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MORALES, Gaspar de.

(1565? – ?)

1. Latin, 1605.
Libro De Las | Virtvdes Y Pro- | piedades marauillosas de las | piedras preciosas. | Compuesto por Gaspar de Mo- | rales Boticario. | Dirigido a nuestra Señora del | Pilar de Zaragoça. | [ornament] | Con Privilegio. | En Madrid por Luis Sanchez: | Año M. DC. V. | [rule] | A costa de Blas Gonzaçalez, mercader de libros.

8°: A-Aaa8; 384l.; [8], 378 (i.e., 372), 4l. Treatise describing the virtues and supposed medical properties of various precious stones.

Rare. Libro de las Virtvdes y Propiedades Marauillosas de las Piedras Preciosas is concerned with the marvelous virtues and properties of precious stones. The work is primarily a compilation and cites ten or a dozen past authorities for each stone. Such powers in gems as that of the topaz to promote hilarity and of the diamond to win love, come not from the primary qualities but from celestial virtue.

Bibliographical references: BL. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 2, 7 & 25. LKG: XVI 197. Sinkankas, Gemology Bibliography, 1993: no. 4582. Thorndike, History of Magic, 1923-58: 7, 241-2.
