PINI, Ermenegildo.
(1739 – 1825)
Pini was a member of the Order of the Barnabites, and was employed as a professor of natural history at the University of Milan. He wrote many works founded on the natural sciences. His Introduzione allo Studio della Storia Naturale (Milano, 1773; [10], 13-165 p.) contains a history and bibliography of these sciences.
Biographical references: ABI: I 788, 47-58; II 470, 312-313; II S 65, 191-197. Benvenuti, Dizionario degli Italiani all'Estero, 1890. Biographie Universelle: 33, 369 [Born 1741]. De Tipaldo, Biografia degli Italiani, 1834-45. Ferchl: 413. Imperatori, Dizionario di Italiani all'Estero, 1956. Nagler, Neues allgemeines Künstler-Lexikon, 1835-52. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer): 40, 271. Poggendorff: 2, cols. 454-5. Rovida, C., Elogio di Ermenegildo Pini. Milano, G. Truffi, 1832. 141 p. [OkU]. WBI.
1. Italian, 1777.
Osservazioni | Mineralogiche Su La Miniera | Di Ferro Di Rio | Ed Altre Parti | Dell' Isola D'Elba. | Di | Ermenegildo Pini | C.R.B. | [ornament] | [ornate rule] | In Milano presso Giuseppe Marelli. | Con licenza de' Superiori. | M. DCC. LXXVII.
12°: 110 p., one folding plate, one folding map.
Rare. In this mineralogical monograph, there is a description of the iron mines of the Island of Elba.
Bibliographical references: BL [665.b.7.]. Hoover Collection: no. 641. LKG: XIV 532. NUC: 459, 72-3 [NP 0374901]. Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 1786.
2. German, 1780 [German transl.].
Mineralogische Beobachtungen über die Eisengrube bey Rio und in andern Gegenden der Insel Elba von Ermenegildo Pini. Aus dem Italiänischen ins Teutsche übersetzt, und mit den neuern Bemerkungen Herrn Köstlin u.a. vermehrt, nebst einer Abhandlung von besondern Kristallgestalten des Feldspats, herausgegeben von Johann Friedrich Gmelin. Halle, bey Johann Jacob Gebauer, 1780.
8°: [10], 158 p., [4] leaves of plates.
Rare. Translation by Karl Heinrich Köstlin [1754/5-1783] of Osservazioni Mineralogiche sur la Miniera di Ferro (Milano, 1777) and edited by Johann Friedrich Gmelin [1748-1804]. There is also some additional commentary supplied by the translator and editor.
Another German transl., 1792: Mineralogische Beobachtungen über die Eisen-Bergwercke, auf der Insel Elba, published in: Friedrich August Weber's, Mineralogische Beschreibungen merkwürdiger Gebirge und Vulkane Italiens, vol. 2 (1792). [BL, 972.g.33.].
Bibliographical references: LKG: XIV 533a. NUC: 459, 72-3 [NP 0374898]. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 2, 304.
3. French, 1779.
Memoire | Sur Des Nouvelles | Cristallisations | De Feldspath | Et Autres Singularités Renfermeés | Dans Les Granites Des Environs | De Baveno. | Par Hermenegilde Pini Barnabite | Professeur d'Histoire Naturelle | à Milan. | [ornament] | À Milan chez Joseph Marelli | Avec approbation. | MDCCLXXIX.
8°: 62 p., [2] fold. leaves of plates
Very scarce. Description of the various crystallization forms of feldspar found in the granite surrounding Baveno, Italy. This particular feldspar occurance is noted for a well developed and specific type of twin now now as a "Baveno twin," due to this first comprehensive study.
Bibliographical references: BL [B.410.(2.)]. LKG: XIV 648. NUC: 459, 72-3 [NP 0374896]. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 2, 304. Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 1787.
4. Latin, 1779-80 [First edition].
Hermenegildi Pini | C.R.S.P. | De Venarum Metallicarum | Excoctione | [double rule] | Volumen I. | Quo in V. Libros tributo | Explicantur, quæ ad eam rem generatim faciunt. | [ornament] | [ornate rule] | Mediolani, ex Typographia Josephi Marelli. | Cum Approbatione. | M.DCC.LXXIX.
2 vols. [Vol 1: 1779] 8°: [8], 275, [2] p., 12 folded leaves of plates. [Vol 2: 1780] 8°: [12], 235 (i.e., 335), [1] p., 24 folded leaves of plates. Pages 334-335 misnumbered 234-235.
Rare. Describes the metallic minerals and mineral industries.
Bibliographical references: BL [1651/1641.]. Hoover Collection: no. 640. NUC: 459, 72-3 [NP 0374889]. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 2, 304.
5. Latin, 1780-1 [Another edition].
H. Pini de venarum metallicarum excoctione. Vindobonæ, 1780-1.
2 vols. Very rare.
Bibliographical references: BL [445.d.10.].
6. Italian, 1783 [First edition].
Memoria | Mineralogica | Sulla Montagna | E Sui Contorni Di S. Gottardo | Di Ermenegildo Pini | C.R.B. | [ornament] | In Milano | [double rule] | nella Stamperia di Giuseppe Marelli | Con licenza de' Superiori. | MDCCLXXXIII.
8°: [16], 128 p., one plate.
Very scarce. Description of the mineralogical wonders around St. Gothard in the Alps.
Bibliographical references: BL [B.237.(2.)]. LKG: XIV 485. NUC: 459, 72-3 [NP 0374897].
7. German, 1784 [German transl.].
Hermenegild Pini | über den | S. Gotthardsberg | und seine | umliegenden Gegenden. | [rule] | Aus dem | Italienischen übersetzt. | [ornament] | [double rule] | Wien, | in der Johann Paul Kraußischen Buchhandlung, | 1784.
8°: [12], 188, [2] p., one map. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: BL [726.f.2.(2.)]. LKG: XIV 486a. NUC: 459, 72-3 [NP 0374906]. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 2, 304.
8. Italian, 1790.
Di Alcuni Fossili Singolari della Lombardia Austriaca, e di Altre Parti dell'Italia Memoria di Ermenegildo Pini nella quale Trattasi pure di un Vulcanosupposto nella Lombardia Medesima ... Milano, 1790.
8°: 48 p.
Very scarce. Petrology.
Bibliographical references: LKG: XIV 649a. NUC: 459, 72-3 [NP 0374894].