Schuh’s Annotated Bio-Bibliography

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PILLER, Mathias.

(1733 – 1788)

(Born: Graz, Austria, 25 April 1733; Died: Budapest, Hungary, 10 October 1788) Austrian jesuit.

Biographical references: DBA: I 958, 363-366. Papp, Magyar Topografikus. 2002: p, 408. WBI. Wurzbach, Biographisches Lexikon Österreich, 1856-91.

1. Latin, 1778.
Elementa Historiae Naturalis in usum Scholarum Grammaticarum et Gymnasiorum per Ragnum Hungariae et Provincias eidem admexas ... Budae, Typis Regiae Universitatis, 1778.

3 parts in one volume. 8°:

Rare. In 1778, the third part of Piller's Elementa Historiæ Naturalis appeared. It deals with the mineral realm, and, although written in Latin, is the first textbook published in Hungary in the subject. It is targeted at primary and secondary education students.

Contents: Pars 1, completens regnum animale ; Pars 2, complectens regnum vegetabile ; Pars 3, completens regnum minerale.

Bibliographical references: Papp, Magyar Topografikus. 2002.

2. Latin, 1783.
Iter per Poseganam Sclavoniae provinciam, mensibus Junio et Julio anno M.DCCLXXXII. susceptum a Mathias Piller et Ludwig Mitterpacher. Budae, 1783.

4°: 147 p., 16 plates.

Rare. Co-authored with Ludwig Mitterpacher. This is an account of a natural history trip taken by the authors in June and July of 1782. Included are notes on the mineralogy of the areas travelled through.

Bibliographical references: BL: 151.d.9.. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 200. LKG: XIV 854.

3. Latin, 1792.
Collectio naturalium quæ e triplici regno minerali, animali et vegetabili undequaque completa post obitum ... Mathiæ Piller ... reperta est. Græcij, 1792.


Very rare. Published after the author's death, this is the first printed catalogue of a natural history collection including minerals to be published on a Hungarian collection (Piller's). It is divided into three divisions of mineral, animal and vegetable.

Bibliographical references: BL [7383.d.15.(2.)].
