Schuh’s Annotated Bio-Bibliography

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NIVEN, William.

(1850 – 1937)

(Born: 1850; Died: 1937) American mineral dealer & museologist.

Ended his career in Texas as the director of the Huston Museum of Natural History.

Biographical references: ABA: I 1190, 180-184; II 444, 146. Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography. WBI. Who's Who in America, 1899-1909.

1. English, c1888 [Sale catalog].
[Contained within a ornamental single rule box:] Illustrated * Catalogue | -Of- | Minerals, Cut Gems, Fossils, | Indian Relics, Japanese | Bronzes, Curios, Bra- | zilian Butterflies, | Birds' Nests, And | [ornament] Arizona Petrified Wood. [ornament] | [rule] | Price, Ten Cents. | [rule] | William Niven, | 739 & 741 Broadway, | New York.

8°: 90 p. Very rare.

Bibliographical references: NUC.
