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PILLA, Leopoldo.

(1805 – 1848)

(Born: Venafro, Terra di Lavoro, Italy, 20 October 1805; Died: Curtatone, Italy, 29 May 1848) Italian geologist.

In 1841 Pilla was appointed professor of mineralogy and geology at the University of Pisa. He died at a young age.

Biographical references: ABI: I 786, 232-256; II 469, 409-413. Poggendorff: 2, cols. 452-3. WBI.

1. Italian, 1840.
Studi di Geologia ovvero conoscenze elementari della Scienza della Terra. Parte I. Trattato mineralogico dell Rocce. Napoli, 1840.

8°: XVI, 136 p. Very scarce.

2. Italian, 1845.
Breve Cenno | Sulla | Ricchezza Minerale | Della Toscana | Di Leopoldo Pilla | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | [ornament] | Pisa 1845 | Typis Rocco Vannucchi.

8°: 224, [2] p. Page size: 216 x 124 mm.

Very scarce. This topographical mineralogy presents an account of the mineral riches in the region around Tuscany, Italy.

Related work: Pilla wrote a useful study recounting the development of mineralogy and geology in Italy: "Cenno storico sui progressi della Orittognosia e della Geognosia in Italia," Il Progresso della Scienze delle Lettere e delle Arti, 2 (1832), pp. 37-81, 3 (1832), pp. 165-234 & 5 (1833), pp. 5-41.

Bibliographical references: Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 1783.
