Schuh’s Annotated Bio-Bibliography

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MINERALS, Catalogue of.

(1815 – )

1. English, 1815.
A Catalogue of minerals, describing their general characters, for the use of learners, intended to accompany small collections. [London, Barnard & Farley] 1815.

12°: iv, 83 p. Very scarce.

2. English, 1823 [Sale catalog].
Catalogue of books to be sold at auction, on Thursday, the 13th day of February 1823, at 10 o'clock, A.M. in Joy's Buildings, Cornhill Square, Boston containing a choice collection of works upon botany and natural history, and comprising the whole library of the late William D. Peck, professor of botany and natural history in the University of Cambridge, also an extensive collection of minerals, coins, and insects, in the finest order. [Cambridge, Hilliard and Metcalf], 1823.

8°: 27 p.

Very scarce. Sale catalogue of William Dandridge Peck's [1763-1822] belongings including a collection of minerals.

3. French, 1860 [Collection catalog].
Catalogue, ou État détaillé et descriptif de la collection de produits minéraux et de fossiles recueillis dans les Htes-Pyrénées par M. J. Davezac ... Ledit catalogue dressé par lui-même ... Le tout fait avec l'assistance, la rédaction et une notice préliminaire de M. Benjamin Vignerte. Bagnères, [1860?].

8°: viii, 36 p.

Very scarce. DAVEZAC. Jean and VIGNERTE. Benjamin

Bibliographical references: BL [7106.f.4.(5.)].

4. English, 1889.
Catalogue of the minerals and woods of the regions of the states of Virginia, North and South Carolina, and Georgia, traversed by the lines of the Richmond and Danville Railroad Company, displayed in its exhibits ... Richmond, Baughman Bros., 1889.

8°: ii, 34 p. Very scarce.
