(1897 – )
1. German, 1897 [Bibliography].
Bibliotheks-Katalog | des | Museum Francisco-Carolinum | in | Linz a. D. | [ornate rule] | Verfasst von | Gustav Bancalari | k.u.k. Oberst d. R. | Herausgegeben vom Verwaltungsrathe des Museum. | [ornate rule] | Linz 1897. | Commission Hofbuchhandlung Vinzenz Fink. | Druck von J. Wimmer.
8°: [i]-ix, [1]-668 p.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; [iii], Dedication to Adolf Dürrnberger.; [iv], Blank.; [v]-ix, "Vorwort."; [1]-668, Text.
Scarce. Compilied by Gustav Bancalari [1841-1900], this is the second catalog of the library (the first was issued in 1845), and it contains 14,930 titles (22,372 vols.), including about 1500 titles on Austria-Hungary. The catalog is classified into 16 main divisions, including one for geology and mineralogy. It is especially rich in those books published with in the Austro-Hungarian empire.
Supplement, 1900: Bibliotheks-katalog des Museum Francisco-Carolinum in Linz a.D. II. nachtrag. Bücherzugang 1896-1900, 15. april. Verfasst von Gustav Bancalari ... Herausgegeben vom Verwaltungsrathe des Museums. Linz, Commission hofbuchhandlung V. Fink, 1900. [4], [699]-767 p. Lists an additional 1981 titles.
Bibliographical references: BL. Bridson, History of Natural History, 1994: Bc275.