Schuh’s Annotated Bio-Bibliography

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OLMSTED, Denison.

(1791 – 1859)

(Born: 1791; Died: 1859) American physicist.

Biographical references: ABA: I 1209, 98-120; II 451, 391. Appleton Cyclopedia of American Biography. Drake, Dictionary of American Biography, 1872. Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography. National Cyclopedia of American Biography. WBI. Who Was Who in America.

1. English, 1819.
Outlines of the lectures on chemistry, mineralogy, & geology, delivered at the University of North-Carolina... Raleigh [N.C.], Printed by J. Gales, 1819.

8°: 44 p. Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: Evans, American Bibliography: no. 48982. NUC.
