NOGGERATH, (Johann) Jacob.
(1788 – 1877)
Commissioner of mines in various Rhineland provinces, Nöggerath became professor of mineralogy at the University of Bonn, and he was later appointed director of the natural history museum.
Biographical references: Poggendorff: 2, cols. 292-4.
Mineralogische Studien über die Gebirge am Niederrhein. Nach der Handschrift eines Privatiairenden von K.W. Nose herausgegeben von J.J. Noggerath. (Frankfurt am Mainz, 1808).See under: Nose, Karl Wilhelm.
1. German, 1822-6.
Das Gebirge | in | Rheinland=Westphalen | nach | mineralogischem und chemischem Bezuge. | Herausgegeben | von | Dr. Jakob Nöggerath, | [...3 lines of titles and memberships...] | [rule] | Erster Band. | Mit sieben illustirten Steintafeln. | [tapered rule] | Bonn, | bei Eduard Weber | 1822.
4 vols. [Vol 1: 1822] 8°: xii, 370, [2] p. [Vol 2: 1823] 8°: x, 387, [3] p. [Vol 3: 1824] 8°: viii, 291, [1] p. [Vol 4: 1826] 8°: viii, 390, [2] p., with 22 engraved plates, of which 17 handcoloured and many folding. Page size: 205 x 120 mm.
Very scarce. The present work is Nöggerath's most important publication describing the mineralogy and geology of the mountains of the Rhineland and Westphalia and was the first and standard work on the subject. According to the first volume, annual volumes were to appear, but the series stopped after the fourth was issued. Nöggerath used all the tools at his command including chemistry to investigate the minerals, rocks, and geology of the mountains. Many others contributed important papers to this series, these Nöggerath edited and frequently wrote notes and additions to them. The very descriptive observations are by today's standards quaint artifacts of a different age, but they are nevertheless useful for their historical perspective. The plates show hand-colored maps, geological cross sections and views.
Bibliographical references: Bartels, Geologie und Bergbau, 1996: p. 27 & no. 106. • BMC: 3, 1440 [lacks vol. 4]. • NUC [NN 0284077]. • Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 1659.