Schuh’s Annotated Bio-Bibliography

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ORSCHALL, Johann Christian.

(1660? – ?)

Biographical references: DBA: I 920, 46. Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1750-51. WBI.

1. German, 1696.
Wunder Drey/ | Das ist: | Beschriebung | Dreyer | Dem Ansehen nach | Unannehmlicher | der Practic nach | aber wohl | Practicabler | Particularien, | Auß eigener Experienz | Von Einem Liebhaber | der Chymie. | [rule] | In Verlegung Jost Henrich Dressers, | Buchhändler in Cassel. | Druckts Henrich Harmes/ Fürstl. Hess. Hof= | Buchdrucker/ Im Jahr 1696.

12°: π4 A-C12 D6; 46l.; [8], 1-84 p. Page size: 128 x 72 mm.

Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [4 pgs], Dedication to Herrn Carl.; [2 pgs], "Vorerinnerung."; 1-84, Text.

Very scarce. Describes various chemical and alchemical operations from the practical viewpoint. Special attention is given to the properties and reactions of mercury with other compounds. Of particular interest to mineralogy are some of the earliest descriptions of procedures for analyzing and assaying the ores of lead, zinc, tin, copper, silver and gold. Throughout the text, Orschall has included detailed "Processus" on the manipulation of reagents and apparatus in numerous experiments.

2. German, 1686 [Supplement].
Wunder=Dreyes | Continuatio, | Welches sind fernere | Experimenta. | So in Elaboratione | Dieser | Drey Processen | observirt, | In Anno 1684. heraußgegebenen | Wunderdrey/ | Auß sonderer Lieb deß Nächsten | heraußgegeben | Von | Eben selbigem | Authore. | [rule] | In Verlegung Johann Ingebrands/ | Buchhändler in Cassel. | Marburg druckts Johann Heinrich Stock/ | Im Jahr 1686.

8°: A-F12 G4; 76l.; [1]-152 p. Page size: 128 x 72 mm. Very scarce.

Contents: [1-2], Title page, verso blank.; [3]-8, Dedication to Herrn Carl.; 9-20, "Erinnerungs Vorrede."; 21-152, Text.
