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NUSSLEIN, Franz Anton.

(1776 – 1832)

(Born: Bamberg, Germany, 7 May 1776; Died: Dillingen, Germany, 22 March 1832) German theologian & educator.

Nsslein was appointed successively at the Gymnasium of Bamberg, Instructor of Grammer (1802), Philosophy (1803) and Natural History (1804); professor of philiosophy at the Lyceum of Amberg, 1809-11; Dillingen, 1811-16, Aschaffenberg, 1816-17, ending finally at Dillingen, where he was appointed director, 1821.

Biographical references: ADB. DBA: I 906, 222-228; II 957, 432-434. Hamberger & Meusel, Gelehrte Teutschland, 1796-1834. Poggendorff: 2, cols. 303-4. WBI.

Versuch, 1810

1. German, 1810.
Versuch | eines | neuen Systems | der | mineralogisch-einfachen | Fossilien. | Nebst | einer Einleitung in die Mineralogie. | [tapered rule] | Von | Franz Anton Nüsslein, | Professor. | [tapered rule] | [tapered rule] | Bamberg und Wurzburg, | bey Joseph Anton Goebhardt, | 1810.

8°: ?? p. A study on Nüsslein's new system of mineralogy, that also acts as an introduction to the science. Rare.

Bibliographical references: BL [973.a.21.(3.)]. Katalog Bergakademie Freiberg, 1879: p. 486 [VI. 325.]. LKG: XII 182.

2. German, 1812.
Schematische | Darstellung | der | Mineralkörper | nach ihren | Klassen, Ordnungen, Geschlechtern | und | Familien. | [tapered rule] | Von | Franz Anton Nüsslein. | [tapered rule] | Nürnberg, | bei Johann Leonhard Schrag. | 1812.

8°: 72 p.

Rare. This small work should not be considered more than as a study of the complete mineral kingdom from its various parts and gradations by the one rule of "Trias" according to "construiren".-Leonard's Taschenbuch

Bibliographical references: BL [972.g.35.(2.)]. Leonard's Taschenbuch: 7 (1813), p. 548. LKG: XII 183a.

3. German, 1818.
Ueber die Begründung eines natürlichen Systems der Mineralogie von Franz Anton Nüsslein. Bamberg und Leipzig, bei Carl Friedrich Kunz, 1818.

8°: [2], 63, [1] p. Rare.

Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed]. Katalog Bergakademie Freiberg, 1879: p. 486 [VI. 370.]. NUC.

4. German, 1818.
Ueber der Verhältnisse der Gefüges zur Form im Reiche des Krystallisation von Franz Anton Nüsslein ... Bamberg, 1818.

18°: 78 p. A study on the combination of forms in realm of crystals. Very rare.

Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed]. Katalog Bergakademie Freiberg, 1879: p. 486 [VI. 407.]. Poggendorff: 2, 303-304.
