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PECIRKA, Joseph.

(1818 – 1870)

(Born: 1818; Died: 1870) Czech author.

Biographical references: Czech National Library (NKC).

1. German, 1853 [Second edition].
Grundlinien der reinen Krystallographie. Eine Anleitung zum Studium der mineralischen Krystallformen von Jos. Pecírka. Zweite Auflage mit 84 abbildungen. Prag, Karl André, 1853.

8°: [4], 67, [1] p., 84 text illus.

Rare. Crystallography.

Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed].

2. Czech, 1853 [First edition].
Nerostopis | Pro | Nižší gymnasia a realní školy. | [rule] | Sepsal | Dr. Jos. Pečírka. | Se šesti litogr. tabulkami. | [rule] | V Praze 1853. | Nákladem Kněhkupectví J.G. Calve. | B. Tempký.

8°: π6 1-78 84; 68l.; [12], [1]-124 p., 6 folding plates with diagrams of 30 cut out paper crystal models. Page size: 218 x 130 mm. uncut.

Contents: [2 pgs], Half title page, "Nerostopsi," verso blank.; [2 pgs], Title page, verso "Tiskem Kat. Jeřabkové."; [4 pgs], "Připomenutí | o lepení vzorků hlatipisních."; [2 pgs], "Obsah." [=table of contents].; [2 pgs], "Seznamenání vzorků hlatních." [1]-109, Text.; 110-124, "Rejstřík." [=index].; [At end], 6 folding plates.

Rare. This is an introductory work for high school students to crystallography in the Czech language; however, the author utilizes both Czech and German terminology in his mineral names (the German printed in a distinctive swabach font). At the end are six lithographic plates showing 30 figures that were intended to be cut out, folded and glued to create paper crystal models-these are probably the first Czech paper ones!

Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed].

3. German, 1853 [German transl.].
Krystallnetze | zu | Modellen der sämmtlichen einfachen Krystallgestalten | nebst | einigen Combinationen. | [rule] | Herausgegeben | von | Dr. Joseph Pečirka. | Sechs lithogr. Tafeln. | [rule] | Prag, 1853. | Verlag der J.G. Calve'schen Buchhandlung. | F. Tempsky.

8°: [8] p., 6 folding plates of cut-out and paste crystal models. Page size: 220 x 125 mm.

Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [2 pgs], "Verzeichniss der gezeichneten Krystallmodellnetze."; [4 pgs], "Anweisung zur Verfertignng [!] der Krystallmodelle."; [At end], 6 folding plates at end.

Rare. Translation of Nerostopis pro Nižší Gymnasia a Realní Školy (Praze, 1853). The plates are the same as the original edition.

Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed].
