüssigen vnd kriechenden Thieren, Von den Fischen u. Von den Vögeln. - Die Holzschnitte von Amman erschienen erstmals im Tierbuch von 1569, andere im Ständebuch u. dem Kriegsbuch von Fronsberger. - Titel in Rot u. Schwarz gedruckt. - Titel u. letztes Bl. etwas gebräunt, schmale Fehlstelle am Oberrand des Titels ergänzt.

Woodcut illustrations by Jost Amman [1539-1591].

Bibliographical references: Nissen (BBI): no. 3190. NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424484].

132. German, 1600.
... Bücher und Schrifften von der Natur, Art vnd Eygenschafft aller Creaturen oder Geschöpffe Gottes ... Jetzundt widerumb ... durchsehen ... vnd gemehrt ... besessert vnd gemehrt ... Getruckt zu Franckfort am Mayn, durch Johañ Saurn, in Verlegung Eliæ Willers, 1600.

4°: )(6 A-3A4 3B6 3C-3D4; ??l.; [12], 388, [16] p., illus. Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424486].

133. German, 1784.
Lobrede auf den kaiser Trajan. Anspach, 1784.

134. German, 1796.
Lobrede auf den Trajan aus dem Lateinischen ubers. und mit nothingen Einleitungen und Anmerkungen begleitet von David Ludewig Wigand. Leipzig, Im Schwickertschen Verlage, 1796.

xiv, 297 p. Very scarce.

135. German, 1810.
Hades: ein Beytrag zur Theorie des Geisterkunde: nebst Anhangen: offentliche Verhandlungen uber Swedenborg und Stilling, ein Beyspiel des Ahnungsvermogens und einen Brief des jungern Plinius enthaltend. Frankfurt am Mayn: J. C. Hermann, 1810.

128 p.

Very scarce. Meyer, Johann Friedrich von, 1772-1849. // Correspondence. Liber 7, 27. German.

136. German, 1814.
Caii Plinii Caecilii Secundi Opera. Des Plinius Cacilius Secundus Werke Wien, Geistinger, 1814.

5 vols.

Very scarce. Werke. Latin and German on opposite pages.

Schafer, Johann Adam, 1756-1840, tr.

137. German, 1881.
Die Natugeschichte: ins Deutsche ubersetzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen. Leipzig: Gressner & Schramm, 1881-1882.

6 vols.

Very scarce. Translation of: Naturalis historiae.

Wittstein, Georg Christian, 1810-1887.

138. German, 1898.
Die naturalis historia des Plinius im Mittelalter. Exzerpte aus der Naturalis historia auf den Bibliotheken zu Lucca, Paris und Leiden. Munchen, Verlag der K.B. Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1898.

[6], [3]-118 p. double facsim.

Scarce. A continuation of his Auszuge aus den Naturgeschichte des C. Plinius Secundus in einem ... Sammelwerke des achten Jahrhunderts (München, 1888). Followed by: Das Exzerpt der Naturalis historia des Plinius von Robert von Cricklade (München, 1902).

Ruck, Karl, 1854-

139. German, 1904.
Die geographischen Bucher (II, 242-VI Schluss) der Naturalis historia des C. Plinius Secundus, mit vollstandigem kritischen Apparat, Berlin, Weidmann, 1904.

xviii, 282 p.

Very scarce. Detlefson, Sonnich Detlef Friedrich, 1833- ed.

English editions

140. English, 1566.
A summarie of the antiquities and wonders of the world, abstracted out of the sixtene first bookes of the excellente historiographer Plinie, wherein may be seene the wonderful workes of God in his creatures … Translated oute of French into Englishe by I.A. [i.e., John Alday?]. Imprinted at London by Henry Denham for Thomas Hacket ..., [1566].

8°: A-H8; 64l.; no pagination or foliation.

Rare. Supposedly translated from the French translation of Pierre de Changy [1482-1543] by John Alday [fl. 1570]. This English version, the first published, contains no references to mineralogy.

John Alday. (Born:      ; Died:      ) English translator. Little is known of Alday, other than he translated several popular French works into English.

Pierre de Changy. (Born: 1482; Died: 1543) French translator. Need Biography.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424428-30]. STC: 20031. (Alday) DNB. (Changy) ABF: I 204,120-121. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). WBI.

141. English, 1585.
The secrets and wonders of the world. A booke … containing many excellent properties, giuen to man, beastes, foules, fishes and serpents, trees, plants, &c. … Abstracted out of that excellent naturall Historiographer Plinie. Translated out of French into English. At London, Printed for Thomas Hacket … 1585.

4°: A2 B-H4 I2; 32l.; [64] p.

Rare. The translator's dedication is signed T.H. (i.e., Thomas Hacket [fl. 1560-1590]).

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424431-2].

142. English, 1587.
The Secrets and wonders of the worlde. A Booke Ryght rare and straunge, contayning many excellent properties, giuen to Man, Beastes, Foules, Fishes, and Serpents, Trees and Plants. Abstracted out of that excellent naturall Historiographer Plinie. Translated out of French into English. At London Printed for Thomas Hacket, & are to be sold at his shop in Lumberd streete, vndre the Popes head. 1587.

A2 B-H4 J1; 32l.; [64] p. no pagination or foliation. Title within an ornamental border.

Rare. The dedictation is signed by the translator, T.H. (i.e., Thomas Hacket [fl. 1560-1590]).

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424433].

143. English, 1601 [English transl.].
The Historie of the World. Commonly called, the Natural History of C. Plinius Secundus. Translated into English by Philemon Holland, Doctor in Physicke. London: Adam Islip, 1601.

2 vols. [Vol 1] 2°: [58], 614, [42] p.; [Vol 2] 2°: [12], 632, [86] p.

Rare. Translated by Philemon Holland [see note below].

Philemon Holland. (Born: Chelmsford, Essex, England, 1552; Died: Coventry, England, 9 February 1636/7) English translator & scholar. English translator and scholar. Son of a clergyman, Holland graduated form Trinity College, Cambridge, with a degree of M.A. He was incorporated 1585. Subsequently, he studied medicine and about 1595 opened a medical practice when he settled in Coventry. He produced many English translations of classical works.

Bibliographical references: Silvette, H., "On looking into Holland's Pliny", Medical Life, 44, (1937), 261-88. (Holland) DNB. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition: 13, 587. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). Shaver, C.L., "Philemon Holland, physician," Annals of Medical History, 4 (1942), 473-80. Silvette, H., Catalogue of the Works of Philemon Holland of Coventry, Doctor of Physicke, 1600-1940. Charlottesville, Va., University of Virginia Press, 1940. xviii, 27 p. Silvette, H., "Some bibliographical notes and queries on Philemon Holland's translation of the `Regimen Sanitatis Salerni'," Isis, 31 (1940), 305-8.

Historie of the World, 1634

144. English, 1634-5 [2nd English].
The | Historie | Of The World: | Commonly called | The Natvrall Historie Of | C. Plinivs Secvndvs. | Translated into English by Philemon Holland | Doctor of Physicke. | The first [-second] tome. | [ornament] | London, | Printed by Adam Islip. | 1634 [-1635].

2 vols. [Vol 1] 2°: π54 a-b6 A-3I6 3K4; 354l.; [54], [1]-614, [40] p.; [Vol 2] 2°: A-3P6 χ1; 365l.; [10], [1]-632, [83] p., title vignettes in both vols. Page size: 325 x 210 mm.

Contents: [Vol 1] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1 pg], Dedication to Robert Cecil Knight, signed Philemon Holland.; [5 pgs], "The Preface to the Reader."; [2 pgs], "The copie of the said Letter, written as touching the | Translation of Plinie."-signed H.F., 12 June 1601.; [8 pgs], "The First Booke Of The | Histoire Of Natvre, Written | By C. Plinvs Secvndvs."; [40 pgs], "The Inventorie Of Index | Containing The Contents Of XXXVII | Books, Tovching The Historie Of Na- | tvre, Written By C. Plinivs Secvdvs, Which Is Recei- | ved For The First Booke Of Them."; [1]-614, Text.; [42 pgs], "An Index pointing to the principall matters contained in the | first Tome of Plinies Natvrall Historie."

[Vol 2] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [2 pages], "To The Reader."; [8 pgs], "A briefe Catalogue of the words of Art, with the | Explanation thereof."; [1]-632, Text.; [84 pgs], "An Index pointing to the principall matters contained in the | first Tome of Plinies Natvrall Historie."; [1 pg], "An Advertisement."; [1 pg], Blank.

Very scarce. Second issue of the first English translation, translated by Philemon Holland [see note below]. Pliny's Historie of the World is an encyclopedia of all the knowledge of the ancient world. It is the only work that has survived to the present day of the 132 written by this prolific author and seeker of knowledge who lost his life exploring the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 A.D. The Histoire treats mathematics, physics, geography, astronomy, medicine, zoology, anthropology, physiology, philosophy, history, agriculture, mineralogy, arts and letters. The work which was handed down through many manuscripts and over 500 printed editions (1st, Venice, 1469) exserted a incalculable influence on Western culture. Plane was an accumulator of facts and these he faithfully recorded without critical comment or skeptical judgment and thus the believes of the ancients were propagated forward to the present day.

Philemon Holland. (Born: Chelmsford, Essex, England, 1552; Died: Coventry, England, 9 February 1636/7) English translator & scholar. English translator and scholar. Son of a clergyman, Holland graduated form Trinity College, Cambridge, with a degree of M.A. He was incorporated 1585. Subsequently, he studied medicine and about 1595 opened a medical practice when he settled in Coventry. He produced many English translations of classical works.

Bibliographical references: NUC. Sinkankas, Gemology Bibliography, 1993: no. 5166. (Holland) DNB. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition: 13, 587. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). Shaver, C.L., "Philemon Holland, physician," Annals of Medical History, 4 (1942), 473-80. Silvette, H., Catalogue of the Works of Philemon Holland of Coventry, Doctor of Physicke, 1600-1940. Charlottesville, Va., University of Virginia Press, 1940. xviii, 27 p. Silvette, H., "Some bibliographical notes and queries on Philemon Holland's translation of the `Regimen Sanitatis Salerni'," Isis, 31 (1940), 305-8.

145. English, 1855-7.
The | Natural History | Of | Pliny. | Translated, | With Copious Notes And Illustrations | By The Late | John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., | And | H.T. Riley, Esq, B.A., | Late Scholar Of Clarke Hall, Cambridge. | Vol. I. [-VI.] | London: | Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden, | MDCCCLV. [-MDCCCLVII.]

6 vols. [Vol 1] 8°: xxviii, 499 p.; [Vol 2] 8°: xii, 555 p.; [Vol 3] 8°: xiv, [2], 536 p.; [Vol 4] 8°: xix, 523 p.; [Vol 5] 8°: xxii, 523 p.; [Vol 6] 8°: xiv, 529 p.

Very scarce. Translated by John Bostock and H.T. Riley, this is considered to be the best English translation of Pliny.Bostock, John, 1773-1846, tr. // Riley, Henry T. (Henry Thomas), 1816-1878, joint tr.

146. English, 1890.
The natural history of Pliny. London, New York, G. Bell, 1890-

Very scarce. Bostock, John, 1773-1846. // Riley, Henry T. (Henry Thomas), 1816-1878.

147. English, 1896.
The Elder Pliny's chapters on the history of art. St. Clair Shores, Mich.: Scholarly Press, [1968?].

c, 252 p.: facsim., geneal. tables; 23 cm.

Very scarce. Translation of selected portions of: Naturalis historia. Latin and English on facing pages. Reprint of the edition published by Macmillan, London, New York, 1896. Initially reprinted by Argonaut, Chicago, 1968. Includes indexes. Bibliography: p. xcv-c.

Strong, Eugenie Sellers, ed. // Blake, K. Jex-, tr. // Urlichs, Heinrich Ludwig, 1864-

Russian editions

148. Russian, 1777.
Slovo pokhval'noe Imperatoru Traianu. Korpusa, 1777.

109 p.

Very scarce. Svodnyi katalog, item no. 5394.

Nartov, A. A. (Andrei Andreevich), 1737-1813.

149. Russian, 1791.
Novyi i polnyi pis'movnik ili podrobnoe i iasnoe nastavlenie, kak pisat' kupecheskiia, kantseliarskiia, druzheskiia, uvieshchatel'nyia i voobshche vsiakago roda dielovyia pis'ma; takzhe ob"iavleniia, dogovory, zavieshchaniia i proch.: s prisovokupleniem perechnia mnogikh pisem znamenitykh novykh i drevnikh inostrannykh Pisatelei, kak to: iz novykh: Lorda Chesterfil'da, Vol'tera, Papy Klimenta chetyrnadtsatago, Khristiny Korolevy Shvedskoi, Gorveia, Fridrikha vtorago i raznykh drugikh, a iz drevnikh: Pliniia, Seneki, TSitserona i prochikh naiboliee v sem rodie proslavivshikhsia muzhei. Sanktpeterburg: [Tipografiia Bogdanovicha,] 1791.

345 p.

Very scarce. Svodnyi katalog, item no. 646.

Bogdanovich, P. I. (Petr Ivanovich), 1756-18-. // Voltaire, 1694-1778. // Hervey, James, 1714-1758. // Clement XIV, Pope, 1705-1774.

150. Russian, 1792.
Novyi i polnyi pis'movnik ili podrobnoe i iasnoe nastavlenie, kak pisat' kupecheskiia, kantseliarskiia, druzheskiia, uvieshchatel'nyia i voobshche vsiakago roda dielovyia pis'ma; takzhe ob"iavleniia, dogovory, zavieshchaniia i proch.: s prisovokupleniem perechnia mnogikh pisem znamenitykh novykh i drevnikh inostrannykh Pisatelei, kak to: iz novykh: Lorda Chesterfil'da, Vol'tera, Papy Klimenta chetyrnadtsatago, Khristiny Korolevy Shvedskoi, Gorveia, Fridrikha vtorago i raznykh drugikh, a iz drevnikh: Pliniia, Seneki, TSitserona i prochikh naiboliee v sem rodie proslavivshikhsia muzhei. Sanktpeterburg: [Tipografiia Bogdanovicha,] 1792.

344 p.

Very scarce. Svodnyi katalog, item no. 647.

Bogdanovich, P. I. (Petr Ivanovich), 1756-18-. // Voltaire, 1694-1778. // Hervey, James, 1714-1758. // Clement XIV, Pope, 1705-1774.

French editions

L'Histoire Dv Monde, 1525

151. French, 1525.
L'Histoire | Dv Monde | De C Pline | Second, | Collationnee & corrigee fsur plusieurs vieux exemplaires La- | tins, tant imprimez, qu'escrits à la main: & enrichie d anno- | tations en marge, seruans à la conference & declaration des | anciens & modernes nomes des Villes, Regions, Simples, & | autres lieux & termes obscurs comprins en icelle. | ... | A Cologny, | De l'Imprimerie de Iacob Stoer. | [rule] | M. DCXXV.

2°: Very scarce.

152. French, 1543.
Translation de langue latine en francoyse, des septiesme, & huytiesme liures de Caius Plinius Secudus, de la corne de Cerf. [1543]

8°: [16], cxxxv numb.l., [10] p.

Very scarce. "Et furent acheuees d'imprimer, le vingt cinqiesme iour de mars, l'an mil cinq cens quarente trois auant pasques.". Printer's mark of Denis Janot on verso of leaf [cxxxvi]. "Loys Meigret ... aux lecteurs", on his orthography reform: prelim. leaves 3-8.

Meigret, Louis, 1510?-ca. 1560, tr.

Louis Meigret. (Born: 1510?; Died: c1560) French translator. Need Biography.

Bibliographical references: (Meigret) Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer).

153. French, 1559.
Sommaire des singularitez de Plinie, extrait des seize premiere liures de sa Naturalis Histoire par P. de Changy ... Paris, R. Breton, 1559.

50l. Printer's device on the title page. Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424457].

154. French, 1562.
L'Histoire dv monde de C. Pline Second, collationnee & corigee sur plusieurs vieux exemplaires latins, & enrichie d'annotations en marge, servans à la conference & declaration des anciens & modernes nouns des villes, regions, simples, & autres termes obscurs comprins en icelle ... A quoy a este adiouste vn traite des pois & mesures antiques, reduites a la francoise ... le tout fait & mis en François par Antoine Du Pinet ... Lyon, A la Salemandre par C. Senneton, 1562.

2 vols.

Very scarce. Translated by Antoine Du Pinet, sieur de Noroy [1515?-1584?].L'histoire du monde ... Le tout fait & mis en François par A. Du Pinet. 2 Bde. Lyon, C. Senneton, 1562. Fol. Mit 4 gleichen Druckermarken auf den Titeln und Zwischentiteln sowie einigen figürlichen Holzschnitt-Kopfleisten und - Initialen. 6 Bl., XXXI, 678 S. (S. 35/36 weiß), 1 weißes, 77 (statt 78); 16 Bl., 745 S., 1 weißes, 51 (statt 52) Bl. Restauriertes Ldr. d. Zt. mit goldgepr. Mittelstück auf den Deckeln und dreiseit. Goldschnitt (etw. berieben und bestoßen, Rücken und Kanten erneuert). (86) Schätzpreis: 300,-Erste französische Ausgabe. - STC 357. Adams P 1594. Baudrier VII, 429 ff. Ebert 17318. Schweiger II, 795. Hoefer XV, 327 (dat. irrtümlich 1542; mit dem Abdruck der ausführlichen Würdigung der Übersetzung durch Bayle). - Es fehlen jeweils das letzte Bl.: Bd. I mit Druckermarke und Bd. II mit " errata " und Druckermarke. In Bd. I sind S. 557-560 doppelt vorhanden. Leicht gebräunt, wenig fleckig, vereinzelt mit unbedeutenden Randschäden, Bd. I stärker wasserrandig, Bd. II mit kleinen Wurmspuren und wenigen hs. Marginalien.

Antoine Dupinet, Sieur de Noroy. (Born: 1515?; Died: 1584?) French Protestant & translator. Dupinet lived in Lyons and Paris. He made a French translation of Pliny's Naturalis Historia (1st ed., 1542), which was highly praised. In 1565, he wrote "The Conformity of the Reformed Church of France with the Primitive Church."

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424458]. (Antoine Dupinet, Sieur de Noroy) Thieme & Becker, Allgemeines Lexikon, 1907-50. Thomas, Dictionary of Biography, 1884: 812.

155. French, 1566.
L'Histoire dv monde de C. Pline Second, collationn1ée & corigée sur plusieurs vieux exemplaires latins, tant imprimez qu'escrits à la main, & enrichie d'annotations en marge, servans à la conference & declaration des anciens & modernes noms des villes, regions, simples, & autres lieux & termes obscurs comprins en icelle. À quoy a estê adiousté vn traité des pois & mesures antiques, reduites à la façon des Francoise ... Le tout fait & mis en François par Antoine Dv Pinet ... & denuis pour ceste seconde impression, diligemment & doctement reneu & orné de plusieurs riches annotations & explications sur certains lieux difficiles, par ledit sieur, un peu auant sa mort. À Lyon, À la Salemandre par Claude Senneton, M.D.LXVI.

2 vols. Printer's device on both title pages, head- and tailpieces.

Very scarce. Translated by Antoine Du Pinet, sieur de Noroy [1515?-1584?].

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424459-61].

156. French, 1580-1.
L'Histoire dv Monde de C. Pline Second, collationnée & corrigæ sur plusieurs vieux exemplaires latins ... À quoy a esté adiousté vn Traité des poix & measures antiques ... Le tovt mis en François, par Antoine Dv Pinet, seigneur de Noroy: & despuis en caste troisieme impression & derniere edition augmenté ... & reueu ... Premier [-Second] Tome. A Lyon, Par Charles Pesnot, 1580-1.

2 vols. [Vol 1] 4°: *4 **6 ***4 a-z6 A-2K6 2L4 2A-H6; ??l.; [Vol 2] 4°: A6 D8 C-Zz6 AA-RR6 SS8 a-h6 i4 (a1 and i4 blank).; ??l. The index in each volume has a special title page with imprint: A Lyon, A la Salemandre par Claude Senneton, 1562. Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424463-5].

157. French, 1584.
L'Histoire dv Monde. Collationnes & corrigée sur plusieurs vieux exemplaires latins, trat imprez qu'ecrits à la main, & enrichie d'annotaions en marge, seruans à la confrence & declaration des anciens & modernes noms des villes, regions, simples, & autres lieux & termes obscurs comprins en icelle. À quoy a esté adiousté vn traité des poix & mesures antiques, reduittes à la façon des François ... Le tovt mis en François, par Antoine dv Pinet, seigneur de Noroy: & depuis en ceste 3. impression & derniere ed. augmenté de plusieurs nouuelles annotations fort vtiles & necessaires, & reueu en plusieurs lieux & endroits difficiles, & encores non expliques. Lyon, A. Tardie, 1584.

2 vols. Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 461, 671-90 [NP 0424467].

158. French, 1622.
L'Histoire dv monde de C. Pline ... Paris, Lovys Giffart, Clavde Morlot, & Robert Davfresne, 1622.

2 vols. in one.

Very scarce. Colophon dated 1621. Title vignette.

159. French, 1729.
Histoire naturelle de l'or et de l'argent [microform]: extraite de Pline le naturaliste, livre XXXIII: avec le texte latin, corrige sur les mss. de Vossius et sur la I. edition, et eclairci par des remarq. nouvelles, outre celles de J.F. Gronovius & un poeme sur la chute de l'homme et sur les ravages de l'or et de l'argent ... par David Durand. Londres: Chez G. Bowyer & se trouve chez l'auteur, 1729.

lxxii, 258 p.

Very scarce. Includes side-notes. Includes bibliographical references.

Durand, David, 1680-1763. // Gronovius, Joannes Fredericus, 1611-1671.

David Durand. (Born: 1680; Died: 1763) English historian. Need Biography.

Bibliographical references: (Durand) Allibone, Dictionary of English Literature, 1859-71. BBA: I 353, 288-293. DNB. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). Watt, Bibliotheca Britannica, 1824. WBI.

160. French, 1771-8 [French transl.].
Histoire Naturelle | De Pline | Traduite En François, | Avec Le Texte Latin | rétabli d'après les meilleures leçons manuscrites; | Accompagnée | De Notes critiques pour l'éclaircissement du texte, | & d'Observations sur les connoissances des Anciens | comparés avec les découvertes des Modernes. | Tome Premier. | [ornament] | A Paris, | Chez la Desaint, Libraire, rue de Foin, près de la rue S. Jacques. | [double rule] | M. DCC. LXXI. | Avec Appropation Et Privilege Du Roi.

12 vols. Page size: 210 x 270 mm. Rare.

161. French, 1845.
Histoire des animaux, Paris, Lefevre [etc.] 1845.

[4], 664 p.

Very scarce. Translation, with Latin text at foot of page, of books vii-xi of the author's Naturalis historia.

Gueroult, Pierre Claude Bernard, 1744-1821.

Spanish editions

162. Spanish, 1599.
Tradvcion de los libros de Caio Plinio Segvndo, de la Historia natvral de los animales. En Madrid, Por Luis Sanchez. Ano M.D.XCIX.

4°: [20], 314 (i.e., 312) numb.l

Very scarce. Title vignette (arms of Philip III, the dedicatee). Printer's mark on verso of prelim. leaf 10. Page 62 misnumb. 64; nos. 64-65 omitted in paging. Contains libros 7 & 8; a 2d vol. containing libro 9 appeared in 1603; the complete translation, 37 libros, was published in 2 v., 1624-29, as Historia natural ...

Gomez de Huerta, Jeronimo, 1573-1643, tr.

163. Spanish, 1624-9 [Spanish transl.].
Historia Natvral de Cayo Plinio Segvndo. Tradvcida por el licenciado Geronimo de Hverta ... Y ampliada por el mismo, con escolios y anotaciones, en que aclara lo oscuro y dudoso, y añade lo no sabido hasta estos tiempos ... Madrid, Luis Sanchez [vol. 2, Juan Gonçalez], 1624-9.

2 vols. [Vol 1: 1624] 2°: [16], 907 [904], [28] p., woodcut portrait of De Huerta on the verso of the second leave, 3 double-plate woodcuts of animals, fishes, birds, and insects, a double-page map of the two hemispheres and a full-page woodcut of the Creation.; [Vol 2: 1629] 2°: [16], 720, [15] p. Page size: 285 x 200 mm.

Very scarce. First illustrated Spanish edition of Pliny, translated by Jerónimo Gómez de Huerta [1573-1643], physician to King Philip IV and doctor of the Sacred Office of the Inquistion. The second volumes contains chapters on medicine and pharmacy and on plants and medicnal uses, giving references to the works of Dioscorides, the "Father of Pharmacy."

Bibliographical references: Brunet: 4, 718. NUC: 461, 761-90 [NP 0424524]. Palau, Manual, 1948-77: 6, 128.

164. Dutch, 1733.
Des wijd-vermaerden natuurkondigers vijf Boecken. Handelende van de Nature [...]. Hier zijn by-gevoeght de Schriften van verscheyden andere oude Autheuren, de Natuur de Dieren aengaende. En nu desen laetsten Druck wel het vierde part vermeerdert [...] en met veel kopere Platen verciert. t' Amsterdam, bij Isaak van der Putte, 1733.

Klein in-8°: 568 [inclusief de gegraveerde titel]-[8] pp. (licht gebruind).

Very scarce. Eigentijdse band: volperkament, gladde rug (lichte slijtage met grote bruine vlek op 2de plat). Pittoresk geïllustreerde (c. 50 houtsneden !) en vulgariserende uitgave van de traditionele natuurhistorie naar Plinius en anderen waarin achtereenvolgens aan bod komen: de mens, de viervoeters, de vogels, de insekten, de vissen en schaaldieren. s Herkomst: Riboulleau; Ch. Cools Onderwijzer (handschriftelijke ex-libris).ü Édition de vulgarisation des oeuvres de Pline et autres traitant de l'homme, des quadrupèdes, oiseaux, insectes, poissons et crustacés. Titre gravé et nombreux bois in texto (parfois rudimentairement rehaussés de rouge. Plein parchemin (ex. lég. bruni; tache au 2d plat).
