PILLING, Matthias Zacharius.
(1600? – 1674)
(Born: ?; Died: Altenberg, Germany, 1674) German physician.
Biographical references: DBA: I 958, 398-399. • Hirsch, Biographisches Lexikon, 1884-8: ??. • Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1750-51. • WBI.
1. Latin, 1674.
Bitumen | & | Lignum | Fossile Bitumi- | nosum | Cum Indice gemino, | descriptum | à | D. Matthia Zacha- | ria Pillingen, | Medico Altenburgensi.. | [rule] | Altenburgi, | Typis Gothofredi Richteri, Typ. Aul. | Anno 1674.
8°: [8], 114, [6] p.
Very rare. This lengthy work appears to deal primarily with coal, petroleum, peat, and the like, which were of tremendous importance in the seventeenth century German economy.
Bibliographical references: Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 2, 158. • LKG: XVI 261. • VD17: 39:115410N.
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