Schuh’s Annotated Bio-Bibliography

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OWEN, David Dale.

(1807 – 1860)

(Born: Braxfield House, Lamarkshire, Scotland, 24 June 1807; Died: New-Harmony, Indiana, U.S.A., 13 November 1860) Scottish/American geologist.

Biographical references: Adams, Dictionary of American Authors, 1904. Allibone, Dictionary of English Literature, 1859-71. Appleton Cyclopedia of American Biography. BBA: I 840, 33-38. Boase, Modern English Biography, 1892-1921. Chamber's Scottish Biographical Dictionary, 1996. DAB. DBA: 1 1219, 424-438; II 456, 120-123. Drake, Dictionary of American Biography, 1872. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition. Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography. Kelley & Burrage, American Medical Biography, 1928. National Cyclopedia of American Biography. Poggendorff: 3, 995.

1. English, 1840 [Collection catalog].
Catalogue of mineralogical and geological specimens, at New Harmony, Indiana collected in various parts of Europe and America by William Maclure. Arranged for distribution by David Dale Owen. New Harmony, Ind., 1840.

8°: [1]-15, [1] p. Notes: "Arranged for distribution at the request of Miss Maclure and Alexander Maclure."-Title page. Rare.

Bibliographical references: USGS Library Catalog.
